5 Productivity Tools to Manage Social Media Marketing Activities

Social Media is a boon and a great place to spend time, which many of us love to do! While it is being considered a time waste by many, social media is aided by tools and apps that can actually help you save time, earn revenues, be productive and successful! Here we are providing you with some tools that are fun to use and motivate you to increase your value and presence. Here are 5 social media productivity tools to help you manage your social media marketing activities.

Recommended Reading: Top 8 Social Media Automation Tools to Boost your Social Media Marketing Strategies.

1. Buffer:

BufferApp social media automation tools

Buffer is a kind of scheduling tools. It does something than a normal app can do, as it allows posting on different sited at anytime of the day, whether you have Internet access or not. What it does is that you have to set a post ad schedule its timing. Though you might encounter several scheduling tools, there are very few that are easy to use and offer other features s well. Here is a list of other features of Buffer:

  • Can be integrated with browser as an extension
  • Capable of adding content and posting it on specified time
  • Supports posts from popular sites like Facebook, twitter, Tweetdeck etc.
  • Simpler to use and time efficient as well!
Buffer is simplest and fortunately, FREE of cost way to gather audience helping you work more than you are capable of, on regular basis. Add to your social presence and save interesting posts and stories whenever you find something.

2. LikeHack


With a plethora of services coming our way including the likes of RSS feeds, Twitter feeds, Facebook feeds etc., LikeHack helps you to sail through the junk and land up only on the information you had needed. You can easily consolidate all your news on this app. These news might be from diversified sources. Other features include:

  • Centralized location for news gathering
  • Prioritize and give importance ratings
  • Automated Intelligent rating based on your reading
  • Syncing options even when you are offline
  • Saves stories you had liked or clicked
With a fancy and user friendly interface, this app lets you save time and stay motivated. Organize your news with an interface that is easy to use as well as attractive to look at.

3. SocialBro

SocialBro social media automation tools

Who so ever has International friends and followers knows well how difficult it gets to manage the timings of tweets and posts to garner the right tweets and likes. SocialBro is an an app that ensures that all your tweets are not ignored or forgotten due to ill timings or bad formatting. While it quickly clarifies and displays your data as per your needs, it also helps in modifications; it also helps to know the busiest time of your profile. Other features include:

  • Helps your gauge the messages as well as individuals
  • Provides real time data of the other user
  • Integrates with Google Chrome and Adobe air
  • Monitors pages or search terms
While it helps in time saving and extending your reach, it comes with analytics that can help you track which user is using what app, what language and what location. This information helps to get ready with right subjects for your audience.

4. Grovo


How to use the top apps and sites is the need of many businesses, especially to stand in front of competition and cut the edges. While educating yourself for such things is not feasible all the times, this why Grovo was evolved.  It is different because:

  • Provides training bites for top sites like Google and YouTube
  • Study as per your need and timing
  • Mini Video lessons for quick learning
  • Quiz to track and analyze what you have learned
This expandable tool is increasing and helps people to solve each other problems by sharing their knowledge.

5. DropBox for Business

DropBox for Business

The document sharing tool Dropbox, that helps people connect and share files without any integration problems has not started a new versions i.e. DropBox Business. This version has a lot more to offer. Here is a sneak peek:

  • Save unlimited history
  • 1000 GB of storage space to share and store docs
  • Secured with encryption and 2 step verification
  • Upgradable from usual DropBox
While dropbox is highly secure and encrypted, it lets owner control their information and permission lists. It lays emphasis on saving time and increased reliability along with other flexible features.


conclusion-thumbs-up-final-thoughtsThese all apps are used for variety of purposed and help to stay motivated and make most out of the social media. Giving the business owners wings to stay grow and think more, these apps helps employees and owners keep interested in their work. Most of them are time saviors and give you knowledge that keeps you over the edge with others.

This article is written by Nagendra Singh. He is an Internet marketing consultant focused on providing most diligent and affordable SEO Services In India, Web Design Services India, SMO services, PPC marketing, Video SEO Services, Link Building Services, Content Writing Services, Content Marketing and guest post paid services depending upon client requirement. He utmost provide completely SEO optimized and exactly original content and quality of content.

Disclosure: Some of our articles may contain affiliate links; this means each time you make a purchase, we get a small commission. However, the input we produce is reliable; we always handpick and review all information before publishing it on our website. We can ensure you will always get genuine as well as valuable knowledge and resources.

Article Published By

Souvik Banerjee

Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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