7 Easy and Excellent Ways to Make Your Digital Brochure Faster

What is the most popular and traditional way to present your company or service? Yeah, you guessed it right – A Brochure! Here’s the definition from Wikipedia,

“A Brochure is an informational and promotional document, primarily used to introduce a company, organization, products or services and inform prospective customers or members of the public of the benefits.” 

The brochures are a great way to present your services and products in a more attentive manner. If you think that brochures are no longer relevant, take a look at these numbers:

  • 95% of visitors who pick up the brochures become aware of the business.
  • 83% plan to visit a business they saw in a brochure.
Here are some more brochure statistics from Bentley University:


According to Forrester Research, “We live in the age of Customers.” And today’s customers are digital savvy, so you should also digitalize your marketing strategy as well. If you want to a step ahead of your competition, your company MUST have a digital brochure. A digital brochure is a great channel to expand your marketing reach. This provide your business materials (product or services) in a digital format. As everyone is online, they can access it from any device at any time.

In this digital world, brochures can be your best friend. They can work with your other marketing channels or alone. Brochures don’t even need to be printed. PDF and eBook have made it easy to read one on a tablet, desktop, or even a smartphone. You can distribute it via email, through your website, mobile apps, and through social media channels. See how Flipsnack describe the importance of online brochure,

“On one hand, there’s your product, and on the other hand, there’s the public. The online brochure works just like the host, who is introducing your product to everybody and then it lets it perform on its own.”

But the question is how to make an effective digital brochure easily and quickly? There have been several concerns all over the world of people losing their vital time in developing a digital brochure. They have been of the prime concern if there are any ways to effectively make a digital brochure in a quick and easy manner. Thanks to dummies to provide this example for us, read here:

“When sports car manufacturer Maserati wanted to offer more photos and facts about its various models, it turned to the e-brochure format. A central website displays an array of e-brochures, each with more than a hundred pages of detailed photos and facts, allowing serious shoppers to really get to know each model before they even go to a showroom to take it for a test drive.”

Check out Maserati and see how they design their whole website in the form of a brochure. While brochures are considered as one of the prime aspects of the digital marketing and are considered very strong in sending out digital messages to everyone, this digital brochure must be developed in a well-crafted manner but still in a quick manner. In the complete process, most often people are seen as losing their most of the times, in finalizing the minute to minute details and most often these, pose a trouble for people, which can be troublesome for them.

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Here, we present you with 7 easy ways to create digital brochure faster and in a more interactive way. Enjoy!

1) Various tools and apps available for Brochure designing

7 Easy and Excellent Ways to Make Your Digital Brochure Faster - Point 1With the market flourishing to the unprecedented heights, the onsets of several services are available for the businesses that are looking to add some new points and creativity to the marketing strategy. There are some FREE online brochure maker tools available to create your professional and beautiful digital brochures in no time. I’d like to recommend you some best tools: Canva, Lucidpress, DesignCrowd, Flipsnack, etc.

Get your brochures in a quick and easy way with the brochure designing services of some of the best companies involved in the field. The companies provide a digital transformation to convert any Printable PDF into the digital brochure and present the unmatched interactive designs to better connect with the customers and others.

2) Faster production always lies in your hands!

7 Easy and Excellent Ways to Make Your Digital Brochure Faster - Point 2Have you ever tried your hands on the designing brochure on your own? Are you accustomed with the templates for the brochures? Solving the needs and demands of the people towards the saving of time, we urge all those people towards the use of the customizable templates, towards designing the best and most attention gathering brochure, which saves quite a noticeable amount of time.

Catch the path of digital success with the faster and easier customizable template options available in the online market. This give your business a new dimension towards the success! Offering a much-needed relief to the people looking for the easy solutions for their brochure needs, numerous such brochures templates are available online, which can be customized to the best.

Keeping your brochure alive is one of the most crucial aspects of the design of the digital brochure for your exposure. These brochures prove to be a great resource in the spreading of your business in a much better way and presenting the customers with the fantastic look of your brand.

3) Know your customers at first hand

7 Easy and Excellent Ways to Make Your Digital Brochure Faster - Point 3Are you aware of your target? Are you sure about the customers and their likings? Knowing your customers saves you a lot of time in the analysis of the choice of the best design for your brochure designing. Get to the bottom of the target niche and plan a design accordingly. Knowing your customers in the best way, quite effectively save a lot of time as the choice of the pattern becomes easy for brochure designing. For instance, if you’re targeting shoppers, then choose a design that has something to do with shopping environment.

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4) Limits on your Fonts

7 Easy and Excellent Ways to Make Your Digital Brochure Faster - Point 4Have a limit to the style of fonts. Limiting your fonts will allow you to save your time in making a choice of fonts and solving issues which arise with the complexity of fonts. Save your time in making a choice of fonts and the different font styles while making digital brochures of any kind. Does your company have a signature font? Yes, then keep it in your brochure.

5) Determine point of sale/ call to action

7 Easy and Excellent Ways to Make Your Digital Brochure Faster - Point 5Have you decided on the Point of Sale or Call to action for your digital Brochures? Predetermine the point of sale, while brochure designing so that the brochures are more effective in spreading out your business. Ask your customers to like or follow you on your social media platforms or any other point of sale available with you. A social media call to action determines the overall effectiveness of the digital brochure and thus must be simple. Having a simple point of sale or call to action saves your precious time. At the same time, it makes the digital brochure look better and easy to interact with.

6) Think of simple statements

7 Easy and Excellent Ways to Make Your Digital Brochure Faster - Point 6Simple sentences are more effective than the complex ones! Simple sentences are better to understand and call for easy understating of your customers. These simple sentences allow you to save time, which gets wasted in curating the complex ones. You got to know that what makes the brochures stand out. And yes, the simple sentences, short and having a better call to action sentences are the ones, which makes any digital brochures better and more effective in gathering more eyeballs than in comparison to others. It’s better to scrap lots of clichéd images and use a typographic cover to make it more literal on what you want to say and deliver to your customers.

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7) Shoot Sharp

7 Easy and Excellent Ways to Make Your Digital Brochure Faster - Point 7Good Photos are always useful to trap the world! We, humans, are visual creatures. Visuals are processed 60,000x faster in the brain than text. If you want to make your brochure design friendlier, choose relevant and appropriate photos. With the use of the good collection of photos, which was worthy to use in the Digital Brochure and can give an everlasting impression to the brochure?

The use of the stock imagery quite effectively saves a lot of time while selecting the photos for your brochure. The photos from the stock imagery websites allow finding all relevant images at a single place. They are offering you an easy resource for the use. You can put together all relevant tips to perfectly design your digital brochure and can create an everlasting and long remembered impression front of your target niche!

Final Words

7 Easy and Excellent Ways to Make Your Digital Brochure Faster - Final WordsVarious needs while designing digital brochures can be cut short with the smart use of the resources available and with the proper planning ahead before diving into the creation of the brochure. The planning and better insights over the use of various aspects, which must be included always gives you a better result over the minimum use of time and effort!

Have you created your digital brochure? Do you want to share your take on this? Please share your thoughts here; we’d love to hear from you. Thanks for reading!

This article is written by Kunjal Panchal. She is a Digital Strategist and a social media geek. She is passionate about content marketing and strongly believes in the power of storytelling for marketing. A perfect day for her consists of reading her favorite author with a hot cuppa coffee. Find her on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Souvik Banerjee

Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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