This is an article containing the monthly article digest of the month “June 2020” at RS Web Solutions (@rswebsols). You can easily find all our published articles of June 2020 in ascending order by date. This is a monthly archive page to help our readers to give an easy-to-find list of monthly articles. Along with the article title, you can also able to read a short excerpt from each article. If you find an interesting article that catches your attention, you can, of course, click on the “continue reading” link to read the entire article. Happy reading!
How to Write Compelling Content for a Landing Page?
Published on: June 1, 2020 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing
Great landing page content always produces sales. Conversion copywriters are a mixture of writers and psychologists. They know how to make a user push the button and buy something. They create engaging content. It grabs readers’ attention and keeps it until they reach the bottom of the page. So, how to write great content that can be a game-changer for your landing page sales? Here are some useful tips. Use Your Customer’s Language You must know your target audience well. Use ...
Modern B2B Website Design Tricks to Make it Successful in 2020
Published on: June 2, 2020 | Listed under: Design, Business
Time flies. 2020 has knocked on the door which means it is high time to initiate the process of reinvigorating your B2B website to meet the new demands and trends of web design. Well, it does not necessarily mean you have to start everything from scratch. But incorporating a few changes here and there and making it modern can do the trick. In this article, I am going to bring your attention to some of the smart B2B website design ...
How to Choose the Right Internet Hardware for Your Office?
Published on: June 6, 2020 | Listed under: Internet
The shift from analog to digital is no longer news. Resultantly, there’s a bunch of telecommunication hardware options today than ever. While having several alternatives to choose from sounds great, navigating through the truckload of available options and reviews often leaves one confused. Sadly, too often, many businesses invest hugely in internet hardware in their office that does not meet their business needs. If you’re not sure the right internet hardware for your office, follow this guide closely before you ...
How Social Listening Best Practices Can Improve Your Conversion Rates?
Published on: June 8, 2020 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing
Technology has introduced a lot of ways to make your business flourish. It has created a significant impact on how your customers live their lives and how they perceive things around them, especially when it comes to products or brands that they use. One of the most significant innovations that technology has brought upon for businesses is social media. However, leveraging on different social media platforms to expand your reach and grow your brand does not necessarily mean just posting ...
ScalaCube Minecraft Server Hosting Review – An Affordable Solution for You
Published on: June 9, 2020 | Listed under: Hosting Server
Every week a new multiplayer game is being launched in the market but it doesn’t mean gamers are giving up on their old favorite games. Minecraft is one such a masterpiece that has got a loyal player base who doesn’t want to compromise with their online gaming experience. This is where the hosting provider comes into the picture as most of the players willing to opt for their own server. Here we have written a detailed review of a very ...
Top 20 GIT Commands to Start With
Published on: June 10, 2020 | Listed under: Programming
As you might know, GIT is a distributed-version control system. The engineers use it for tracking changes that have been made in source code during the process of software development. If you are a developer, particularly if you are just getting into the profession, you must learn a few of the more useful GIT commands. Let’s look at the best GIT bash commands about which you should learn. For Setting Up the Project: An Explanation of GIT Prompts Recommended for ...
Should You Opt for Antivirus Software or a VPN? Let’s Find Out!
Published on: June 10, 2020 | Listed under: Internet
There is more concern than ever before amongst the public about security and privacy online. It isn’t hard to see why there are so many worries in this regard. There have been many high-profile data breaches reported recently. The media is always full of stories about identity theft, phishing scams, and ransomware attacks. It’s no surprise, then, that over 50% of internet users around the world have more concerns about their online safety than they did just a year ago. ...
25 Lesser-Known Amazing Windows 10 Features You Need to Know
Published on: June 13, 2020 | Listed under: Apps & Software
Windows 10 is the latest version of Windows operating systems. It comes with a lot of added advantages and new features to enhance productivity and performance. With every Windows Update, there are some new additions introduced to curve up the learning and performance enhancements. Here is a compilation of such amazing features of Windows 10 that will surprise you. Microsoft has made many categorical and specific changes in their later versions to make it more user-friendly and useful. has carried ...
How to Fix Various iPhone iOS System Problems using Dr.Fone Apps?
Published on: June 15, 2020 | Listed under: Technology
iPhones are definitely the pioneer in the industry, but even they are not flawless. Obviously, nothing is perfect so how can be they? From hardware to the software, you’ll experience different types of bugs regularly if you’re an iPhone user. It is really annoying. Dr.Fone app is one such a tool that helps you to resolve your iPhone related issues with easy steps. So, here we have discussed how you can fix the most common iPhone iOS system problems using ...
Will 3D Animation End the Tide for 2D Animation? Let’s Find Out!
Published on: June 18, 2020 | Listed under: Technology
We can find examples of 2D animation and 3D animation practically wherever we look. And the credit for this miraculous achievement must be given to the versatility that animation has achieved in recent times, the flair to capture our imagination, provide an impactful visual experience, and portray things both in real and fictional ways that are almost impossible to achieve otherwise. 2D animation is the oldest method of animation that has existed since the late 1800s. But, 2D animation has ...
Everything to Know About Domains, Subdomains & SEO-Friendly URLs
Published on: June 19, 2020 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing
Choosing a domain is one of the most important tasks a company faces when launching a corporate website. A properly chosen domain can move your business to a new level, whereas a wrongly picked domain can prevent your site from occupying top positions on SERP. A domain must be selected in such a way that it meets the technical requirements of the domain zone, is convenient for further use, and meets your marketing/ branding strategy. This task is not as ...
What is C-SCRM and Why would You Need it in your Business?
Published on: June 20, 2020 | Listed under: Internet
The digital world is evolving at a high pace and with its development, cyber risk management is becoming more challenging. Since modern businesses can hardly stay away from technologies, cybersecurity has become one of their main concerns. To protect the company from cyber threats, experts recommend using a systematic approach that would cover each ongoing process and each used tech product. It is advisable to examine and analyze each component of the company’s IT infrastructure. Highly useful is software composition ...
Lead Generation for Small Business Owners During Coronavirus Outbreak
Published on: June 23, 2020 | Listed under: Business, SEO & Marketing
As of now, significant changes are occurring in the world, one of which is the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s no secret that it will leave some long-term impacts on the global economy and businesses. During this time of uncertainty, it’s a struggle to stay calm and focused. However, we must remember that we will come out of this test, stronger and wiser than ever. It’s crucial to remain vigilant and driven so that businesses cannot just survive but thrive in non-favorable ...
How to Create an Online Electronics Store Using WordPress?
Published on: June 24, 2020 | Listed under: eCommerce, WordPress
Shopping today isn’t what it used to be just a decade ago. We know that the share of e-commerce sales in total retail sales is increasing. We’ve seen huge brick-and-mortar chains perform massive close-downs of their stores in a struggle to stay competitive with nimbler businesses with a better understanding of how people shop for products. The way people shop has changed, but not in the way most people think it did. The online store didn’t kill the mall — ...
10 Video Editing Software to Use from Beginners to Professionals
Published on: June 25, 2020 | Listed under: Apps, Games & Software
Those who produce videos know the importance of visually attractive and high-quality content. They also know how difficult it is to produce these materials. As much as your video looks very good, most of the time, it is still necessary to make some adjustments to make everything perfect, and you will only achieve this through video editing. With some techniques and software suited to your skills and needs, you can correct most of the problems found in a recorded video, ...
7 Reasons to Why Do You Really Need A Website for Small Business
Published on: June 26, 2020 | Listed under: Business, Design
Are you that business owner who is doubting about having a website for a business with thoughts like — “I have enough customers”, “I am satisfied with my local & offline presence”, “Why to pay…when I can get the website for free”. Long story short, yes you do need a website no matter what size, intensity, or product/service-based business you own. You do need a website, but a really good one! With professional design & UX, rich attributes that could ...
Top 5 Factors that Affects the Success of Data Recovery
Published on: June 26, 2020 | Listed under: Technology
Do you know why experts highly recommend having a backup of crucial data? It is because data loss can be distressing. It can put your reputation at risk and in the worst scenario; your business may come to a halt. No, doubt the data recovery option is always available, but what’s difficult in staying at the top of your backup schedules? It doesn’t even cost much. So, to prevent yourself from the damaging consequences of data loss, take backups whenever ...
SEO Benefits of Having Strong Social Media Presence for Businesses
Published on: June 30, 2020 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing
Social media is much more than having an online presence. It comes with a host of benefits starting from brand recognition, marketing, advertising, to customer service. What about SEO benefits? Experts say the relationship between social media and SEO is complicated. Let’s explore that in detail. Does Social Media Benefit Your SEO Effort? A few years ago, nobody could have guessed what social media would become. Facebook is the ultimate social media superpower. Instagram has 700 million users, MySpace no ...