Photography Marketing: 10 Easy Photography Marketing Ideas

Once you start a business these days, however big or small it might be, you must market it well for it to be successful and gain the popularity you desire. Marketing used to be most of the orthodox type and included print and audio-visual outputs like newspapers, magazines, television, radio, etc. However, the scenario has undergone a marked change recently. One aspect of marketing that has taken a front seat is online marketing. This can be largely attributed to the advent of the internet in day to day life. Increased accessibility to it has been instrumental in making this possible. Websites and social media are two of the main components of online marketing, and every business should utilize the perks of it.

Photography is no longer just a passion. It is a budding profession as well and has the potential to become a permanent breadwinner for someone ready to treat it as a business organization. Like any other business, photography also needs a lot of planning and marketing to get the name out there among the best in a particular niche. Some strategies need to be in place, and it should be executed properly so that it hits the right chord with the intended audience. Here is a list of 10 marketing ideas for a successful photography business.

Work on the SEO for your photography website


If you are planning to have a website for your photography business and you have no idea what SEO is, then you still have a lot to learn. Search Engine Optimization is an absolute must as far as running a successful website is concerned. What it does is that it includes content on the site that corresponds with the search tags of the users looking for something in the same niche. Google is, without any doubt, one of the most significant search engines in the world right now, and most websites get their SEO done according to it.

Therefore, when you open a website for your photography page, make sure it contains valuable content that is up to the mark, as far as SEO is concerned. Better the SEO of a website, the better will be its rank in the search engine list and chances of it appearing before others are more. Thus, the traffic generated is much more, and the number of people visiting your website will also increase automatically.

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Launch a website


The previous point will prove to be null and void if you don’t create a website for your photography itself. Like mentioned before, in the era of online marketing, a virtual presence of your photography skill is an absolute necessity; having a website is the first necessary step in it. If anyone wants to gather some knowledge about anything under the sky, the first thing that they do is open a web browser and search for it online.

If you do not have a website, you are out of the game completely. You may feel that you are not very well-versed in this particular aspect. Then it is advisable to get someone who is specialized in this specific field to create a website for you. They will be aware of the nuances and create something of a superior standard. The investment is going to be worth it as it will escalate your business correctly.

Showcase photos on photo-sharing sites


Since your main business proposition is based on photography itself, one of the most important aspects of marketing is the quality of photos that you have. It should be lucrative enough to capture the interests of your potential clients so that they hire you to work on their projects. One of the best methods to put yourself across to the ones who matter is by showcasing your photos on sites that are particularly made to serve that purpose. Instagram is one of the most famous photo-sharing platforms.

Even though it is more of an informal setting, it helps reach out to the maximum audience. Many businesses have started small and then gone on to become big from here. Pinterest is another widely used photo-sharing site that can help you come into the radar. There are even some websites that are dedicated to this purpose. You need to be updated about it and follow them closely to create a nice impression.

Connect with clients through social media


Gone are the days when meeting with clients only involved a conference room with a business initiative. Things have changed massively. Meeting clients through social media has become a norm, especially in artistic fields like that of photography. There is no denying the fact that social media has the power to reach out to many people; having a business proposition though it serves a lot of purposes.

Firstly, you can showcase your work directly through it. Secondly, if the interaction is public, even other people can go through it and become aware of your presence in the photography field. Lastly, it is extremely convenient for both parties to establish communication through social media.

Start building an email list right away


You should not expect that people who visit your website once will keep coming back or look for updates spontaneously. You have to go the extra mile in establishing contact with them. One of the best ways to do that is through an email newsletter. Using this, you can email them about the updates in your photography and what you have to offer to the clients. You can get preferable emails from several related forums. You should be aware of where to look. If you start building an email list as soon as possible, you will be able to reach out to the right people at the right time.

Run a contest or a promotion


Everyone loves a contest, more so, when it is related to photography. The added advantage is you can gather a lot of attention and popularity through a single event itself. Therefore, it is a good marketing idea to organize a photography contest which should preferably be open-ended. Anyone with a knack for photography should be allowed to enroll for it. You will become more popular this way, not only in your particular niche but to the general public as well. Even you can look to promote certain items that are related to what you have on offer. You can share the links on your website or social media page and put the option of ‘click here’ to be redirected to the page of interest.

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Utilize the power of Instagram

Photography Marketing

Visual representation is one of the best methods of capturing the eye of someone. And Instagram is one of the most potent media to do so. Since it is a platform that mainly deals with images and videos, it is in perfect sync with what you have to offer as well. Therefore, it is imperative that you use it to the maximum benefit.

Share your photographs and use appropriate hashtags. Who knows, something might get viral as well. Instagram even has the provision of advertisements as well. Make sure that you use this feature, as well.

Share your expertise


Everyone is looking for credibility when they are looking at anything online. This is mainly because the number of fake setups that are available these days far outnumbers the genuine ones. Thus, people are filled with skepticism. One way of ensuring that people trust you is if you portray yourself as an expert in the field of photography.

Therefore, arrange for talks and workshops and ask people to attend it. You should also be able to convey something genuinely important in this niche so that the audience remain interested.

Share real client reviews and testimonials


Another method of increasing the credibility of any presence online is through reviews and testimonials. A recent survey has revealed that feedback plays a significant role in shaping the opinion of a business organization to the people. Therefore, you should share the reviews and testimonials of clients who have worked for previously so that the visitor is convinced of your reputation.

You should not make the mistake of removing the not-so-positive comments and keeping only the good ones. It gives the impression of being staged and fake. Share the real content, as it is.

Network with other professionals

Social Networking - Social Media

This is all the more important during the novice stage of the marketing of your photography business. Since you are relatively new in this aspect, you still have a lot of potentials to learn. Therefore, set the competitive spirit aside and have the will to gulp in as much knowledge as you can. You can apply this knowledge when the need arises.

There must be other professionals who have been in this business for a longer period and must be relatively successful, as well. Connect with them and even try to collaborate. Remember that your learning curve should always be facing towards the sky.

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Final Words

Photography Marketing - conclusion

Now, hopefully, you have a fair idea about marketing strategies for photography. Implement them and become successful in your field of interest.

Author-Image-Dhaval-PatelThis article is written by Dhaval Patel. Dhaval has two passions, travel and photography. Lucky for him they go hand in hand. At you can experience how nature and photography got him inclined to inspire and encourage others and follow the identical path. Through his meticulous experience, he will coach you on various hacks to photograph Nature. Brace yourself for the world of photography! Follow him: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram.
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Article Published By

Souvik Banerjee

Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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