Apps & Software

iPhone Spy Apps

Tips for Monitoring Your Child’s Safety with iPhone Spy Apps

Our kids are delicate beings and require proper and steady attention on the hour. Keeping them safe is of paramount necessity. While we can’t always be close to kids physically, we could always stay close by and monitor them to make sure they are free from harm’s way thanks to rapid technological development. Since kids will always be kids and try to do what other kids do, go out to fun places, hang out with friends, and of course use …

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iPhone App Development

iPhone App Development: Tested Ways to Do it Right

Planning to get a new iPhone app developed? Do you know which is the most popular category in the Apple Store and ranked for maximum number of active apps? According to Statista report, in September 2015 Games applications are ranked top with overall category acquisition of 22.21% and Business apps are ranked the second most preferred category for developing new application in iPhone with 10.41%. As per experienced app developers the future for apps development market is strong and it …

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Security Vulnerabilities Internet Threats

Important Android Security Vulnerabilities to Keep your Eye On

The Android security system is one of the much debated topics of today. Are they secured enough? Should you have some extra security apps installed on them? The truth is that the security system on androids is quite strong. It has a multiple layers of protection and keeps malware away. It asks for your permission before doing almost anything. So, one of the most important things with Android security is to be careful when giving it permission to do something. …

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build insanely great mobile app

How to Build an Insanely Great Mobile App

Building a hugely successful app is hard. For most users there are just about 20 apps they open at least once a month. That’s a tiny number and don’t forget you’re competing with over 1.5 million apps in the App Store (Statistics provided by Statista). However, some apps make it, and it’s not because they’re lucky. There are some consistent patterns among hugely successful apps that make their success possible. Here are some of them. Solve a Problem Best products …

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Best Practices for Using CRM Software for Sales and Improved Productivity

Best Practices of Using CRM Software for Sales & Improved Productivity

There is nothing more important than keeping the customers delighted and hooked to your organization, but ever wondered how the work can become painless for the sales and your customer service team? They certainly deserve a suitable and efficient way to reach out to customers in the best possible way without being burdened. At times, it becomes backbreaking to live up to the expectations of both the management and the customers, in this scenario, a CRM works phenomenally well to …

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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Developer Toolkit – Custom Plugin Assemblies Deployment

Expert Microsoft Dynamics CRM developers adore using toolkit in Visual Studio to develop and deploy plugins. The developer toolkit offers exceptional experience while creating a plugin and a framework for user that let him to build and deploy correctly from visual studio. Before this deployment task, you need to install a plugin assembly that was not a product of toolkit or you must own a plugin framework. After that you can follow these initial steps to deploy custom plugins via …

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Advancement of Android Lollipop Over iOS 8

The 2014 was the year of big releases, especially in the mobile world. The tech giants of mobile world Google & Apple released their latest mobile operating systems Android Lollipop and iOS respectively. Both of the mobile OS got a warm welcome by users & the mobile critics in spite of the fact that Android is ahead of iOS in terms of user’s quantity. Android is currently running on 84% of smartphones and stands far ahead of iOS that runs …

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Mobile App Developer? Dare to Say ‘NO’ to Coding?

In today’s arena, mobile apps have become the hottest topic of discussion among techies. The mobile app development has become easier these days as sipping a cup of coffee. There are plenty of PaaS, BaaS and SaaS on the market; over thousands of platforms are readily available to develop an app without coding even a single line. Whether it is database design, API module creation, app screen design, preview or deployment to app stores, all is possible by clicks and …

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Mobile Application : Platforms for Development or Developers

Interestingly I came across a post on a few blogs that were talking about IDEs that could handle mobile application development. I suppose calling them IDEs is a bit incorrect. A lot of them increasingly work across drag and drop functionality and this adds a certain utility for agile development. Alright, this is where we define a few technical terms associated. IDE stands for Integrated Development Environments and they let developers work across environments which are not command line interfaces. …

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The Evolution of Android

Android is one of the most popular and widely used operating systems throughout the world. This OS is based on Linux kernel having a UI based on the direct manipulation and is mainly designed for touchscreen gadgets. It is estimated that roughly 71% of the devices throughout the world are based on Android OS. Android has improved a lot since its early days when it struggled to compete with the revolutionary iPhone and Symbian OS. Even the first Android phone, …

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