10 Website Designing Tips to Design Websites for Huge Success

Making a fantastic looking website is every developer’s dream, but before that just think for whom you are doing this web design. If you just give a second thought, then you will understand that you need to cater to the requirement of the users. Today’s web design trends are all mobile friendly, and if your website requires Gigabyte ranged bandwidth to open the website within ten to fifteen seconds, then you will have minimal footfall. Try to understand the design concept from the customers’ point of view. If you are looking for a healthy eating out solution with your family or fiancee and the website is trying to load images of steaming dish then it has no use. You won’t stay on the page. So, here is a few website designing tips:

1. Keeping it simple

Website Designing Tips - point-01

  • The basic need is to understand what the customer is looking for
  • In the instant case maybe you want to know the timing
  • You will then look into the kind of foods served like continental or a country specific, vegetarian or a non-vegetarian or mixed type
  • Whether it has car parking facility or not in a simple text without Gizmo

2. Keep the website clutter free

Website Designing Tips - point-02

  • Keep your landing page clean and clutter free
  • The message you want to percolate is to be concise and clear
  • Use simple, clear unambiguous language
  • It is not a blog post, and no one is interested in matching your wit people are in a hurry and wants to get the information in quick time without any fuss
  • Just imagine yourself as a customer and is in a hurry to get information and how you want to navigate the site in your mobile and that should be the guiding point

3. Use clear fonts

Website Designing Tips - point-03

  • Do not use extraordinary fonts to give your website a unique look
  • The comic fonts will look perfect for the kid’s site, and they will enjoy these fonts. But if you are Website Designers for business site then you don’t have the luxury of using comical fonts
  • You can, of course, change the fonts for blog posts to make it attractive, but it has been observed again and again that the quality of the contents matters most
  • Therefore clear and readable sized fonts are the best

4. Make color planning

Website Designing Tips - point-04

  • The most important of a web design is its look
  • The color must be soft and soothing it must not give the customer a rude shock
  • The color must attract the client, and it must be bright enough to be seen in open sunlight
  • Remember you are designing a website for a customer who needs quick information and precise information, therefore; make your colors soft and soothing to the eye and easy to browse.
  • The job of web developers is to give the user the best comfort and not to prove how flashy color you can use

5. Make navigation easy

Website Designing Tips - point-05

  • Do not make navigation a complicated job
  • The present design trends don’t believe in gizmos, so don’t make the life the visitor difficult
  • Use the navigation key to your power and guide them to the different pages with easy drop-down menus
  • You will find dropdowns used in web pages that are difficult to reach so make the reach easy and always give the customers easy way to find out the cart and the price of the products

6. Use of white space

Website Designing Tips - point-06

  • There is general tendency to pack the landing page with all sorts of buttons and use every single pixel to tell something to the customer about your company
  • Remember you are website designers and not spacecraft and you don’t need to cram every pixel with information
  • Using of white space does not mean crowding it, on the contrary, you need to keep the area clean and lean
  • The use of white space must assure the visitor that he is walking through a clean thoroughfare and has all the time to look into the windows without bumping into something

7. Reduce dependence on plug-ins

Website Designing Tips - point-07

  • Once in the forefront of web design was the flash players
  • Those days are now gone because you don’t have the luxury of waiting for a minute or two to open the website. The outside limit is fifteen-second max
  • The flash uses to slow the page and same is true for PNG files
  • There are now other options adapt those to keep the load at minimum

8. Keep the security in mind

Website Designing Tips - point-08

  • The best design practices demand to maintain the safety of the website in mind
  • The encryption must have all the security certification to keep your customer’s data safe.

9. Keep the target audience in focus

Website Designing Tips - point-09

  • The job of website designers is to keep the target audience in focus. It will reduce the workload
  • If you are designing the website for B2B usage only, then you can use technical terms to describe the products
  • But when you are using B2C audience you have to avoid jargons to pack them in a separate page.

10. Keep the future requirement in mind

Website Designing Tips - point-10

  • The design process must include the future requirement is mind. The future will jump to wearable device any moment now, therefore; you are starting the process now then keep the wearable device in focus.
Website Designing Tips - conclusionThe 10 website designing tips that were indicated here are not exclusive; there are more. Therefore, you must be flexible in your design and keep two things in mind who are the users, so keep the UX and UI in mind. In the initial stages, there was a tendency to develop flashy designs, but the proprietary applications of other Apps proved that the users are more interested to access particular information and in quick time. They are not at all interested whether the background is playing a familiar tune or not; rather it is more of a distraction than anything else. So, don’t go overboard, if you want to give the users a hands-on experience on music you better create an option and that way, if the user has enough time will listen to your collection. It can increase the footfalls also, but don’t force the user to gulp it down.

This article is written by Hermit Chawla, founder at Sprak Design, a leading graphics design and website design company in Ahmedabad Gujarat, India providing space planning, interior designing services, and graphics & web design. Follow him on Twitter.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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