How is Game Design Different from Graphic Design?

Graphic design and game design. Are you confused about what the two mean? Most importantly, you must be wondering which one is the correct career option for you.

Graphic designers are important to the game design system, and often deemed as game designers. But, there are a few key differences between the two, and if you are planning to work in the industry then you must understand them.

Graphic Design Process

The graphic design relates to creating ‘visual brand’ of a company or product. It is about the way a game is presented to the audience. The graphic design process mainly involves:

  • Creating advertising campaigns.
  • Draft and design logos.
  • Other design-related things affecting the branding or marketing of a product or company.
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Game Design Process

Companies may recruit game designers under different job titles, such as concept designers, characters designers, and level designers.

While in big companies a game designer focuses on the core aspect, in small companies or studios a game designer may perform all the tasks related to designing. Game designers are more responsible towards the designing of the game rather than the company’s advertising.

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Differences between Game Design and Graphic Design

Now, let’s talk about some of the prominent differences between graphic design and game design.

  • While the graphic design process is mainly involved in deployment and development of a game, the game design process has a lot more to do with how the game feels, looks, and entertains the players.
  • A graphic designer is often consulted for stuff, like the way design elements are displayed. Also, it is related to create user interface design. Contrary to this, the game designer holds more involvement in the way game is showcased and played.
  • Graphic design is related to print designs, like brochures, posters, business cards, and invitations. A game designer is responsible to build web apps, web layouts, and websites, and hence, it needs to have efficient wireframing skills. It is essential for the designer to be skilled with CSS and HTML so that they are aware how their designs will perform on actual apps, websites, and products.
  • Graphic design is the skill or art of combining pictures and text, to visually communicate a concept or idea. Game design is related to applying aesthetics and design to encourage interaction for educational, experimental, or entertainment purposes.
  • Game design is related to creating fun games while graphic design is related to applying visual arts.
  • Graphic design involves designing impressive graphics using the advanced designing tools like Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, and more. There is less coding work and more designing work. On the other hand, game design is concerned about not just designing impressive games but also creating flawless and smooth gaming solutions. It is essential for game designers to have hands-on experience in coding. While for graphic designers this is not mandatory.
  • The field of graphic design is related only to the design elements. Game design, however, is a broader concept that demands sound technical knowledge and impeccable design functionality from a designer.
Hence, the major difference between the two is that a game designer is concerned with every step of the design process, while a graphic designer is a more specialized professional involved in only relevant areas of the design process.

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Similarities between Graphic Design and Game Design

The major similarity between game design and graphic design is that both these fields are related to designing. Be it an advertising campaign or game levels, designing is the core element of both these fields.

In most of the companies or gaming studios, both the departments are required to work in sync with each other in order to deliver the best possible output.

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Which one must you select?

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If you are planning to join the gaming industry, then it is essential that you consider your set of skills and the kind of role you want to play in the industry.

If you wish to be involved with decisions related to making a game, then it would be best for you to become a game designer. However, if you wish to be involved more to the visual zone, then focusing on the role of a graphic designer with required specializations would help you build a rewarding career in the field.

Author-Image-Sunny-ChawlaThis article is written by Sunny Chawla. He is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs, which is Web Design Services and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow in the online market. He would love to share thoughts on Application Development and Digital marketing. Follow him: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn.

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Souvik Banerjee

Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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