

Smart Classroom: A Futuristic Approach to Learning

Learning and education are critical aspects of human life at every stage. Continuous learning enables people to grow and thrive in the world. As a result, the world is focusing on ways to provide quality learning and education and using it to make economic and evolutionary progress. Moreover, changing times are calling for a change in the way people perceive learning in general. Owing to the most recent technology advancements, the idea of learning is no longer confined to dull …

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A person's hand is pointing at the camera with digital binary code and abstract geometric shapes in the background, symbolizing technology and data concepts.

What is the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Cybersecurity?

The frequency of cyber-attacks continues to be prevalent – 66% of businesses experienced a cyber-attack in 2021 according to Forbes. As cyber threats and attacks grow more sophisticated, so does the technology that prevents them. Many businesses are turning to AI to build up their defenses against the crimes that their industries face. While there are numerous use cases and benefits for implementing artificial intelligence and machine learning technology for cybersecurity, the very same technologies can also be leveraged by …

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6 Tips for a Better Cost Control in IT Industry

As most sectors continue to experience digital changes, how firms approach cost management is undergoing a radical upheaval. Companies no longer prioritize cost above anything else. The new type of cost control is a hybrid strategy emphasizing cost management and growth. While most organizations detest over budget, cost reduction alone is no longer sufficient. If organizations want to maximize revenues, improve budgets, and assure long-term financial sustainability, they must instead prioritize context. Cost control is the estimation of expenses for …

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8 Strategies to Improve the Digital Asset Security

Digital assets form an integral part of online stores. These refer to any material created and stored digitally. Examples include videos, images, slides, Excel spreadsheets, audio files, blogs, and eBooks. Companies love using digital assets because they’re easy to access and can quickly be shared with multiple users. Using digital assets also helps boost your marketing strategies, minimize costs, improve collaboration, and improve time management. That said, digital assets contain valuable information about a company. For that reason, they’ve become …

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What is the IoT Ecosystem and What are Its Key Components?

Objects that are part of a network do not exist independently in space. Unless they are connected and fed into systems that generate data, a single sensor serves very little use, and a large number of them serve an even smaller one. We refer to this as an Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, which encompasses a wide variety of interconnected devices and technologies professionals use to accomplish a particular goal, such as developing a smart tech company. In addition, this …

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Best Workspace Gadgets for Creative Professionals in 2022-2023

Every person’s desktop is as individual as a fingerprint. It is impossible to find twins, especially when we talk about the workplaces and tools used by creative professionals. Even the workspace and place of two office workers in the same company will differ from each other in the smallest things. When it comes to creative professionals, the workspace is not limited to a desk, chairs, and PC. There is always something unusual and interesting. If you are looking for devices …

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Two women in lab coats looking through a microscope.

New Tech Innovations for the Non-Tech Industries

At first glance, it may seem that innovation is synonymous with the word technology, but this is not entirely true. Tech innovations involve the development of new methods for solving existing old problems. Any changes that increase the efficiency of various actions and works, as well as the result of new ways of performing tasks, are innovations. It is a fairly broad concept, which means that innovations can also affect the non-tech environment, despite their connection with technology. Modern technologies …

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Top 15 Software Technology Trends of Today

If we notice, the current software development landscape has changed dramatically over the past few years due to the rise of new technologies and trends. As new software technologies emerge, they create opportunities for automating processes and improving product quality while simultaneously reducing the time required to get a product to market. In 2021 and early 2022, new software technology trends will again shift how startups operate. Here are the 15 leading software technology trends for startups that you need …

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A tidy workspace with a computer monitor displaying a gallery of images, a keyboard, a graphics tablet, and some office supplies on a desk.

How to Protect Your PC from Cyber-attacks, Tracking, & Malware?

With the development of technology also comes significant risks, as many cybercriminals are out there looking for their next victim. They can steal your information, and these attacks can have enormous consequences. If you are a PC user, you should remember that your computer contains confidential and valuable information. Most of us spend our time on the Internet, whether for work or not, and our information can get exposed easily. So, your computer likely connects to a network via Ethernet …

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Virtualization in Cloud Computing: All You Need to Know

When we speak of Cloud Computing what we essentially mean is the Virtualization technology that we can use. It offers more diverse use of the server resources and other elements like storage, memory, processing power, and other components. Virtualization has changed the way cloud computing works and has made it into a dynamic virtual space where developers can share the resources of single hardware and computer. It is like working on a virtual layer, deploying independent operating systems which are …

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