Starting an online business involves protecting not only your business but also your online reputation against cyber threats. Small businesses have been enjoying the benefits of technology by giving them the freedom to play in the industry with various competitors. Businesses can use technology in the marketing process at the same time simplifies the productivity and efficiency. However, there’s also a drawback in using technology that can compromise the online reputation. With this, it’s important to know some effective ways that can in improving the online reputation management and eventually prevent cyber threats.
1. Take charge of your online reputation
Damaging your online reputation can be costly. That’s why to protect your online reputation you should be careful in everything you do. In fact, there are different tools to use to protect your reputation or hire a reputation monitoring service.
2. Use stronger passwords
The most common cause of cyber hack is having easy to crack passwords. Most people have been using the same passwords for different accounts and this is a big mistake. It’s necessary to use stronger passwords by combining lowercase and capital letters, numbers, and symbols. You should also avoid using your birthdate as passwords.
3. Encrypt your data
Hackers are doing all their best just to succeed in their unscrupulous acts. They won’t stop until they hack your system. With this, you need to protect your system through data encryption. By using codes, hackers will find difficulty in hacking the system. Regardless of the size of your business, it’s important to consider data encryption so that your business will be protected from fraudulent activities and malicious threats.
4. Use social networks more safely
Through social networks, people can share everything making them great venues for business advertising. But, in a way it can also make or break your business, that’s why you should utilize social networks safely. Hackers can steal your identity through social media. Thus, you should be careful in sharing your personal details in social media. This makes sense of checking the privacy settings to avoid leaking of private information.
5. Protect sensitive data
Protecting sensitive data is of utmost importance especially when doing online banking and other online transactions. You should avoid accessing your accounts using public Wi-Fi as it is vulnerable to hackers.
6. Disaster recovery and response plans
Every business either small or big should create disaster recovery and response plans so that they will be ready to protect their businesses against cyber threats. You should be aware that elite hackers can impersonate your employees so that they can access your system. The need for implementing the best practices should be considered in order to ensure online reputation.
7. Anti-virus and anti-spyware
Protecting the system against potential cyber hackers can be done by installing or using anti-spyware and anti-virus. There are instances in which by simply clicking a link your system is inflicted by a virus and worse the hacker can steal your pertinent information.
8. Educate your employees and colleagues
If there’s one way that can help your business to be protected is to educate all the employees and colleagues about the importance of cybersecurity. This can be done by conducting seminars and meetings, create policies and send reminders through email. This method is very important particularly to those who have access to your company’s account.
9. Use a VPN
Another way of improving the security of your online business is by using a subscription service like VPN. This allows employees working remotely to access the company networks. However, today VPN has been used as secure tunnels where users can access the source of data at the same time encrypt the individual data. Likewise, all the devices will be immune and protected from common hacking threats. As long as you know about cybersecurity, you can easily manage your online reputation.
Protecting the online reputation of your business should be your priority. Doing those ideas mentioned above can help to enhance the data security against unscrupulous attackers at the same time implement strategies to revive the business after the incidents of cyber hacks. Online security and reputation are significant to any business so that more customers will work with you.
This article is written by Ryan Moalemi. Ryan Moalemi is an author at, a free public resource delivering expert reviews of financial protection services, articles about online safety, comparisons of identity theft protection reviews, plans and more..