10 Ways to Grow Your Digital Marketing Knowledge

In today’s tech-savvy world, where everything is getting digitized, the world of marketing has also evolved a lot. With the hype and increasing use of digital marketing strategies among organizations, the craze of traditional marketing has almost come to an end. Now a sound knowledge in digital marketing strategy and a well-honed presence on social media can make a significant difference. Together, they can escalate your brand awareness and provide you more qualified leads.

That is the reason why people want to get a hold on this particular marketing technique, and those who have already seen profits by using this approach want to learn more about it. So, if you are also standing in either of these categories or need help to improve your digital marketing knowledge, then the following tips can be of your great help. Have a look at them.

1. Discover an accomplice


One of the best ways to better your digital marketing knowledge is to find a person who is well-versed in this craft. Team-up with an expert and start exchanging the knowledge and experiences from both the ends. Learning with a person who shares the same interest as that of you will help to learn many new things that you may not have known before. Also, you won’t feel bored and will rest assured that whatever information you gain will be very useful.

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2. Consider social media platforms


Nowadays, social media platforms are also the largest source of information as people prefer to spend most of their free time there.  So, do not forget to consider social networking sites for gaining knowledge about digital marketing. However, this does not also mean that you have to be on every available platform out there. Choose the ones that can provide you the best information as per your interest.

For example, if you are looking for a business partner, then LinkedIn is the best platform to start your search process. Likewise, if you are looking for a resource to learn about digital marketing, then you can follow the related pages, groups, and videos on Facebook, Quora, and YouTube. You will get a lot of information there and that too for free.

There are so many popular businesses and marketers who share tips and tricks based on their experience on social media. So, to keep yourself updated, you can also follow their social media handles or subscribe to their channels (if any).

3. Take help from study materials


Thanks to the Internet, everything has become much more accessible, including learning resources. There are tons of study materials and various other courses available on the web related to digital marketing. Though some online tutors might charge you a little, most of them are free.

As digital marketing is a vast concept, you will get a lot of options to specialize yourself. Online study materials give you the ability to choose the ones that fall under your interest area. Also, by reading the e-books of different authors, you will get to understand different perceptions, which will help you, later on, to create your own strategies.

But also keep in mind that, nothing is constant in this field. The landscape of digital marketing continuously changes. So, it is very significant to stay relevant and stick to learning for the long haul.

4. Watch influencers


The best technique to ace something is by watching how experts do it and then copy their approach. Take time to read their blogs and observe what type of content they are posting, how often they are publishing, and how they are interacting with their audience? Use this information to experiment with your strategies and to get better results.

If you are short on time and want to minimize your efforts, then you can also follow these three easy steps.

1st step: Head over to Google and search results for the following string.

“Top Digital marketing experts to follow on social media.”

By typing this, you will get so many lists as a result. Analyze them and shortlist the marketers that seem relevant to you.

2nd step: Follow them on social media. Once you got the list of digital marketing experts, search them on social media and follow them. Keenly observe their activities and study everything they post. You will learn a lot by watching.

3rd step: Subscribe to their newsletter. Digital marketers who masters email marketing can drive more sales as compared to others. Therefore, apart from following the marketers on social media, also subscribe to their newsletters. You will able to learn the principles and tactics they use to get the most out of the email.

Remember, not all strategies that experts follow will work for you. But by doing this, you will undoubtedly learn what works in your industry and, most importantly, what does not.

5. Test your creative side


There is no hard and fast formula to get success in digital marketing. You have to be creative with your content so that your audience should stop and read your posts. Using a trial and error method will let you learn what is working for your brand and what needs to be changed. So, do not fear to try something new. When you get out of your comfort zone, you will grow and learn to be confident in your skills and digital marketing knowledge.

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6. Measure the result


There are a bunch of digital marketing tools available in the market, and most of them come with some built-in metrics which can help you analyze the results. For example, Socinator, Hootsuite, Gramboard, MeetEdgar and many more. But having these kinds of tools is not enough.

In order to fine-tune your digital marketing knowledge and boost your results, you need to keep an eye on the performance of your strategies regularly. The more you spend time analyzing what is working for your brand, the more you will learn how to tweak your efforts to better the results.

Keeping a track on the outcome of your strategies is as vital as implementing them. So do not direct all your energy only on creating plans. Take some time to review the results on a regular basis. It will help you to grow.

7. Stay consistent


Patience is the biggest virtue, and when it comes to learning digital marketing, you need to have the patience to be consistent. Nobody can master everything in a day nor create perfect strategies in one sitting. Even the well-executed campaigns take time to work. Therefore, be calm, trust your efforts, and continue with the learning process. Keep yourself motivated by establishing your short term and long-term goals. The waiting time itself will teach you a lot of things.

8. Hire a consultant


There is no doubt that the world of digital marketing is quite overwhelming. There is such a large number of data points, strategies, tools, and possibilities that it may seem impossible to learn everything.

In case you also feel stressed and engulfed by the process, then consider hiring a professional consultant. Although it may cost you a bit, if your advisor is good enough in his/her profession, you can get to learn a lot of things. And in the end, your investment will get compensated in the form of engagement, leads, and conversions.

9. Communicate with your colleagues


If you are working in an organization, then having a productive conversation with your colleagues can also help you stay updated with the latest trends in digital marketing. That is the reason why earlier people used to chat about their work over lunch, near water coolers and other possible areas.

So, keep a habit of talking with your co-workers frequently. This practice will let you know the experiences of other people with their clients. What is working for them and what is falling flat? Focus on the lessons you have learned and help each other to grow.

10. Always seek feedback


Feedback is a very significant aspect of improving knowledge in any of the areas. You will get to know whether the work you are doing has a real value or not. Being a digital marketer, you always need to enhance your knowledge and find ways to bridge the informational gaps.

Therefore, regularly ask for feedback from the experienced professionals. It will enable you to extend your insight while pointing out the impediments you may have never observed.  Also, feedback is not always positive, so be willing to face criticism and understand your weak points. In this way, you will not only improve on those areas but also able to learn new strategies to build your strengths.

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Ways to Grow Your Digital Marketing Knowledge - conclusion

In order to be competitive and get command over digital marketing, you have to do a lot of things. But what’s more important is to leverage and improve your soft and hard skills as you move ahead into exciting new positions. Having substantial basic knowledge and profundity in a couple of regions will enable you to go further and be the jack of all trades. The abovementioned tips will help you in doing so by keeping you relevant in this ever-changing digital marketing industry.

This article is written by Sumit Ghosh. Sumit is a renowned performance marketer and a product fanatic from Bangalore. He is a prominent speaker in masterminds and events in the performance marketing space. Sumit is the Founder of Socioboard, which owns products like PowerAdSpy, Socinator, Gramboard, DominatorHouse, and mobile apps in social media automation space which have millions of users. Follow him: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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