Apps & Software


Mobile Application : Platforms for Development or Developers

Interestingly I came across a post on a few blogs that were talking about IDEs that could handle mobile application development. I suppose calling them IDEs is a bit incorrect. A lot of them increasingly work across drag and drop functionality and this adds a certain utility for agile development. Alright, this is where we define a few technical terms associated. IDE stands for Integrated Development Environments and they let developers work across environments which are not command line interfaces. …

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The Evolution of Android

Android is one of the most popular and widely used operating systems throughout the world. This OS is based on Linux kernel having a UI based on the direct manipulation and is mainly designed for touchscreen gadgets. It is estimated that roughly 71% of the devices throughout the world are based on Android OS. Android has improved a lot since its early days when it struggled to compete with the revolutionary iPhone and Symbian OS. Even the first Android phone, …

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15 Excellent 3D Printing Software You Should Opt For

There are tens and hundreds of 3D printing software out there in the market. While many are expensive and burn a huge hole in the pocket there some which are free and offer amazing features. Mentioned below are fifteen 3D printing applications. 1. FreeCAD The two features which make FreeCad unique are; value-based object development and modular designing approach. While the former simply means designs are built along with certain user fed parameters which can be easily edited via timeline …

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Finding Your Way through the ASP.NET Landscape

ASP.NET boasts of enough flair to work you over – positively so. From being a typical programming language to becoming one of the most popular frameworks, ASP.NET has come a long way indeed. And it has on its course guided by the host of invasive tools and capabilities that let developers set some seriously difficult goals, and get there with ease. Pulling a developer’s direction in different directions, it boasts of enough capabilities and functionalities that leave him spoilt for …

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5 Premium Web Designing Apps for Smartphones

Web designing applications for smartphones provide lots of convenience to designers. Designing applications help designers to stay connected with their clients and carry out basic tasks even when they are away from work stations. Though there are plenty of designing apps available in app stores, not all of them are worth keeping. Web designers can have tough time in finding functional apps. Listed below are five premium, must-have designing applications for smartphones. 1. WhatTheFont The name itself is enough to …

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anti theft

Why Can’t Google Help Android Mobile Owners To Find Their Lost Ones!

I am starting this article by giving some facts of Google: Yeah, the last one is quite strange for anyone who is possessive about Google and its unabated enthusiasm to bring out or take over new innovations, more often than not. It is true that Google did pay some attention towards this topic but the solution, like their other apps that are being offered now, is not reaching to one and all. This tool is limited to enterprises and the …

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gps satellite

Road Way Mapping System

For the movement of commuters within the city or cities nearby roads is the best mode. People find very convenient and easy to move within the city or intercity via road. They can use their own car or vehicle or use other modes of transport for the movement. Tourists who travel from other parts of the country or from the world also find it easy to use the same mode of movement within the city or intercity While moving within …

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Intelligent Search Engine Java XML

What Is Meant By Intelligent Search Engine (Java, XML)?

The modern time has increased the use of web resources so as it needs the use of more proficient methods and functional search techniques. Those people who are newbie in the field of searching do not know properly how to search. Although, searching in the web is the common goings-on of the researchers. But the new people do not know the clear cut document that they want to search for. They are used to write documents of their interested research …

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Google Play Store

Play Store Android Apps

Mobile Phones are the most attractive necessity of everyday life. Mobile Phones have come a long way from earlier stages. From Black & White screens to color screens, from keypad design to touch phones Mobile phones have emerged as a basic necessity. With the passage of time and advancement in the technology, the use of mobile phones is becoming more versatile. iPhone has come up with the idea of iStore where users not only can download different applications and games …

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