

Control Your Roku Device by Using It’s Mobile App

According to the survey conducted by the manufacturer company on June 30, 2017, Roku has 15 million monthly active users all across the USA and around 22 million American have already cut-the-cord and enjoy streaming their favorite channels by using Roku player. There is the number of benefits associated with this streaming player as compared to cable TVs such as compatibility, portability, light-weighted, and High-Definition picture quality. Another imperative reason to love this device is that the user can control …

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5 Best Ways to Implement Chatbot for Your Business that Saves a Lot

Chatbots are in trend now since few years and day by day new businesses are implementing one for their business. There are many reasons for chatbot implementations as chatbots have proved its usefulness in many automation tasks and there is no doubt that it helps to save a lot of bucks for any kind of business. It all depends on how you want to implement bot in your business to get the maximum out of it. If implemented properly then …

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Times Square at night, featuring illuminated billboards and advertisements, including one for "Phantom." Light trails from moving cars are visible on the street below.

Why Outdoor Advertising Via LED Screens Gained So Much Popularity?

As a newer and innovative technology being regularly introduced, promotion and branding techniques adopted by businesses are changing at a rapid rate. The newest form of advertising is ‘Outdoor LED Displays’. These are the display screens which are dynamic in nature and are generally used in the place of traditional billboards. The display screen is generally preferred due to the fact that it is a onetime investment after which the users will be competent to customize it every time they …

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A Quick Guide to IT Networks – 22 Important Terms Related to Networking

For many of us, tech jargon is part of our lives – especially since we now have super powerful processors, applications and internet connections in our pockets. However, the world of IT networks is often still alien to those who don’t work in that field. This can sometimes make business conversations tricky – especially when you’re talking to IT departments and engineers. Don’t worry though, we’ve put together a guide to most things you’ll hear when talking about IT networks …

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Simple line drawing of a cloud with a downward arrow inside, symbolizing cloud download. The background is light gray.

4 Ways Cloud Technology Can Improve HR Management

Technology is an integral part of business success. Every department from HR to Finances will benefit from the correct use of technology – it helps departments be more productive and cost-effective. In today’s world of technology, the go-to technology is cloud computing. For the HR department, cloud computing can provide improvements that ripple across the business. In the latest Global HR Technology Survey by PwC, businesses showed their commitment to implement cloud technologies across the HR department. Overall, 73% of …

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Monitor Technology: How to Buy a Monitor in 2018

Display technology is always on the move regardless the field and the region they are in use. Whether you need a product for your graphics or animation work, to improve your productivity with the help of an external monitor, or to relentlessly outplay other players in the high-end action games, a good-quality monitor always helps in a significant manner. And for this reason, it is quite challenging to choose the best monitor and monitor technology for your purpose. Today, in …

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Why You Should Consider to Upgrade Your New iPhone

It seems like you just bought your iPhone 7 yesterday. But it has already been usurped by iPhones 8 and X. Don’t worry. Your is still great. There are so few external differences, your iPhone 7 cases should fit iPhone 8 just fine. You may not find the few differences in iPhone 8 compelling. If you want something new that also looks, feels, and performs differently than what you have, iPhone X (pronounced 10) is for you. And with a …

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10 Excellent Smart Home Gadgets You Can Buy at 2018

We are living in a modern era where we see technology playing an important role in our lives thereby allowing us to live a life in a smarter way. If you want to make your home smart then you have to make it equipped with some of the best gadgets available in the market today. Here is the list of best smart home gadgets for 2018 that will make a great difference to your lifestyle: 1) Smart Assistant: Do you …

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How to Protect Your Smartphone from Hackers Efficiently?

With the age of the cellphone, more and more individuals have become extremely dependent on these devices to accomplish a variety of tasks. Whether you are using it to keep track of company receipts or pay bills, there is a good chance that your phone is loaded with all kinds of personal identifying information. Some individuals even use their phones to store their customer’s personal and billing information. Now, just imagine if someone gained access to all that information. Unfortunately, …

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How Cloud Computing is Improving the Healthcare Industry

We are living in an era where everything is managed and controlled by the technology. Today, there is hardly any sector which has not adopted the services of modern technology such as cloud computing. There are several industries which have benefitted from the applications of cloud computing both direct and indirect way. But when it comes to the healthcare industry, the contribution of the cloud is very crucial as it helps to save the lives of many people every day. …

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