Social media marketing is not as simple as it sounds. For it to be totally effective and worthwhile, you have to consider using helpful tools that can automate things better and can make your social media work extra convenient.
Here are some of the most widely used social media automation tools to give you the online boost:
1. Nimble
You can’t be successful in social media like Facebook if you don’t engage with people the right way. The best social media and Facebook Strategy involve those that are geared towards being up close and personal with your audience. You have to focus your attention in building genuinely strong relations between your clients. In order to aid you in this process, you can use Nimble which boosts your social relationship better. Nimble is now tied up with Hootsuite, so you can simply navigate this tool on your Hootsuite dashboard. If you happen to stumble upon a contact right in your Hootsuite stream which you’d like to nurture, you can simply add this directly to your Nimble profile. As you add that contact, you can then have access to his personal data and his other social media profiles which can be traceable by Nimble. You can easily monitor their social streams then, conveniently start conversations with them and interact with them through related updates. Every interaction made is well – documented by Nimble so you can easily track which contacts you’re interacting healthily and which ones you don’t. Nimble is definitely a tool useful in building relationships better, especially if you’re marketing on Facebook.
Tools are meant to automate things out to bring you maximum convenience. enables your blogs to be instantly posted on whatever social media sites you set. Simply input the link source, and then specify which sites you’d like it to show. If you’re focusing on Marketing on Facebook, this can be a winning tool for your Facebook Strategy. Marketing on Facebook and other social media sites will be much easier with this tool.
3. BufferApp
Regularly sharing and posting content on social media is a must. However, sometimes due to so much shareable contents you find, you don’t know which content to post first and you might get tempted to post them all at one (which is also not ideal). This tool allows you to line your content up in a pre-set schedule.
IFTTT is a new and popularly growing social media tool that can serve you a great deal of benefits as well. Whether you’re managing your social media page for business or personal purposes, this will come in handy. The site makes use of the term “recipes” to refer to actions that can create powerful connections. They generally lead to many benefits in automating social media activities like retweets and mentions, following a user, sending files over in Google reader, scheduling tweets or posts, receiving updates when a connection tweets, obtaining weather updates, and receiving BBC news in pictures daily. These are wonderful ways to get social management to the next level.
5. BundlePost
Perhaps you’re already familiar with Google Alerts. This is a free tool made by Google which sends you email notifications based on mentions of specific keywords all over the web. If you’re using Google alerts to look for some contents to share, you might have noticed that the process still involves an extent of complexity. You have to scrutinize whether each post is relevant and interesting plus the time involved in posting them. This tool gets things much easier. Your alerts will be saved as social media drafts right in your account. Just take a look at these alerts and decide which are worth the share. After picking the desired content, it will be directed to your Hootsuite account ready for scheduled posting.
6. SocialBro
It might be a total waste of time posting at the wrong timing. There are always ideal time schedules to post your content up. To do this, simply rely on SocialBro. This tool automatically analyses the consolidated time when your Facebook or Twitter followers are online. One of the most prevalent Facebook Marketing Tips and social media tactics is to always schedule posts accordingly. This tool gives you suggestions on the best time to post. This is linked with BufferApp, so you can easily queue up your posts anytime.
7. Engagio
This tool helps you manage the comments and conversations you should be engaged with. You can see right in your Engagio dashboard the posts which you and your readers have commented or responded to. Whether it’s an activity within your blog or outside blogs, this tool still works perfectly fine. You can use this for your LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google+, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. Even in conversations wherein you aren’t directly involved but you should best engage with, this tool also helps. Engagio is very much handy in keeping your engagement well monitored. Don’t miss this out. If you constantly keep on looking for the best social media and Facebook Marketing Tips, this tool highlights the part of keeping in touch with every comment garnered and every post that demands interaction.
8. Pocket
If your target is curating great content for your social media accounts, then you definitely have to read lots and lots of content. Thus, you have to maximize your time well in filtering which contents are worth sharing. Since you usually insert this task to your idle times like when you’re in a bus or when you’re waiting on a queue, you need some tools that can help you highlight the interesting content you want to read on later. Pocket is designed to serve this need. This works on multiple devices like iPhone, iPad, Android phone, and desktop.
There are lots of other social media automation tools you can check out on the web. More and more software solutions and websites have been made to ease the process of social media marketing. If you want to make things become even more instant and convenient, never miss to maximize every tool and resource available within your reach.
This article is written by Sheena Mathieson. She understands the essence of making excellent content that suits the needs of every business especially when it comes online marketing. She can spice up your marketing campaign with the content she makes and then incorporate Buy Real Marketing services..