Do you want to convert your website into an impressive mobile app? You have arrived at the right place. It does not matter if you think smartphones have transformed the entire for worse or better. We can easily access information from anywhere on our preferred mobile phones.
The good thing is that the whole process gets completed within a few seconds. Users do not have to utilize desktops to access multiple sites since half of all site visits originated from smartphones.
This blog post will discuss how businesses can transform their websites into mobile apps without fuss.
Why Do You Require a Mobile App in Today’s Era?

With mobile apps, we can perform our routine tasks. In other words, we can smartly make our daily lives productive. Otherwise, we cannot enjoy advanced lives according to our preferences or demands.
The same goes for small, medium-sized, and large businesses, too, as they can be successful in the long run, provided they have exclusive mobile apps and have maintained a strong presence online.
Here are different reasons suggesting why businesses, regardless of their niches, need mobile apps to stand out from the rest:
When users install apps on their preferred mobile devices, they can operate them without difficulty. Using an app is much simpler than opening the website in a separate browser. According to the latest research, mobile phone users spend 83% of their time using various apps. Therefore, businesses, whether small or large, must think about getting mobile app development services.
By doing so, they can retain and expand their current customer bases and increase revenues in the long run.
Users enjoy utilizing apps on their preferred mobile phones as they deliver an enticing user experience. On the contrary, websites don’t respond and load timely, increasing bounce rates as visitors leave these sites due to cumbersome navigation and slow loading.
Therefore, small or large businesses should focus on converting their current sites into apps as they can reap rewards through better conversions, enhanced user engagement, and sales.
User Experience
User experience is handy when creating mobile apps to highlight the significance of any small or large business online. Apps allow businesses of all sizes to improve interaction with new and current customers.
A well-designed app helps current and prospective customers better engage with products and services by providing personalized experiences. Businesses can provide customers with customized content according to their needs and preferences.
Apart from this, apps load much faster than mobile websites and deliver user-conducive interfaces. Likewise, apps enable businesses to deliver targeted notifications to customers. In this way, they can keep their target bases engaged and informed.
Mobile apps usually have higher conversion rates than websites. Moreover, users prefer to utilize apps rather than websites when performing activities like buying, registering, etc. Unsurprisingly, compared to mobile websites, mobile apps convert at a 157% higher rate.
Businesses of various sizes must build attractive, results-driven mobile apps to increase conversion rates significantly.
Should I Make an Android or an iOS App?

Android and iOS are two of the most famous platforms worldwide. These platforms need different apps to attract the attention of their existing and potential users.
Therefore, you must decide which platform suits your small or large business and target audiences’ preferences.
If you are a beginner, Android should be your preferred platform because it has a larger user base than iOS. By the end of the first quarter of 2024, the Android OS market share was 70.8%, compared to 28.5% for iOS in the same period.
This means that users worldwide prefer Android devices over iOS devices. However, you must also consider the other factor, i.e., user location, as iOS is famous in countries such as the US, Canada, and Norway. Android is popular in various countries globally.
Both platforms deliver comparable functionality, so you can develop an app for Android or iOS, depending on your choice. However, this indicates that you must create two apps for these platforms.
Remember, the underlying code for Android and iOS is entirely different, so you will eventually have to create two apps regardless of whether they provide users with the same features.
Lastly, the app store approval guidelines are also different. Unsurprisingly, Apple only approves apps that offer attractive user interfaces and stunning features to end users.
So, you must pay as much attention to content and UI as possible. The main idea behind this rule is to develop an app that inspires new and current users and enables them to fulfill their needs.
Factors to Consider When Transforming Websites into Mobile Apps

Whether you manage a small or large business, you must consider different factors before transforming your website into an engaging mobile app. These various factors are:
- Development Cost.
- Screen Size.
- Search Presence.
Development Cost
Fortunately, businesses have several options to avoid incurring heavy development costs. For instance, they can benefit from a WordPress app builder that helps them convert their existing WordPress sites into results-driven Android and iOS mobile apps.
The best thing about this app builder is its affordability. Businesses can transform their sites into engaging and purposeful mobile apps within their budget.
Otherwise, native app development can be expensive and cumbersome simultaneously. Thus, businesses need to consider a ready-made solution, such as a mobile app builder or mobile app development company.
These options above will allow businesses of different sizes to develop highly customized and impactful mobile apps for their customers.
Screen Size
The smartphone market offers numerous attractive yet uncommon devices, such as mobile phones and tablets. When developing a UI/UX design, you must consider various screen sizes and ensure that all buttons, images, and charts look appealing on tablets, mobile phones, and other devices.
Search Presence
You can incorporate a popup to inform new and current website visitors regarding your mobile app. Depending on their needs, they are likely to download your app. People prefer mobile apps to mobile websites due to ease of use, attractiveness, extended features, and other factors.
In 2020, mobile phone users spent 4 hours daily on the internet. This shows that mobile apps have outshone websites by a long shot. Users will utilize a mobile app if your website is not mobile-friendly.
What Should We Do to Transform a Website into a Mobile App?

If you want to convert your existing website into an engaging yet results-driven mobile app, follow the below steps:
- Determine if you want a mobile app: First, depending on your business requirements, ensure your website needs a mobile app. If you do not realize the importance of this point, you may regret your decision later.
- Create a list of desired features you want in your app: Before you start the app development process, finalizing what features you want to see in your prospective app is better.
- Choose a suitable app development approach: Nowadays, there are three mobile app development options: hire an in-house team, outsource app development, or choose an app development platform.
- Estimate app development cost: After finalizing the features and development approach, it is time to focus on the app development cost. The cost will be higher if you want to build a complex app; otherwise, you can create a simple app within your budget.
- Develop an attractive and user-conducive UI/UX design: The UI/UX design should be your top priority if you want to develop an engaging app for your target audience. So, invest time, money, and other resources to enhance your potential app’s UI/UX design.
- Test your mobile app: You must examine your new app from every perspective before submitting it to Google Play or the App Store. This will allow you to check whether the relevant features and UI/UX design are up to the mark.
- Submit your app to app stores: Once your app development team gives you the go-ahead for the app submission, submit the app to your preferred app store. Hopefully, the store will respond positively to your new app.
- Update the app regularly: Update the app once it goes live on the Google Play Store or the App Store. Regularly updating allows you to remove potential bugs and issues proactively. Therefore, update your potential Android or iOS apps on time.
Wrapping Up

We hope you liked our blog post explaining how to transform existing WordPress sites into engaging and results-driven mobile apps. When converting your WordPress site into an attractive mobile app, you can benefit from companies that provide users with many mobile app development services.
By doing so, you can get an impactful app that helps you retain and expand your customer base. Moreover, you can reap rewards in the shape of increased conversions, sales, and revenues in the future.