
Best Quadcopters

The 5 Best Quadcopters for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Users

While today’s consumer-level drones are known by many names (including RC drones, RC helicopters, and unmanned aerial vehicles), the term “quadcopter” (or “quad” for short) refers to a particular group of drones that are lifted and propelled by four main rotor systems, making them essentially a type of helicopter. The end of each arm is equipped with an engine and a propeller—a configuration that ensures the stability of the quadcopter when it’s airborne. As noted by online retailers, quadcopters have …

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Buzzwords Set to Take Technology Over in 2016

With technology developing and changing as quickly as it does, it becomes difficult to keep track of what’s hot from year to year. Every year hot topics take the spotlight, forcing the previous year’s topics out of the way. 2016 is not different. This year a number of technology buzzwords are set to take over your news feeds, signaling a shift in direction and popularity of technology trends. So what are the hottest trends in tech that what we will …

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Xiaomi Discount

GearBest’s 2nd Anniversary Celebration Sale – Huge Discount on Xiaomi Products

This article is about the great offers which are going to start from today onwards [March 22, 01:00 (UTC +8:00)] on These offers are going to start there on an occasion of their . GearBest is offering huge and unbelievable discounts on all the products available on their website. But I will especially talk about their popular brand Xiaomi. On this sale, you will get a fantabulous discount on many Xiaomi products. Here I will share with you some …

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Why you Should Choose an Apple iPhone over an Android Phone

Why you Should Choose an Apple Phone over an Android Phone

A few months ago, I decided to finally make the huge leap, I switched from my long term phone, a to a used iPhone 5S. I can assure you, that despite being second hand and having a cracked screen which I fixed for a few dollars, my new found love- the gave me immense pleasure. I immediately began regretting why I had chosen Android run smartphones previously. Earlier, I had resisted the argue of owning an iPhone because I disliked …

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Digital Data Technology Cloud Computing

The Revolutionary Applications of Digital Data Technology in Logistics

Ever since humans started to trade, goods have had to be moved from one place to another. In the modern world, this is still the case but the process has become ever more complex and demanding. Logistics is the planning, implementation, and management of moving goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption and it requires a great deal of precision and timing. Clients and consumers expect to receive orders within a given timeframe and logistics service …

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iPhone 6 plus

5 Crucial Steps of Buying a Used iPhone

Let’s not beat around the bush here – a new iPhone is expensive. Even if you can pick up a new for less than $400, the $1,000+ you’ll shell out for its new, larger, means a new, high-end iPhone is out of the price range of most normal people. What’s the solution? Simple: get a used iPhone. As iPhone production standards have lead to improved durability, you can now pick up an as-new second-hand iPhone at sometimes less than 50% …

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Smartwatch Development - Is it True that Smartwatches Means of Problem?

Smartwatch Development – Is it True that Smartwatches Means of Problem?

With the launch of a number of smart watches recently, wearable technology is expanding its feathers and there will be no wonder if our coming generations will completely be dependent on such wearable and performing their daily tasks through them. However, is it true that despite their wide usage and bright future, predictions reveal that there is still some hesitation in embracing these wearable. Does this indicate any fear? If yes, then what are they? Let’s find out. Battery Drain …

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Digital Camera Buying Guide for 2016

Digital Camera Buying Guide for 2016

Don’t think of buying a camera as a complicated process that requires from you to become an expert in the field. I, however, like to call it an exciting journey, on which you’ll be able to understand all those camera specifications that look so unclear on first sight. So, if you have decided to buy one of these amazing devices, I have some great news! This digital camera buying guide will teach you everything there is to know about camera …

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Smartphone Tablet

8 Clever Ways to Make Use of Your Old Cell Phone

Our instructor asked us rather an unusual question during Management Information System class one time, “How often do you change your mobile phone?” He conducted a survey and it was found that about 60% of students garner a habit of changing their cell phones every year; 30% favored to use it until the second year while a few belonging to the minority of the result chose to stick with their “old” phone. This statistics really awed me, you know? I …

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