Nowadays, WordPress has made it so easy to make a website. You don’t have to be a coder of a website developer. WordPress has in-built functions, drag and drop features, easy to edit themes, plugins, which you can also use to make a website of your own. Ever since it entered the market, WordPress has revolutionized website design. Here, are the top 10 types of websites you can build using WordPress.
1. Business Website

WordPress has many themes with which you can make a business website. Themes like Avada, Themify Builder offer many customizations with which you can change the design of your business website. WordPress has a built-in website builder, and Plugins offer more functions in a business website. Many renowned brands use WordPress to power their business websites.
Example 1: The Walt Disney Company

The Walt Disney Company uses SEO plugins like Yoast SEO for optimizing its web pages. It shows real-time press releases and newsroom along with stock price updates as it happens. This WordPress theme on which this business site is made is simple and minimalist in looks, with clickable mages and buttons.
Example 2: Bitly

Bitly, the URL shortener service provider uses a WordPress theme for their website. Navigation is fluent, and feature-rich content makes this one of the best examples of WordPress business websites.
Example 3: Dassault Aviation

Dassault Aviation, the French aerospace maker uses a stylized design in its main interface, with a live news feature, and social handles to showcase the company’s space in social media interactions. It uses Yoast SEO plugins for web ranking, and a dual menu system, with embedded videos and a photo gallery.
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2. Government Website

WordPress powers government websites too. WordPress makes it easy to integrate plugins for displaying real-time government laws, press releases and produce webpages in multiple languages. Page Builder feature makes it so easy to seamlessly embed videos and other multimedia content, and the drag-and-drop feature is the best thing about WordPress.
Example 1: Sweden

The official Sweden website uses plugins for web analytics, and this website is a fantastic example of a content-rich government website. Images are used as links that take readers to different pages, and this shows all that is interesting about Sweden. Navigation buttons and a drop-down menu are designed to give a clear idea about its contents.
Example 2: United States

WordPress theme is behind the official state website of the United States. The website uses various APIs and plugins for various organizations to access critical data. This website is a breeze when it comes to navigation, and it reflects real-time data about important announcements and other US government initiatives.
Example 3: Finland

The official website of Finland is optimized for search engines and is a perfect example of how a multilingual website should look like. Its web pages are translated into several languages easily. It incorporates a blog-like design, showcasing arts, culture, innovations, and live news. Weather widgets, search bar, search tags make it easy for viewers to select the topic they want to browse.
3. News Website

A news website is all about feature stories, photo stories, videos, and real-time updates to news happening around the world. And it is not surprising that many of the top news websites of the world are based on popular WordPress themes. Content Developers use WordPress to make a news website stand out with its graphics and usability.
Example 1: New York Post

The New York Post uses a customized WordPress theme with a plain white background, and it covers everything from politics, sports to art exhibitions and podcasts. The custom theme has made it possible to customize SEO plugins and a contact form. Viewing The New York Post, with its unique fonts will give readers like they are reading an actual newspaper.
Example 2: Reuters

When you see the content-rich Reuters website, you realize the power of website building those platforms like WordPress brings. Reuters brings out the latest news on technology, business, world affairs, in a clean and easy-to-navigate layout. Its white background brings out articles profoundly, and videos are also SEO optimized for search engines. Reuters is one of the best international news websites and delivers journalism content using WordPress plugins.
Example 3: Microsoft News

Among the technology powerhouses that use WordPress, Microsoft News offers the latest trends in technology, together with the many products that Microsoft has to offer. Easy to use interface, eye-soothing color scheme, shopping cart, search bar, sitemap, video content is integrated into a fluid layout for maximum readability.
4. Podcasts

The best podcasting websites run on WordPress. There are SEO optimization plugins and you can also integrate iTunes and Google Play Music with the plugin available. You can consider WordPress to showcase your work and reach out to millions of podcast lovers out there. You can upload many podcasts at one click, and offer a subscription to your viewers.
Example 1: Satchmo

Satchmo is a website that uses a WordPress theme. The layout is clean without clutter. This website is all about how to start podcasting, and there are many podcasts about entrepreneurship, tech, and tutorials. You can search for a term in the search bar also.
5. Music Sites

Musicians rely on promoting themselves through their website, and famous musicians always rely on the flexibility of WordPress to make their website as attractive as possible. They can showcase their talent through videos, photographs, album art, discs, and playlists and can customize so many themes to their personal tastes. They can create their online shop too.
Example 1: Katy Perry

Katy Perry uses WordPress to project her persona, and on her website, you can browse through featured videos, or shop online for the merchandise. You can also buy music on iTunes or Amazon Music.
Example 2: Mick Jagger

A very simple site, again with WordPress. This world-famous musician, Mike Jagger, also uses the simplicity of WordPress to embed music videos and 3D animation on his website. This is a website that reflects the persona that Mike Jagger is, with its dark background, white textual content, and attractive font styles. The use of graphics doesn’t come in the way of reading the content and adds to the overall feel of the website.
6. eCommerce Stores

WordPress has all the solutions when it comes to building an eCommerce website from scratch. Powerful plugins like WooCommerce and EDD can also help you to make your process simpler. Themes can be customized and there are plugins for payments, shipping, inventory, and gallery for showcasing products online.
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Example 1: House of Whiskey

The House of Whiskey eCommerce portal is stylish yet simple and showcases the main products i.e., whiskies in a unique and attractive way. Starting with a confirmation of your age, this website, with its white and orange color scheme stands out. While a shopping cart icon on the home page shows the purchases you’ve made, you can browse for blogs about whiskies and popular booze-related content.
Example 2: Roberto Coin

Roberto Coin, this award-winning website is all about luxury jewelry and is made on WordPress. Although the site look is simple, you can still see video content and shop for bracelets, earrings, necklaces, and other jewelry. You can read through editorial articles, subscribe to a newsletter, and search for nearby stores.
Example 3: MockupFree

MockupFree is a good example of a site that used the WooCommerce plugin to create a product showcase website without the eCommerce functionality. If you check their resources page you can notice all their mockup designs are showcased in a quite appealing way. If you are planning to showcase your product or to build an affiliate website you can do it in the same way.
7. Job Boards

If WordPress can make stunning websites, then it can also build a jobs portal. Its customizable themes can be designed to include job lists, company reviews, search boxes, blogs, etc. Content developers can integrate plugins with background data analytics, and extensions to make a perfect job website.
Example 1: Automattic

The global website of Automattic is a fine example of a multicultural job board, where you can search for technology-based jobs. This is a website about jobs for Web Designers, coders, networking professionals, business development, engineers, and jobs in the legal domain. But more than a job portal, this website is the founding pillar of WordPress and is the main force behind that WordPress is today.
Example 2: ProBlogger

ProBlogger uses WordPress to make its website show all about jobs and job-related info. You can search for jobs and if you are an employer, you can also log in as an employer. Podcasts about blogging, eBooks, courses, events, online shops, blog sections make ProBlogger useful for bloggers.
8. Online Portfolios

You can build your own portfolio website using WordPress. There are plenty of free and paid themes out there which you can customize, showcase your work through integrated video content, audio, images, and text. You can include sliders, image galleries, even if you don’t know any coding.
Example 1: Adel Vakula

Adel Vakula is a model and she uses WordPress to make quite an interesting and interactive site. You can browse through her portfolio images, and drag and drop outfits. The site is pretty much fun, and the user interface is the most unique feature of this portfolio website.
Example 2: Maxim Shkret

A digital artist, Maxim Shkret makes a WordPress portfolio site to showcase his digital art. Interactive features include 3D views, digital sculptures, image gallery, shop, and drag and drop features.
9. Nonprofit Sites

You can use WordPress to make websites about non-profit organizations, donations, and charities. It allows patrons to access donations, where it is spent, updates about events, and make a donation. Patrons need a secure environment in a website and WordPress gives it to them.
Example 1: Cura Brazil

Cura Brazil’s website has a clear CTA button at the bottom and displays visitor data right on its homepage. This website uses WordPress to showcase everything about its campaigns, events, and merchandise shop. Videos, bar charts, use of bright colors, customized contact forms, are the features of this website.
Example 2: Doctor without Borders

MSF, the global humanitarian aid website also uses WordPress plugins for its SEO presence. It shows video content, along with a simple navigation panel with a CTA button. News scrolls at the top arrest viewers’ attention, while sliding image gallery, events, projects, newsletter helps views engage and update themselves with latest happenings.
10. Blogs

WordPress is a boon for bloggers who want to create a website or blogging site of their own. WordPress has advanced functions such as SEO plugins, themes, drag and drop elements, and other features that give bloggers complete control over their blogging media.
Example 1: TechCrunch

This technology-based blog gives you trendsetting tech reviews about gadgets, startups, tech company news, interviews with well-known personalities, etc. TechCrunch uses a simple interface, with the least controls like buttons, widgets, etc. You can get the latest news via the newsletter.
Example 2: The Positivity Blog

The Positivity Blog is all about lifestyle and happiness. Clean interface with black text, latest blog posts, and minimalist design are the hallmark of this blog. The creator of this blog, Henrik Edberg, uses his own life to spread happiness and gives tips about living happily.
Example 3: Copyblogger

There’s hardly any color used in Copyblogger, except the odd blue. But the white background and standard reading fonts are enough to capture the reader’s attention to what this website offers, and that is tons of info about blogging, content marketing, brand building, and website design. Copyblogger also uses WordPress to use its content to be SEO friendly and highly readable.
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Wrapping Up

Feeling inspired already? Then just book a domain and start on your journey into making your own website in WordPress and see the wonderful functions that this CMS system gives you. Play around with themes, plugins, layouts, design, and if you are into coding or designing, then it is just easy to make websites in WordPress.