Please Note: This tool is no longer available for download.
RSFlashMatic is a Joomla Module that works natively in Joomla 1.5.x and Joomla 1.6.x environments. This is a Joomla extension specially developed for Joomla versions 1.5.x and 1.6.x. This is a highly customizable XML Image Rotator with more than 35 XML options, including the masking size and speed. You can control the position of the elements on the screen, the number of images, as well as the colors – all from XML. You can use this module in any size you need. This is a free extension. The features are:
- Customizable width and height of the slideshow.
- Customizable background color, position, size, and transparency of the Navigation/Controller Bar. You can also able to customize the background color and transparency for each individual image based on the image color theme.
- Customizable Play, Pause, Previous and Next buttons.
- Customizable Slide Duration and Transition Time.
- Customizable Image Link, Image Title, and Image Caption/Description.
- Slideshow can display all images from a folder. Or if you wish you can able to set individual images also.
Please Note: This tool is no longer available for download.