

25 Websites That Look Amazing on Your Smartphone

The information has been classified as probably the most essential asset that one can have. In the past, one had to get information from reading books. However, with the onset of technological advancements such as the internet, one can easily access any information from all over the world by just the click of a button. Websites are easily accessed by the use of computers or smartphones. Websites always have different layouts when viewed on either the laptop or on the …

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The Principles of Creating a Stunning & Professional Level Logo

The logo is an essential part of building a brand identity. It is a visual art that allows customers to recognize and distinguish a company from all its competitors. In addition to giving recognition, the goal of the logo is to communicate the company culture along with all the values around which the brand revolves. So, let’s see exactly what are the main characteristics that a successful logo must reflect. 1. The simplicity. Logos that are too convoluted do not …

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5 Usable Tips on How to Avoid Website Development Pitfalls

Web development projects are complicated. They involve a wide variety of tasks, technical skills, and people, often working to tight budgets and even tighter deadlines. Effective management of the project is key, through careful planning and project management. Ensure that you’re working with a team who understand your end goals. They should also have the expertise required to help you achieve them. 1. Goal Start by agreeing on goals. Work out the risks that could stop you from reaching them. …

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4 Excellent Ideas to Create Stunning Above the Fold Content

Even since the early days of the Internet, site visitors have applied strict criteria to how content is delivered. Even on dial-up connections, it was important, from a marketing perspective, to get a visitor’s attention almost instantly. With today’s high-speed connections and advancements in both content creation and delivery, the pressure to capture someone’s interest within the first few seconds of clicking through to your pages is even greater. And in this context, the importance of above the fold content …

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Website Development Pitfalls

For Universal Reach of Your Business, Design Your Site Right

This is the time of internet and internet has pervaded the world’s combined conscience like it is never done in human history before. There is not a single day which goes by without the majority of us get in touch with the online world.  We are constantly and increasingly flooding the information with every passing day. The significance of the internet for modern societies is unprecedented, but have you ever wonder how does information get online? The answer to this …

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9 Tools Every UX and UI Designer Should Have in 2018

In thiѕ inсrеаѕinglу noisy wоrld whеrе еvеrу day a nеw brаnd оr product lаunсhеѕ еvеrу second оf a dау, what wоuld it take tо make people rеmеmbеr you аѕ a business or аѕ a brаnd? A stunning, сrеаtivе аnd memorable dеѕign with impeccable mаrkеting tасtiсѕ. UI and UX Designs is аll known fоr ѕuсh hеftу jоb when it соmеѕ to dо it аll. Thеrеfоrе, kеерing уоur branding ѕtrоng, modern аnd bаѕеd over lаtеѕt trends such as creating user-friendly websites will nоt …

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Top 5 Recommended Elements of eCommerce Website Design of 2018!

ECommerce sales in almost all of the world achieved a very satisfactory value by the end of 2017. By the end of 2017, more than $2 trillion had been contributed by this type of trading and experts predict that overall eCommerce sales in 2020 will reach approximately $27 trillion. ECommerce has expanded to a wide range of issues, not just limited to cosmetic sales, daily necessities, supplements, and medicines, but also to automotive products. This is a very rapid development …

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How is Game Design Different from Graphic Design?

Graphic design and game design. Are you confused about what the two mean? Most importantly, you must be wondering which one is the correct career option for you. Graphic designers are important to the game design system, and often deemed as game designers. But, there are a few key differences between the two, and if you are planning to work in the industry then you must understand them. Graphic Design Process The graphic design relates to creating ‘visual brand’ of …

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8 Modern Website Design Trends to Follow in 2018

If you are a web designer then you must know the most trending website design ideas for the year 2018 to impress your client. If you are a website owner then you must adopt few modern website design trends that will help your website to stand out in the competition. Here we have highlighted some of the best website design trends to watch out for in the year 2018: 1) Experimental videos: Experimental videos are an ideal way which most …

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6 Important Elements of Modern Website Design of 2018

Having an effective web design is as important as having a website in the first place. There is no use of having a website that doesn’t serve any useful purpose. But the real question is ‘how we create a website design that attracts more customers in 2018?’ Gone are the days when websites used to be all fancy. Web designers are focusing more on functionality and usability in this day and age. A more functional website would help to increase …

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