
Customer Client Relationship

Web Designer: Tips to have a Smooth Client Relationship

The pain of a client constantly interfering with the work of a designer is no new concept. Go for a different color scheme, change the logo placement, and tweak the designs and what not! It’s understandable as to how this constant nagging and interfering can get annoying after a certain point. That’s why most designers start to completely exclude their clients out of work until designs are ready. But, that only tends to make matters worse. The more you leave …

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web design development programming coding developer programmer

10 Website Designing Tips to Design Websites for Huge Success

Making a fantastic looking website is every developer’s dream, but before that just think for whom you are doing this web design. If you just give a second thought, then you will understand that you need to cater to the requirement of the users. Today’s web design trends are all mobile friendly, and if your website requires Gigabyte ranged bandwidth to open the website within ten to fifteen seconds, then you will have minimal footfall. Try to understand the design …

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Web Design - Web Development

12 Landing Page Design Mistakes You May Be Making

A home page is a landing page. It is the page that a visitor may “land” on after conducting an organic search on Google. And, if you have a single product or service and only one or two conversions you want from visitors, your home page may be the only landing page you need. But if you are trying to attract traffic from several sources and you are doing it by special offers and such, your homepage cannot and should …

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How your Slow Website Burns a Hole in your Pocket (Infographic)

A mammoth 16% hit to your customer satisfaction rate is supplicating, to say the least. Consider an example of an eCommerce start-up that usually sprouts with a handful of employees or the founding members; every single penny spent would be with a view to generating desired value to its business. A wonderful team of technicians and top brains is the driving force towards putting together that unique product arising from a novel idea. The process that follows afterward and which …

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4 Tips to Manage Web Design Projects more Efficiently

For those who have never worked with web design projects before, any web project can look like a simple one. The fact of the matter is that a simple web design project can easily consist of 50+ tasks. Moreover, these tasks are being executed by various groups of people from various fields that are independent of one another: designers, developers, clients, managers, copywriters and hence may have a very hard time understanding each other. Here are a few helpful tips …

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Footer Design

2016 Best & Modern Footer Design Examples

Footer layout is a significant component of the website design. However, it is a place where alluring content is not only placed, but it can be conversion-centric and a source of imperative information for the visitors. Thus, while designing the website, the designer should also focus on the footer design along with other components. The compelling and functional footer design can have a lasting impact on the customers and it motivates them to come again and again. Moreover, the footer …

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404 Error Page Design

The Most Creative 404 Error Page Design Of All Times

Generally, while accessing the certain page, most of the users have come across the error page “404”. The 404 error page (wiki) accentuates that the website page is either not available or the users are trying to access the broken links. This kind of error mostly frustrate the users and can even lead them to opt for different websites, which adversely affects the reputation of the business. However, the 404-error page frustrates the users, but what happens if the 404-page design …

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6 Phases to Complete a Web Development Project Successfully

6 Phases to Complete a Web Development Project Successfully

Before getting into the points, we will try to know the main factors that can really make the difference in building a successful website project. In the current era of the Internet, having a website really makes a count in your business or profession. So a well-planned and well-designed website is always good for your personal need or for any business purposes. But the question is where to start and how to start making a good website. Suppose you are …

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Learn About 5 Game-Changing Web Development Tools

Learn About 5 Game-Changing Web Development Tools

The influence of the Internet in our day-to-day life is unavoidable; therefore, it has become significantly important for all the businesses and organisations to mark a strong presence in online world. And, the prominent step requisite to follow in this direction is to get an appealing yet functional website. This implies a lot of work pressure on designers and developers to come up with impressive results in a minimal period of time possible. Fortunately, there are plenty of web development …

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Web Design - Web Development

How History of Architecture be a Future of Web Design

Most often, people don’t think of the art of web designing like other designing arts. Due to its association with Information Technology, it is considered more technology than art. You might have heard about a lot of factors you need when formulating the design of your websites like audience requirements and priorities, user experience, and devices to run your website. But a very important but often missed factor is to understand and know the evolution of web designing so that …

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