

Top 9 FinTech Trends Creating Ripples in the Financial Space

Two decades back, many financial institutions created E-commerce business units to disrupt the market. Later, the “E” went away and became a new norm with large technology evolution and investment. The digital agenda is extended from operational efficiency and customer experience to big data and analytics. The financial services share the resemblance with unprecedented growth that technology investment brought to the retail sector. The digital wave is revolutionizing retail banking, payment, insurance, financial literacy, and wealth management. The booming financial technology …

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Baby Monitors with AI & High-Tech Camera Ease the Pain of New Parents

It is a universal truth; being a parent is an exhausting job and all those sleep-deprived mothers and fathers would sound that. Those few hours when your bundle of joy sleeps is the only time when parents get to relax and clean the messy room which was once a pretty nursery. You let your baby sleep peacefully and maintain utter silence in your house. However, while doing daily chores, you are alerted by a sound and rush to the nursery to …

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Top 10 Healthcare Technology Innovations We Have Witnessed!

In this digital era, healthcare technology is rapidly evolving into new and ultra-modern innovations. Healthcare systems are eager to jump into the technology adoption bandwagon to utilize its benefits. Moreover, with healthcare turning more into a customer-centric service, it has become imperative for healthcare organizations to keep up with the rapidly growing technologies. So, let us walk through the major advantages of technology innovation to find out how it has influenced healthcare firms and what it has in store for …

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How to Use 3D Modeling in Business Promotion & Advertising?

Perhaps we’ve all heard of the old adage, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’; and indeed it rings true, to this day. While there’s no demeaning the power of words, but from the advertising approach, it’s a tad difficult to be more expressive other than pictures. In addition to pictures, there are options galore- videos, illustrations and such; all of which render considerable influence in the highly coveted industry called marketing. And here the concept comes about 3D Modeling. …

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How Can an Online Degree Course Leverage Your Big Data Revolution Skills?

Big Data is one of the favorite areas today, with every fresh graduate wanting to take up Big Data Courses in his/her career. Let us see why Big Data has become a vital educational qualification and learn how an online degree course can help you leverage your skills for the Big Data Revolution. A Background With almost all companies switching over to online businesses, there is tremendous scope for Big Data Analysis. It is because data collection, their assimilation, and …

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6 Significant Reasons Why Gaming Laptops are so Expensive!

Are you trying to shop a gaming laptop and find them “untouchables”?  Yes, gaming laptops are way expensive, you imagine, they cost arms and legs. In the gaming community, there is a famous saying, “three things are considered the biggest purchase in a gamer’s life- A house, a car, and a gaming laptop.” Though it is taken as a joke, rightly explain the expensiveness of a gaming laptop. But, the question is, why are the gaming laptops are that expensive than …

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Importance of Wired & Wireless Headsets for Organization! (Infographic)

Many new updated technologies in the modern world grab great importance. One of the most popular technology for any professional or office workers is good headphones. These headphones are effectively used in many organizations and provide clear sound. Many companies like call-centers, gaming, and mobile companies are using both wired and wireless headsets, which provides their effective benefits to the businesses. Due to such features as the absence of wires in the headphones, a person expands his capabilities in using …

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Things to Keep in Mind While Unlocking AT&T iPhone Safely

Things to Keep in Mind While Unlocking AT&T iPhone Safely

A long and successful work history is recorded of the AT&T with smartphones. It started a work combination with Apple in 2007. The journey of AT&T with Apple iPhone was also very successful. First of all, this device was offered in the US for use. AT&T has marked his extremely strong presence which is visible through its large consumer base. The work and success journey of T-Mobiles is also equally impressive. It was the first worldwide experience to see a …

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How to Use a DSLR Camera - The Ultimate Guide (Infographic)

How to Use a DSLR Camera – The Ultimate Guide (Infographic)

Are you interested in learning how to use a DSLR camera? If so, you’ll want to take a look through this post and the Infographic. We’re about to go through the process of how to use a DSLR camera, step-by-step. By the end, you’ll be feeling a lot more confident about how to use these cameras! Different Shooting Modes One of the main points to consider about using DSLR cameras is that there is a range of shooting modes available. You’ll …

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The Top Tech Gadgets You Can Buy Right Now in 2019

Selfie stick and waterproof case seem to be all, but traveling needs more than just them. Among the issues, which are much more severe than the point of a beautiful selfie usually, are how not to lose luggage in the hustle of the airport? What to stay connected on vacation? But what if you are used to drinking good coffee in the morning, and on the beach, you cannot find it for love or money? For all occasions, there are different …

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