
Illustration of two smartphones showing money exchange, with arrows indicating currency conversion between euros and dollars.

Is Mobile Banking Safe? Here are 7 Tips to Avoid Banking Mistakes

Your bank probably spends a lot of time and money on its mobile banking system. It makes things more convenient for the customer and reduces the in-person work that the bank has to do. However, you might be worried about whether or not mobile banking is safe. What if the worst happens and someone gains access to your accounts? It is scary to think that somebody might just be one simple hack away from getting to your bank details and …

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A person with headphones is working on a computer with multiple screens displaying code.

How Much Does It Cost to Build a PC? The Complete Guide!

Nowadays, gaming PCs are appealing to many people and content creators because they’re powerful and can run anything. Even software developers use such machines to make their productivity faster. It packs all the power needed to offer the necessary compatibility. No matter what type of PC you build (home office or play games), the things you need will be the same. You will need a motherboard, CPU (central processing unit), storage, memory, power supply, case, and monitor. The only thing …

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Technical Interview Preparation Checklist or Technical Interview Toolkit

Tech Interviews are generally the mammoth of all interviews. When it comes to kickstarting Technical Interview preparation, you may automatically enter into an inexplicable state of mind where you don’t know how or where to begin the preparation? Whether you are introvert or extrovert, experienced or fresher, prepared or unprepared – technical interviews remain unpredictable. The reason being, meeting entirely new people who can ask you any form of challenging question. Therefore, you don’t only need to focus on your …

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Current Trends and Implementation of Robotics in our Everyday Life

The world is changing at a fast speed. Education, health, technology, eating and dressing habits, everything is changing, some changes we like, while others we have to accept for maintaining our position in this competitive world. One of these major changes includes rapid growth or expansion of the robotics industry and artificial intelligence (AI). Robotics is a branch of applied science that has made its place in industries, cybersecurity systems, retail, healthcare, food production, and various fields in just a …

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Why Web Solutions are Central to Modernize Education Technology?

It’s been said numerous times over the years that we should adapt alongside the technology that is made available to us. The internet is arguably the most definitive technology of our era, and it’s baffling when certain industries do not make optimal use of it. While most industries have recognized the value of adopting the internet as part of their tool kit, the field of education has remained mostly unchanged, with most schools opting to stick to traditional learning methods. …

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An image of a server room with a cloud connected to it.

The Future for Cloud VDI and Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is here now!

VDI technology segments the servers into different virtual machines (VMs), and each VM acts as different virtual desktop instances. These virtual desktops are directly delivered to the end-user. VDI has changed the business functionalities and has increased the employee’s performance as it enabled remote working. Though many companies still are dependent on physical office desktops, they always look for ways to enable work-from-home. These companies will also be shifting gradually to virtual desktops, according to the market’s predictions. However, companies …

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11 Common MacBook Problems and Methods to Solve Them

Have you noticed that your MacBook has not been performing the way it did when you first bought it? Or maybe you have encountered some other problems that have become too much to ignore, and it has become too difficult to use the MacBook? MacBook may be more reliable than other computer models, but you are bound to run into performance problems sooner or later. Thankfully, there are ways to deal with those issues; so, you do not have to …

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How to Implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Your SEO Strategy?

Artificial Intelligence, when it first burst into the scene, brought with its images of robots, machines that perform complex tasks, and omniscient computers. It’s now the 21st century, and although robots and computers have greatly advanced, the world still hasn’t seen human-like cyborgs or a computer with almost god-like ability—except in works of fiction. What Artificial Intelligence does today is, among other things, recommend what show to watch, or what advertisements you should see. Artificial Intelligence’s progress may not be …

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How the Sanitary Crisis of COVID-19 has Changed Remote Access (followed by a Case Study)?

The words “remote access” meant nothing to many workers before the COVID-19 came and changed the way we work. However, individuals and companies had to adapt rapidly, when the first lockdown came into effect. Now that the concept of remote access has become something many of us live with every day; let’s look at what needs to be taken care of, so that companies can avoid problems, that it may cause. A case study, found at the end of the …

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The 5 Best Smart Gadgets that Change the Future of Education

“Innovation is the main thrust in education, opening up numerous entryways and planning understudies for what lies ahead, not behind,” said Kirsty Kelly, Primary Years Program Coordinator at the Canadian International School in Singapore. The present schools are changing and the fuse of computerized signs of progress into the classroom was unavoidable and fundamental. To get ready understudies for their future, education should use the most progressive apparatuses and procedures accessible.  “Innovation should be fused into how teachers instruct and …

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