Shopify is, no doubt, one of the most popular, if not the most popular, eCommerce store solutions out there. It’s not without a reason—Shopify actually lets you build an online business website all by yourself. The stores that this eCommerce platform produces isn’t just any online store; they’re actually quality ones. You’ll enjoy a website that works and looks like a professional would have built it.
In this post, you’ll learn how to create an eCommerce business website with Shopify. You’ll go through the entire process of building your eCommerce store, from a blank canvass to one fully-functional online store ready to serve your customers.
What’s Shopify?

Shopify is an online SaaS (software as a service) eCommerce shopping cart system. A one-time fee gives you access to an interactive admin panel that lets you set store details, add items, and submit orders. You can also choose from an extensive range of for-pay and free design templates. Shopify offers a full range of tools to help you get the most out of your online store.
There are a number of features that you can get from Shopify. It offers the ability to run promotions and create your own merchant account. It also provides a free tool for creating a shopping cart, allowing you to create sales reports, as well as export orders and product information. Shopify even has a built-in shopping cart for your eBay store.
Another great feature of the platform is its storefront builder, which allows you to set up a shopping cart on your website, then, upload it to Shopify and have it instantly go live on your store. This allows you to create instant sales reports and your customers to purchase through your store. Providing good customer service is also a breeze with live chat applications available at the Shopify app store. Of course, Shopify support outsourcing is also an option you can take.
Shopify has a variety of features, but one of the most important ones is the ability to build your store without coding. All you need is a web browser with an active Internet connection and an HTML editing program, like Microsoft Word or Open Office. You just enter the URL of your website, select a template, add your products, and, then, publish. This takes all the guesswork out of designing and building your store. Shopify also has a large community of developers that can help you learn more about the features and tools available; it’s easy to get help when you need it.
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Shopify Pricing

The first thing that you should know about Shopify pricing is that it comes with a wide range of options when it comes to eCommerce pricing plans. This is because it’s a reputed online shopping platform.
There’s a wide variety of plans that can be availed by business owners. There’s the basic plan, the pro plan, the platinum plan, the corporate plan, and the most expensive plan called the top plan. For you to be able to have a thorough understanding, you can simply log on to the Shopify website and check out what their plans entail.
Once you see what these plans entail, you’ll be able to easily determine what’s best for you. If you’re just starting out, you can choose to go with the basic plan, which includes basic forms, inventory control, payment processing, and shipping. If you already have a business that you would like to expand, then, you can opt for one of the more advanced plans available.
Setting Up A Business Website with Shopify

Here’s how you can create your eCommerce store with Shopify:
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1. Sign Up with Shopify

The first way you can go about using Shopify is to use its website and create an account. The platform is incredibly user-friendly, allowing you to easily sign up and create an account for yourself. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t use this website to help you set up your own store on the web.
Once you’ve created an account with Shopify, you’ll need to follow its simple instructions to create your store. This takes only a few minutes and, then, you can get started designing your store. Once you’ve done everything the way you want it, all you have to do is to wait for your customers to start buying products from your site.
Another way to set up an account with Shopify is through the Shopify mobile app. Mobile websites are also easy to set up and will allow you to create your store with ease. All you have to do is type in your site address and select the options you need. There’s no limit to how many mobile stores you can set up in a row.
After you’ve created your website, you’ll have to sign up with the company by filling out an online application. Once you’ve filled out the form, you’ll need to send Shopify an email, which will provide them with all of your information. Afterward, you can, then, log in to your new store.
2. Add Products to Your Store

If you already have a business website with Shopify, then, know that adding products to your store is a pretty easy task. All you need to do is select the category of your online store and add products according to the categories available in your business.
The first step to adding a product to Shopify is to go to the admin. From the drop-down menu, select ‘Products.’ Click on ‘Add new product.’ On the product page, just click on ‘Add a new product.’ Click on ‘Save’ on the top left of the page. Now, click on ‘Publish’ and wait for the process to complete.
You should get an email confirmation from Shopify, letting you know that the process was done successfully. Thereafter, you need to visit the drop-down menu of your product list on your website, which will give you a list of products. Click on the product name and see if it’s available.
3. Select A Theme or Layout

Selecting a Shopify theme isn’t a difficult job at all, but it should be carried out carefully. If you’re interested in creating an attractive website for your company, then, choose a Shopify theme that has a professional look. The appearance of your website reflects the look and feel of your business; the better it looks, the easier it can bring customers towards your goods. It’s also important to know what kind of audience your website is intended for because that will give you an idea of how you can design your store website. There are various styles that are available and choosing one that fits your needs is important.
The impression your website makes is the first one that your customers get about your company, thus, the shop theme that you choose should reflect that. If you’re creating a website that’s meant for a small business, you might want to choose a more casual design. However, if your site is meant for big business, then, choose a more formal and sophisticated style. If you choose a casual theme, your visitors would be able to browse your website with greater ease.
You might also consider changing the style of the site as your business grows. You should consider the current trends and how Internet users would find your website.
4. Customize Your Business Website’s Theme and Settings

Customization is the only way to get the desired results from the site. It’s not enough just to have a website; you need to optimize the website for your customers and the search engines, too. This means you need to make sure your theme isn’t too messy and there are no unnecessary HTML tags or code. You need to make sure that the content is appropriate and well-arranged. If you follow these tips, then, you can always expect great results from your website.
Another important thing you can do as a store owner to maximize your profits is to edit Shopify settings. It’s actually very easy to edit settings and it doesn’t even take a whole lot of time to learn how to do it. The first thing you want to do when you want to edit your Shopify settings is to find your account in the ‘My Account’ area. Click on the drop-down menu again to access your application settings. You’ll need to click the ‘Save’ button for the changes to be saved.
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Shopify is one of the top high-profile eCommerce systems for numerous business models. It’s the leading choice of most website owners looking to make their online businesses succeed. With a Shopify shop, you can help yourself, as well as get the resources you need to manage your online store. It also helps you make a huge amount of money in a short period of time while having your store online. Shopify, therefore, has a lot of potential for every business owner who wants to take their products or services online.
Shopify also makes it easy to build and host your website. It allows you to create a store with a custom domain name using Shopify’s built-in web hosting. It also gives you all the tools you need to manage your online store. The website itself looks great and loads fast, making it a great shopping cart system for many people. It provides an impressive array of tools for you to use, making it incredibly easy to navigate. If you’re serious about building a website or getting one created, then, Shopify may be the right choice for you. With all these things to consider, it’s no wonder why many website owners choose to use this great shopping cart system.