This is an article containing the monthly article digest for the month of “January 2023” at RS Web Solutions (@rswebsols). You can easily find all our published articles for January 2023 in ascending order by date. This is a monthly archive page to help our readers to give an easy-to-find list of monthly articles. Along with the article title, you can also read a short excerpt from each article. If you find an interesting article that catches your attention, you can, of course, click on the “continue reading” link to read the entire article. Happy reading!
5 Tips for Successful Healthcare Content Marketing
Published on: January 2, 2023 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing
Businesses that use content marketing see six times more conversions than those that don’t. So, it’s not surprising that 95% of healthcare organizations use or plan to use content marketing to reach their target consumers. To make your healthcare brand stand out from the competition, you should find ways to connect with your patients, peers, consumers, and other healthcare organizations. Effective healthcare content marketers leverage valuable and relevant multimedia content and share them easily across online platforms. This article explains ...
How to Choose the Best CRM Solutions for Your Business?
Published on: January 4, 2023 | Listed under: Business
It can be incredibly daunting to select the best Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution for your business. In fact, the search becomes more overwhelming since there are endless options in the market. Each platform has its own distinct package of features and functions. So, how do you optimize your search and pick the ideal CRM per the scale and requirements of your company? For starters, begin by researching a few crucial elements about each CRM from your shortlisted collection of ...
How to Adjust Your Car Amplifier for the Best Sound Quality?
Published on: January 4, 2023 | Listed under: Technology
Your car’s audio system is ready to go and you’re now just a few steps away from experiencing the ultimate hi-fi sound. With some simple tuning, your speakers will have newfound clarity and power; perfect for letting loose with your favorite tunes! Get started on creating an incredible music experience by adjusting channels, and boosting frequencies – let that bass boom! Are you looking for the best sound possible from your car amplifier? Check out these expert tips to get ...
How Does Digital Transformation Impacts Software Development?
Published on: January 4, 2023 | Listed under: Business, Apps & Software
There isn’t an industry today that does not utilize digital solutions in its day-to-day operations. Companies these days now look for better ways to modernize their operations and utilize technology in a better way. All global businesses have undergone a massive renovation or what we call digital transformation. The markets are now becoming incredibly bigger as there is so much space to explore. By building a software solution of their own, enterprises and startups are now not only just streamlining ...
Top 10 Best UV Protection Filters for Camera Lenses
Published on: January 5, 2023 | Listed under: Top 10
Photographers everywhere are getting smart and investing in UV protection filters for their digital camera lenses. Not only do they protect the lens from harmful radiation, but also reduce annoying reflection and glare when taking photos outdoors! In addition to these benefits, your lens can be safeguarded against everyday scratches with a filter – making sure you get those perfect shots – every time! While filters can be a great asset for your photography, they come with some potential drawbacks. ...
Privacy, Security & Health Risks of Social Media! How to Avoid Them?
Published on: January 6, 2023 | Listed under: Internet
Social media has become an essential component of practically any lifestyle. From Facebook and Twitter to Instagram, LinkedIn, and beyond – these platforms have connected over 100 million people worldwide! So why not take advantage of the opportunities they offer? Join in on the conversation today! Social media is great for connecting with friends, family, and customers but hackers are always lurking in the background. Protect yourself from these predators by gaining an understanding of all potential risks associated with ...
20 Easy Ways to Uplift the Skills of Your New Employees
Published on: January 10, 2023 | Listed under: Business
When new employees join an organization, the journey from a newcomer to becoming an experienced worker is not easy for them. At first, they are not aware of the culture of that particular workspace and how things work there. No matter how talented and intelligent they are, they won’t be able to express themselves freely in a new workspace. This is why it is important to uplift the skills of your new employees and make them capable of giving their ...
Top 5 B2B Sales Strategies for Better Conversions
Published on: January 10, 2023 | Listed under: Business, eCommerce
Generating high traffic but not enough conversions? That’s frustrating when your products are great, but people are not inclined to buy them. Usually, this happens when you don’t have the right sales strategy in place. In this article, we’ll share what B2B strategies are, why they are important, how are these B2B sales strategies related to better conversions, and what are the top 5 B2B sales strategies. All of this will help you close more deals or win you more ...
10+ Excellent Gaming Apps that Reduce Depression and Anxiety
Published on: January 11, 2023 | Listed under: Apps, Games & Software
In recent years, people’s mental health has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology found that this is due to an array of factors – and it appears things are only getting more concerning with each passing day. They reported the following findings: “Between 2009 and 2017, rates of depression among kids ages 14 to 17 increased by more than 60%. The increases were nearly as steep among those ages 12 to 13 (47%) and ...
The History and the Future of Computers and Its Technology
Published on: January 12, 2023 | Listed under: Technology
We can’t imagine a world without computers today. Everywhere that we see, computers offer efficiency in operations, quick transactions, and the ability to store unlimited data. Computers are everyday things that we use. In smartphones, gadgets, toys, aircraft and so many others. In shopping malls, cinema theatres, gyms, restaurants, and hotels, computers are everywhere. Desktop Personal Computers, laptops, and tablets, are seen in every home. But computers, when they were first evolving, were not the same as they are today. ...
Top 5 Simple Ways to Process All Your Company Data
Published on: January 12, 2023 | Listed under: Business, Technology
The unceasing surge in scientific breakthroughs and technological advancements has left its imprint on the big data world and heightened the battle for data sovereignty, prompting businesses to adjust appropriately and keep pace with the most current data processing techniques. While organizations are quick to outpace their rivals at the least opportunity, one major factor that contributes immensely to the success of any business is how well they’re able to harness the full potential of data. Every data-driven organization sees ...
Rich Media in Email Marketing: How to Ace the Visual Game? (Infographic)
Published on: January 17, 2023 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing
Visuals play a vital role in creating engaging emails. They help in making your communications more impactful and drive the users to take action. Rich media in email marketing evoke emotion and impart a memorable experience to the readers. By definition, rich media is a broad range of interactive digital media that shows dynamic motion. It uses advanced sensory features, namely audio, video, and animation. It includes static images, GIFs, cinemagraphs, videos, and audio. As email clients are getting more ...
Top 11 Software Solutions for Employee Engagement
Published on: January 20, 2023 | Listed under: Business, Apps, Games & Software
In this article, we’ll look at eleven of the most popular software solutions available for enhancing employee engagement. You’ll also learn how employee engagement software can help you get the best out of each team member’s potential. Are you looking for ways to boost employee engagement and performance in your company? If so, you’re not alone. Engaged employees are more likely to be productive, creative, efficient, and, overall, more successful. However, keeping employees engaged can be daunting. Also, staying on ...
7 Best Tools to Build a Positive Customer Relationship
Published on: January 21, 2023 | Listed under: Business
Having unhealthy customer relationships can be damaging for businesses. Unhappy customers will not only sour the word of mouth about your brand, but they could also go and seek out services from a competitor with whom their experiences have been more positive; this decreases market share substantially which is why it’s important to maintain healthy connections between you and clients at all times! Having a great relationship with your customers is the foundation of building trust. It not only ensures ...
9 Best Appointment Booking / Scheduling Software in the Market
Published on: January 21, 2023 | Listed under: Apps, Games & Software
Running a business is a tough job. One needs to make productive strategies to make an impression in the competitive market. And, the competition is surely accelerating more in the near future. With the advent of technology, every business is trying hard to stay ahead of its competitors. The astonishing part is that no sector has remained untouched. Therefore, to go with the flow, it becomes essential to make plans to schedule everything orderly. The main thing that businesses majorly find ...
Web Development Services by GetDevDone (Former PSD2HTML) – A Complete Review
Published on: January 21, 2023 | Listed under: Service Reviews
GetDevDone – you might not have heard this name very often. Because it only came into existence a short while ago. Formerly, the company was named ‘PSD2HTML’. Initially, this US-based company offered PSD to HTML conversion services, so the brand’s name was ‘PSD2HTML’. But today, it has wide expertise in whole web development and switched its name to GetDevDone. Whether you are looking for front-end, back-end, CMS-based development, email templates, or HTML5 banner coding, GetDevDone has solutions to your problems. ...
5 Great Ways to Cut Operational Costs of Outsourcing Business
Published on: January 24, 2023 | Listed under: Business
In business, every penny matters because, in the end, your revenues are what makes a difference. If you’re into large-scale business, you seek to cut expenses every time. You attempt to introduce new ways, seek solutions to optimize your budget, and resort to new methods you have never tried before. As a startup runner, you probably can’t afford significant expenses and would also seek to decrease them. Even if it’s a young business with outsourced staff and it seems like ...
8 Top UX Design Principles for Web Applications
Published on: January 25, 2023 | Listed under: Design, Apps & Software
When discussing good UX design for web apps, the conversation often seems to revolve around things like “user-centered design”, “usability”, and “systematic approach”. These three terms are essential but only tell part of the story of what makes good UX. When we dig down below the surface and into the heart of UX design, we find universal principles that should be applied at different stages of web applications. UX design principles for web apps are the guidelines that help you ...
How Startups can Leverage the Benefits of Web Scraping?
Published on: January 25, 2023 | Listed under: Business, Technology
Startups usually deal with multiple difficulties and challenges at the beginning and collecting efficient data is one of them. It becomes overwhelming to obtain the requisite data on such a large scale to continue their operations. Web data scraping, of course, has saved them a lot of time and manual effort in comparison to earlier times. Data scraping for startups automates the process of collecting data so that they can conduct their market research effectively. But if you are someone ...
5 Benefits of Choosing React Native for Your Next Project
Published on: January 25, 2023 | Listed under: Apps & Software, Design
We are at the beginning of 2023 and React Native remains one of the top cross-platform app development project frameworks worldwide. It offers quick development of attractive apps packed with features – the type of apps businesses are chasing these days. There has been a sense of urgency among companies to build apps in a bid to improve their reach. If yours is among them, and you are already considering hiring a React Native app development company for your next ...
Shopify vs Magento: Which One is the Hilarious Platform to Create an Online Store in 2023?
Published on: January 28, 2023 | Listed under: eCommerce
Have you ever wondered which eCommerce platform would help to create a tantalizing online store? You want your eCommerce store to be well-known among your target audience. You want more eyeballs on your online store. Which platform would that possible for you? The two most renowned eCommerce platforms are Magento and Shopify. For larger and more complex eCommerce websites, Magento is the direct competitor to Shopify. Although there are different systems, both Magento and Shopify have distinguishing features. Before you ...
15 Big Challenges in Mobile App Development You Need to Know
Published on: January 28, 2023 | Listed under: Apps & Software
Every business is switching to digital gadgets and applications. The same goes for mobile applications. Businesses are creating the fastest solutions to compete with market trends. Although the struggles are infinite in mobile application development and creation, it is because there is an enormous competition going on. Also, hundreds of applications already exist. This is why presenting new ideas and coming up with the most reliable application is becoming a challenge nowadays. Therefore, the foremost thing is to increase the ...