This article contains the yearly digest of the year “2013” at RS Web Solutions (@rswebsols). You can easily find all our published articles from January 2013 to December 2013 in ascending order by date. This is a yearly archive page to help our readers to give an easy-to-find list of yearly articles. Along with the article title, you can be also able to read a short excerpt of each article. If you find an interesting article that catches your attention, you can, of course, click on the “continue reading” link to read the entire article. Happy reading!
How to Build a Website – A to Z Guide for Beginners
Published on: February 21, 2013 | Listed under: Design
We have traveled far ahead of our past generations and have reached an age of information revolution. Today, the whole world revolves not around the Sun but around information and entertainment associated with it. World Wide Web or WWW is at the base of this information revolution. Though its age, if mapped against other inventions, is quite negligible but the overall impact is equal to the cumulative value of all other greatest inventions including the wheel. No one can imagine ...
Comparative review on two Laptops – Sony Laptops Vs HP Laptops
Published on: February 28, 2013 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews
Are you going to market for buying a new laptop? If your answer is positive then you have to know about some of the qualities of Sony as well as HP laptops. Both companies are well-known in the manufacturing of high quality laptops. You have to select only that company which is providing quality products in affordable price. This article will help those people who are struggling to decide between Sony and HP laptops. When you will visit the local ...
Play Store Android Apps
Published on: April 1, 2013 | Listed under: Apps & Software
Mobile Phones are the most attractive necessity of everyday life. Mobile Phones have come a long way from earlier stages. From Black & White screens to color screens, from keypad design to touch phones Mobile phones have emerged as a basic necessity. With the passage of time and advancement in the technology, the use of mobile phones is becoming more versatile. iPhone has come up with the idea of iStore where users not only can download different applications and games ...
What is New in Joomla 3?
Published on: April 8, 2013 | Listed under: Joomla
Joomla is a great innovation of the mankind in the field of Content Management system (CMS). It is undoubtedly free for downloading and a wide range foundation for publishing the content in the internet, worldwide webs and it can be used separately. It is used to make websites and online applications as well. It is award winning Joomla CMS. Joomla CMS is a content management system. It manages every piece of content to the websites. It is like an online ...
What Is Meant By Intelligent Search Engine (Java, XML)?
Published on: April 12, 2013 | Listed under: Apps & Software
The modern time has increased the use of web resources so as it needs the use of more proficient methods and functional search techniques. Those people who are newbie in the field of searching do not know properly how to search. Although, searching in the web is the common goings-on of the researchers. But the new people do not know the clear cut document that they want to search for. They are used to write documents of their interested research ...
Best Joomla Template Framework
Published on: April 16, 2013 | Listed under: Joomla
Imagine a webpage as a white canvas without having anything on it as of now. Like dexterous artist, Joomla developer has to use his/her talent to fill-up the empty canvas with masterly crafted strokes of creativity. Like how the brush & platter helps the master artist to give a shape to the thoughts, ‘Joomla template’ helps the developer to design the webpage that holds the content. What is Joomla template in technical language mean? A template is a control that ...
Road Way Mapping System
Published on: April 19, 2013 | Listed under: Apps & Software
For the movement of commuters within the city or cities nearby roads is the best mode. People find very convenient and easy to move within the city or intercity via road. They can use their own car or vehicle or use other modes of transport for the movement. Tourists who travel from other parts of the country or from the world also find it easy to use the same mode of movement within the city or intercity While moving within ...
Why Can’t Google Help Android Mobile Owners To Find Their Lost Ones!
Published on: April 23, 2013 | Listed under: Apps & Software
I am starting this article by giving some facts of Google: Yeah, the last one is quite strange for anyone who is possessive about Google and its unabated enthusiasm to bring out or take over new innovations, more often than not. It is true that Google did pay some attention towards this topic but the solution, like their other apps that are being offered now, is not reaching to one and all. This tool is limited to enterprises and the ...
Use Joomla & Joomla Extensions to Build any kind of Website – Part 1
Published on: May 6, 2013 | Listed under: Joomla
Website technologies are ever-changing which would put the beginners and novice in tailspin. By the time a newbie gets to the roots of a particular technology, the world would have gone few steps ahead by leaving the newbie stuttering. Website owners are the most confused than the web developers in choosing the right technology to develop their websites. They do not have any option but to depend on the advice of web developers. But it is desirable for the website owners also ...
Use Joomla & Joomla Extensions to Build any kind of Website – Part 2
Published on: May 9, 2013 | Listed under: Joomla
In the previous article (Part 1) we have understood Joomla, its essentials and how to install it on a local system of on hosting server. We have also gone through the basics of how to create different websites by installing the plug-ins and customization of the same. In this part, we will discuss further on some of the functionalities of Joomla that which enhance the overall appeal of websites, add little extra flavor to the aesthetics and get you the ...
Use Joomla & Joomla Extensions to Build any kind of Website – Part 3
Published on: May 12, 2013 | Listed under: Joomla
Hi there! Welcome back to ‘How to use Joomla” series. Today you would be reading the final part of the series but it won’t be the end of the subject. Joomla is vast in documentation and versatile in functionality. Hence we would come across soon with new updates or fresh news snippets about Joomla. In the previous article (Part 2) we have seen and understood how Joomla’s Admin panel works, organizes and helps your online operations. In continuation to that, ...
Best Free Joomla 3.x Templates as of May 2013
Published on: May 15, 2013 | Listed under: Joomla
Now Joomla 3.x stable release is available to download along with lots of possibilities. Bootstrap framework, Joomla User Interface (JUI) library, Icomoon Font Icon along with jQuery & Mootools – the new Joomla 3.x is much more user friendly than previous. Also it’s design is fully ready for mobile phones, not only the front-end but also the newly designed back-end. Joomla template developers also started to release templates of Joomla 3.x. But currently it is very limited. Many developers and ...
How to add your Custom Default Avatar in WordPress
Published on: May 21, 2013 | Listed under: WordPress
Here in this article I will show you how you can implement a “Custom Default Avatar” in your WordPress installation. If you are an owner of a WordPress website then there is a 95% chance that you are already enabled the Avatar option. Although who do not know about this, can easily check this option by going to your “WordPress Admin Panel” => “Settings” => “Discussion”. Here you can find one option to enable “Avatar Display” along with some other ...
Blackberry Q10 – Features & Specifications Review
Published on: May 24, 2013 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews
Blackberry is the juicy mobile product from RIM (Research-In-Motion) and there is no doubt that this gadget has reined the mobile handset market for some time. Blackberry has brought revolution in QWERTY keyboard with its feather-touch keypad. Of late, for various obvious reasons, Blackberry has lost its charm and edge over other Smartphone models. But the undying attitude exhibited by the developers has brought out a new model called Blackberry Q10 which features the famous QWERTY keypad. It appears that ...
How to Add an IFRAME in a Joomla 3.x Article
Published on: May 27, 2013 | Listed under: Joomla
Do you have the following question? If you have the above question and wish to know the answer, you are in the right place. Here in this tutorial I am giving you the step by step instructions so you can easily able to add any IFRAME content in the body section of your Joomla article. Here I am used Joomla 3.1 as reference. But this tutorial is also valid for Joomla 2.5 and all upcoming release of Joomla 3.x. By ...
Google Glass – Is It Good or Bad?
Published on: May 31, 2013 | Listed under: Product Reviews
Google is never tired of inventing new technologies that are built around ultimate user experience up on which the users should way “Wow!” The developers at Google slog day in and day out to make the curious customers to get bejeweled with wonderful apps and be ever thankful to the inventor. With Google Glass, this internet and Android apps giant has pushed the boundaries far away from imagination. Glass, if it has to be described in single phrase, can be defined ...
Android vs Windows Phone – The Smartphone Battle
Published on: June 6, 2013 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews
Introduction (Android vs Windows Phone Battle): Smartphone market has become a highly contested battleground where pitched battles are being waged by the giants from mobile manufacturing segment flexing their muscles and wielding the different models loaded with several warheads called features and apps. These wars are making news in the smartphones arena for quite a while now. These giants are being supported by innumerable confederacies called third-party apps developers and features designers who are improving or replenishing the armoury of ...
Windows 8.1 – Would it be Better than Windows 8.0?
Published on: June 9, 2013 | Listed under: Product Reviews
Introduction (Windows 8.1): In a FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) scenario no manufacturer/producer/marketer of the products can accurately guess the responses of ‘all’ the users. It is like a caterer trying to appease every tongue, which is highly impossible. There shall be voices that go out against the hard work or the best product and if these voices are strong enough to find their audience in the noisy world, they can blow the lid off the companies. Ironically every company ...
Xbox One – Specifications & Features Review
Published on: June 12, 2013 | Listed under: Product Reviews
Introduction (Xbox One Gaming Console): Who does not love games? All of us would have loved them most in childhood and would be yearning for those days to come back. The days during which hide and seek was being played in any type of neighborhood, rocking with fun and frolic. Why people love to play games? Because games give pleasure, work as stress busters and more importantly the enormous physical activity that goes in would strengthen the mental agility and ...
Best WordPress Employment Plugin (Job Posting / Recruitment / Career)
Published on: June 26, 2013 | Listed under: WordPress
If you are designing and developing a Job Portal or a Career section in your Company website and if your website backbone is already developed using WordPress, then this article will help you to find out a good WordPress Employment plugin that will help you to implement your needs easily. Although the plugins I am listing here, all are not same in features. Also all plugins may not solve your needs. Each plugins have some strong points to use and ...
Premium WordPress Themes from TemplateMonster
Published on: July 11, 2013 | Listed under: WordPress
Nowadays there are tons of technologies for building awesome websites. Every day web developers experiment with them uniting and isolating only the best things, and that’s exactly how WordPress was united with Bootstrap. Both guys have proven to be the best of their kind, that’s why uniting them was a matter of time. Due to Bootstrap WordPress themes have become more stylish and the code became pretty straightforward and easy to comprehend. Guys from TemplateMonster have come a bit forward ...
How to Deal with Google Panda and Penguin Updates?
Published on: July 15, 2013 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing
Search engines experience numerous updates every time, mostly SEO (search engine optimization) updates. In the recent past Google has introduced advanced updates which include Google Panda and Penguin. The updates are meant to improve quality of the sites displayed on the searches. Every update will focus on eliminating irrelevant sites and information from high search engine ranking. These have left some of Google users seem not to understand the difference between Google Panda and Penguin updates. Here is a detailed ...
Virtual Private Network (VPN) – Features, Security & How to Use?
Published on: July 17, 2013 | Listed under: Internet
Virtual Private Network (VPN) can be described as a communication platform among computers in an organization. It may consist of connection companies, organizations or institutions or consist of departments in an organization. This networking method is done on public networking system, mostly the internet. It is done by securing systems referred to as network protocols. Providers will consider security, geographical coverage and speed as their main determinants of the infrastructure used. The provider will offer well secured service level agreement ...
Simple & Effective CSS Tricks for your Website
Published on: July 19, 2013 | Listed under: Design
CSS is a widely used method of presenting website pages. Though an important tool of web design it has been termed as a language for the diligent. This is because the learning procedure has to be followed and understood comprehensively. This is attributed to specific details which a learner has to pay attention to in order to excel in this wonderful web presentation method. Below are discussed some CSS tricks to unlock the potential of a simple user, while practicing ...
5 Best Mid-Range Digital SLR (DSLR) Cameras
Published on: July 22, 2013 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews
The choice of a camera will be determined by the nature of the task the buyer wants to accomplish. There are specific features which determine the quality of images taken by a specific camera. Mid-range Digital SLR cameras will depict higher quality photos than the starter’s DSLRS cameras. They will have higher resolution, bigger storage and portray better weather adaptability. However, these features are not as advanced as those in professional cameras. Longer lasting shutter, the more appealing build, and ...
5 Best Professional Digital SLR (DSLR) Cameras
Published on: July 24, 2013 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews
Professional photography is characterized by high quality images, fast burst rates, extreme weather resistance and high storage capacity. While buying a Professional Digital SLR (DSLR), a photographer will therefore have to go for a brand which will serve them appropriately. The cost of the camera is indispensable. The increased growth of media, research and entertainment industries have led to the dire need for large scale production of high quality Professional Digital SLR (DSLR) cameras there these are features to consider ...
Future of Windows Phones in Smartphone Technology Market
Published on: July 26, 2013 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews
Use of Smartphones is rapidly taking over the digital world. It is the most anticipated technological colonization in the future. Invention of IOS, Android and Windows operating systems for these phones has led to greater innovations in the set of applications they offer. The world is waiting for a technology to replace the bulky computers, incorporate voice and message services as well as offer great mobility as well as the best photographic services. It should be noted that the effects ...
Top 10 Joomla SEO Tips & Tricks to Rank High in Search Engines
Published on: July 30, 2013 | Listed under: Joomla
Web site owners always strive to rank top in all search engines. Being ranked top of the search engine means that the site is visited by every person who uses their browser to search for related information. To achieve this, all site owners strive to optimize their sites such as by use of search engine optimization techniques. These include content catchy content, outstanding web- design and use of specialized words in their site identities. The most common and reliable method ...
Sony PlayStation 4 – Specifications & Features Review
Published on: August 1, 2013 | Listed under: Product Reviews
Introduction (Sony PlayStation 4 / PS4): PlayStation series by Sony is a set of unique gaming tools. The outstanding integration of the tools has managed to withstand the rapidly changing technology. There are many upgrades which come with added features and compatibility with other tools. From PlayStation 1 to PlayStation 3, Sony managed to maintain the lead in making the virtual gaming world. In 2013 Sony will boast the most recent release which is Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4). It comes with more distinctive and ...
8 Best WordPress eCommerce Plugins for Your Website
Published on: August 3, 2013 | Listed under: WordPress
Introduction (Best WordPress eCommerce Plugins): Most eCommerce WordPress site owners will opt to optimize them by the addition of plugins. These plugins ease the access of various services for the users. They will also enable the owner to make transactions directly on their site. The comfort that a visitor finds on-site will determine their willingness to return. There are basic necessities which go together with specific services which a site offers. This makes provision of plugins to connect to these ...
Canon EOS 6D Digital SLR Camera – Specifications & Features Review
Published on: August 5, 2013 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews
Introduction (Canon EOS 6D): Advancement in digital photography calls for more advanced cameras. They should include the highest possible range, fastest burst rate, greatest compatibility and highest mega pixel rating among others. Camera makers have strived to make the lightest and most comfortable to use, without compromising the performance. However, the prices of the gadget have to be put in to consideration. Below is an analysis of a recent camera in the market from Canon named Canon EOS 6D. Features ...
Merits and Demerits of Joomla
Published on: August 6, 2013 | Listed under: Joomla
Nowadays, the process of developing and designing websites has become much simpler and more intuitive with the advent of content management systems or CMS. Content management systems are ready made frameworks or infrastructures which constitute the basic rudiments of a website and can be further developed, modified and customized to fit the exclusive needs of people who want their own website. It is easy to add features and change behavior, and all this can be achieved without going into major ...
Google Analytics – Track your Business & Website Traffic
Published on: August 6, 2013 | Listed under: Service Reviews
Google Analytics is the tool which offers the insight about the visitors’ activity on your website. It is a tool which is available free of cost and is suitable for both small and big businesses. This tool lets you know, how many visitors have viewed your site. It helps you to measure the overall traffic to your website and hence will help you to take necessary steps for improving your online marketing strategies. This tool can also be used in ...
How to Increase Magento Performance & Speed?
Published on: August 7, 2013 | Listed under: Magento
Introduction (How to Increase Magento Performance & Speed): Newly installed Magento proves rather slow to use with the default settings. Most people would like to increase Magento performance and speed, and save time spent on the searches. Some will target its integration with plugins, reduces steps of execution and store cache appropriately. Some of the most applied methods are discussed below. Use Compiler to Increase Magento Performance & Speed: The compilation of Magento files will lead to better performance. This ...
WordPress Vs Joomla – Popularity, Security & Usability Comparison
Published on: August 9, 2013 | Listed under: Design
Introduction (WordPress Vs Joomla): The quality of a content management system will greatly affect the productivity of a website. The ability to add and remove information from a site, level of integration and ease of use are some of the major factors to consider when choosing a CMS. Most people will either use WordPress or Joomla to manage their sites. But there is a need to make an in-depth comparison between the two systems so as to achieve the best ...
5 Best WordPress Plugins for your Website / Blog
Published on: August 14, 2013 | Listed under: WordPress
Introduction (5 Best WordPress Plugins): WordPress is the top favored tool for outsource blogging and websites content management platform. This being open source software, it is most susceptible for spamming, broken links, etc. To manage your content smartly and effortlessly we suggest helpful plug-in to optimize your work. They allow you to modify and customize your control over the software so that you retain laser focus over producing quality content. Here we list down 5 glitches experienced with this software ...
Nikon D7100 Digital SLR Camera – Features & Specifications Review
Published on: August 30, 2013 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews
Nikon has strived to come up with the best APS-C DSLR camera in the market. This is done by significant improvements of the camera in their series. This includes the D-series. Their aim is to achieve higher resolution, lighter weight, greater compatibility and higher storage capacity among other factors. This has led to a release of a new DLR camera year after year. This is appropriate as their competitors are also in the rush to give the best camera in ...
Avoid Common UX Mistakes in Responsive Web Design
Published on: September 4, 2013 | Listed under: Design
Most designers often delay in seeking the users’ feedbacks at early stages. In fact, they opt for suggestions after completion of the project that often delivers damaging results. Developing a responsive web design relies on survey as well as market research and behavior research that help in planning the designing strategies. Beginning the research in the end makes no sense at all. Market research collects data based on users’ opinions, whereas behavior research observes the actual performance of the products ...
Why WordPress Is the Most Utilized Website Platform in the World?
Published on: September 4, 2013 | Listed under: WordPress
Almost the instant that WordPress became available online it was labeled as “blogging” software. Since then, millions of website owners have come to know the unlimited power that WordPress provides. While it is true it has phenomenal blogging capabilities, it represents only a small portion of what the platform can do. WordPress offers significant SEO benefits and creative custom abilities in its web design. With more than 75 million sites already utilizing its benefits, it provides greater accessibility, faster communication ...
Things You Must Do When Changing the WordPress Theme
Published on: September 6, 2013 | Listed under: WordPress
When you revisit some WordPress sites, then you may note some change in the appearance of the site since your last visit. This change has been made by changing the WordPress theme of the site. It is very easy to change the blog design completely thorough WordPress. Before changing the design of your blog it is necessary to do some tasks so that the change works smoothly. Here are the tasks which you must do when changing the theme of ...
jQuery Tips & Tutorials to Enhance Your Website
Published on: September 7, 2013 | Listed under: Programming
There are many programs which can be used for posting and making of codes in the online world. You can use jQuery for making your codes to get different types of tasks done with increased efficiency and progress. This system can generate code to be used in HTML and other modes and results are obtained through automation of routine tasks. You can handle different events and manage your documents along with getting more benefits by using jQuery in your routine ...
Advantages of Joomla
Published on: September 13, 2013 | Listed under: Joomla
Introduction (Advantages of Joomla): Joomla is providing many types of advantages for users due to which may users preferred it over other systems. Due to these advantages of Joomla it is the first choice of many people and they are willing to use it for their personal and professional needs. You can try this system and check the advanced options for making your online presence and getting benefits in a short time period. Free to Use :: Advantages of Joomla Joomla is ...
5 Essential Steps to Maximize your Website Performance
Published on: September 18, 2013 | Listed under: Design
If you’ve got your own business or organisation having your own website is a must in order to keep customers, supporters and other interested parties up to date and informed about all of your activities. However, if your website isn’t doing as well as you’d like it can be frustrating, especially if you’ve got competitors whose sites are really taking off. So here are some essential steps to take in order to maximize your website performance and revolutionize your online presence. 1. ...
Wearable Tech (Smart Watch / Google Glass) – Is it here to stay?
Published on: September 25, 2013 | Listed under: Product Reviews
Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you won’t have been able to avoid all the talk and hype about wearable tech recently. In the last few months we have had Google Glass, watches that are advanced as your smart phone and all sorts of other innovative inventions. Technology companies are constantly ploughing money into idea and product development in the hope that they’ll soon stumble upon the next big thing in the world of gadgets. And though this ...
Rethink Before Considering Responsive Web Design
Published on: October 9, 2013 | Listed under: Design
Forrester Research Inc., has estimated that the US e-retail sales will observe a compound growth rate of 10% in the next five years. According to the source (Forrester), it will be $370 billion by 2017. This is an encouraging figure for the eCommerce industry. According to the projection of eMarketer Inc., the mobile devices will play an important role behind this growth. The forecast data shows that the US retail mobile commerce sales will grow up to $39 billion by ...
How to Increase Social Media and Organic Visitors
Published on: October 28, 2013 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing
Traffic on the website is considered as one of the best and appropriate ways to know the performance of your website on the web. We can measure or scale the success of the website via the amount of visitors coming on your website receiving in a day, a week and a month. This is also considered as one of the best ways to decide, which marketing strategy is more effective and is giving the best results to your website. It ...
X-Cart Framework – Did You Know These?
Published on: November 9, 2013 | Listed under: eCommerce
Time and again, we have heard the name X-Cart whenever the question of eCommerce and online shopping is chimed in. But the actual condition is such that a vast majority of us who claim to know everything under the sun is still unaware of what exactly X-Cart is. It’s high time someone explained what X-Cart is and what are it’s features in detail, giving a hint at what it’s positive aspects are, alongside with a comparison to other similar products. ...
Faster eCommerce Websites – Crucial for Increasing Sales
Published on: November 11, 2013 | Listed under: eCommerce
Do you get frustrated with time-consuming page loading or a slow eCommerce website response? Of course yes! We all have faced slow page loading response several times when we visited internet world, especially online shopping sites. But did you ever give it a thought that it might result to a dip for sales? In the present scenario where eCommerce is taking the front seat with racing speed, slow sites are considered as the silent killer of online businesses. To meet ...
Tricks & Tips to Make Your Design Soar Above & Beyond
Published on: November 18, 2013 | Listed under: Design
You know that rare feeling when you see a web design and every word pouring out is ”Oh My God What a Stunning Page”. To make your design and codes hit that sweet spot can be laborious! This is why every designer and developer is always on the lookout for tricks and tips that can help them invade all the aspects of designing and developing with absolute authority. Segue on to know about a few: Restless Colors: When the modus ...
Android Monitoring – A Sharp Edge Technology for Largest Smartphone Platform
Published on: November 18, 2013 | Listed under: Product Reviews
The storm of Android smartphone has been around for a longtime now. The storm is still not over. New gadgets are making this Android platform more popular. With new tablets and smartphones on Android and their growing usage it gives many reasons to be sold like hotcakes. The biggest of the features Android supports also brings in some big menacing issues. The scores of applications featured in Android make it the hottest selling platform. Big Platforms and Big Issues: The ...
7 Ways to Create the Most Shared & Engaging Website
Published on: November 27, 2013 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing
Websites that are optimized for social media sharing typically attract more traffic and sparks more engagement with customers. Is it just a matter of adding social sharing buttons to pages? Actually, it covers everything from encouraging more sharing on your pages to seeking more feedback from users. Presentation Besides the content the design of your website is what communicates with the user. It depicts the entire personality of the brand. It is all delivered through the very basic mediums like ...
5 Premium Web Designing Apps for Smartphones
Published on: December 10, 2013 | Listed under: Apps & Software, Design
Web designing applications for smartphones provide lots of convenience to designers. Designing applications help designers to stay connected with their clients and carry out basic tasks even when they are away from work stations. Though there are plenty of designing apps available in app stores, not all of them are worth keeping. Web designers can have tough time in finding functional apps. Listed below are five premium, must-have designing applications for smartphones. 1. WhatTheFont The name itself is enough to ...
20 WordPress Themes Based On Cherry Framework
Published on: December 19, 2013 | Listed under: WordPress
Are you thinking of launching a website or redesigning your old one? If you’re reading this post, you probably are. We have selected twenty designs that are absolutely ready for use, so you can have an easy to manage, functional, and stylish website virtually overnight! Here’s why these design templates are perfect for you. Created for WordPress: WordPress currently powers over 70 million websites, and the number is growing each and every day. So if yours is a WordPress website ...
Responsive Web Design Tips and Techniques
Published on: December 24, 2013 | Listed under: Design
In the post below, I would like to walk you through a few tips and techniques around how to build a reliable and engaging responsive web design layout. You would have the flexibility to put into use and build your very own layout. Here is what you can get to learn: Hiding Irrelevant Content :: Responsive Web Design Through this attempt, our main objective is to be able to reformat the page content so that it is able to fit ...
10 Common Mistakes Need to Avoid While Using WordPress
Published on: December 26, 2013 | Listed under: WordPress
As we all know that everyone makes mistakes because no one is perfect. Everyone learns from mistakes and tries to never make the same mistake twice in life. WordPress is an admirable content management system and covers almost 15.5% worldwide websites. So, it is vital to know what to do and what not to do while using it. You might be a good WordPress developer and you have detailed understanding about this platform. But surely, you made some mistakes on ...
Email Copywriting – A Comprehensive Guide for Effective Emails
Published on: December 27, 2013 | Listed under: Internet
Introduction (Email Copywriting): Emails always remain the center of web activity for both personal use and driving communication to work. It has become an essential part of our lives. Be it in the form of social networking update alerts or a means of communication to send and receive important information. Focus On Content For Better Conversion Rates There is a psychological science involved in encouraging customers to open, read and respond to the marketing email. This is where an effective ...
Create a Website That’s Incisive & Imposing
Published on: December 31, 2013 | Listed under: Design
Introduction (Create a Website): Staying true to the ‘To each his own’ idiom, we all have different aspirations with our blogs or websites. While some are running a blog to earn a second income through ads, there are individuals as well as small and big scale business who wish their website to rise and leap into the sky as it represents an online face of their business. Whatsoever be your goals, there are basic web development tips to be taken ...