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How to Upgrade your Laptop for Quick Performance?

If your laptop is not performing at its best, then buying a new one is not the only option you are left with. If you are doing heavy tasks on your laptop, there are many excess files that are affecting the performance of your laptop. There is a need for upgrading hardware and software so you get expected performance from your laptop. Before buying a new laptop there are some updates that need to be done in both hardware and …

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How New Technologies are Helping in Students Learning?

If you can make an effort to imagine, a few decades ago, students didn’t own smartphones. There were only textbooks, books, and papers. Of course, back then, we didn’t have social media either. The time I’m bringing up is the time when TVs were starting to become mainstream and kids were playing outside. If you pay attention now, our world is deeply technologized and digitalized. The Internet of Things is the latest juicy technology trend, a trend that promises to …

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A Complete Guide on Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is expected to change the face of the transportation industry soon. It brings down the entire transportation system in your locality under a single digital platform. It is believed that the concept of MaaS makes the necessity for owning a private vehicle for your transportation needs almost zero by the year 2050! The basic concept was there in many parts of the world, but it was implemented for the first time in Finland in the …

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How to Remove Data from Old Smartphone So No One Can Recover It After Selling?

The prospect of getting a new phone is definitely exciting. But what do you do when the market rates of the new smartphones tend to give you a fever? Well, you might think of giving up the idea of purchasing it all together, but that’s not a potent solution. A wise thing would be to plan out effectively and set a budget beyond which you will not exceed the new gadget in your life. Or better still; think of season …

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7 Things You Should Know When Purchasing Gaming Hardware

Thanks to innovations in video game technology and graphics, the need for new gaming hardware is higher than ever. More and more gamers are looking to build custom rigs. In fact, the gaming hardware industry surpassed 30 billion dollars in 2017 and shows no signs of slowing down. Rather than being limited to the specs of a standalone console, a gaming PC allows you to control the experience and build for the future. If you have never built a PC …

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The Positive and Negative Influence of Technology on Kids

Over the last few years, technology has played a vital role in every single aspect of human life. The key difference can be noticed from the way today’s kids interact with several modern technology devices as compared to earlier generations. Though technology has helped us to achieve better comfort in our lives, it has also thrown lots of challenges that need to be dealt with at the right time. Knowing both the positive and negative influence of technology on kids …

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How Virtual Reality Content Creation Will Impact Businesses Growth in Future?

Now, we are in the most advanced technological era where you can work smartly with a virtual personal assistant like Google, Siri and drive confidently with self-driving cars. If we look around, we find various examples of technology including smartphones. Today, no one can imagine his or her life without phones. But, what about the importance of virtual reality in our lives? People count the movie “The Matrix” as the best example of virtual reality (VR) but now, we have other …

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How AI is Changing the Rules of The Games for Digital Marketing Experts?

Anybody who saw digital marketing as an alternative tool is out of denial. Some understood its prevalence timely and adapted like an intelligent species and others realized it after considerable losses of marketing equity. Whichever way, digital marketing is featured in your plan; it is today the most important and evolving thing on your branding agenda. The Marketing Mutants No marketing that is full-grown professionally in pushing sales can think of having an elusive attitude towards the newly developed digital …

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Illustration of five white humanoid figures wearing orange headsets and using laptops, depicting a call center or customer service environment.

VoIP Vulnerability & Security Risks: All You Need to Know

Ever since VoIP emerged on the communication scene, it has led to various concerns. The first major worry was whether it would be able to deliver a clear voice quality? Could it guarantee a stable connection that won’t just drop in the middle of a conversation? VoIP has come a long way, and users can expect to have top-notch call quality and reliable service with the VoIP options available nowadays. Technology has advanced to such an extent that a popular …

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7 Powerful Tech Innovations That Could Change Your Life in 2020

Technology has made our lives way simpler than we could have possibly imagined and 2019 has been quite a favorable year with its many tech innovations. From Amazon Prime’s one-day delivery system to the rise of personal assistants and AI; technology has become an integral part of our lives. Take the case of Amazon Prime, for instance. The one-day delivery gamble has attained a whopping amount of $1.8B in the US retail segment and the number is expected to rise …

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