

14 Ways to Improve Your Data Visualization and Presentation Skills

Everyone debates about the benefits of “big data,” understood as the process of collecting massive amounts of data and its instant examination to find “hidden” information. Data, data, and lots of data, but the best data in the world is useless if people can’t understand them. There are new professional roles such as the data analyst, who collects and analyzes data. But its purpose does not end there since it must then present its analysis to the end-users who will …

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How to Get the Right Combination of Data Management Platform (DMP)?

A leader has several responsibilities in an organization, mainly when the organization deals with a lot of data daily. The connection between data and business is exciting and important. Big companies thrive on the right utilization of data, and the proper maintenance of databases. And without a good database, big businesses cannot thrive. Hence, if you are a good leader in an important role in an office or business, and have the necessary hold to mold or shape up the …

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7 Stages/Phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

SDLC is a process used to develop software. The life cycle follows the development of the software from the planning stages to operation and maintenance. The Software development life cycle (SDLC) identifies the tasks that need to be completed in order for the software to be designed, created, and delivered. These tasks form a structure for the developers to operate within. There are 7 stages or phases to the SDLC, all with their own unique activities and task completion list. …

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Emerging Programming Languages to Watch Out For in 2019-2020

Emerging Programming Languages to Watch Out For in 2019-2020

In the modern day, there are many emerging programming languages that serve different purposes. Some are used for web development, others work for native mobile apps, and some others can do it all and even something more. As more innovative technological solutions emerge and change the world as we know it, people get more interested in technologies behind them. A programming language is responsible for enhancing technology, boosting progress, and changing the way humanity lives and works to a great …

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Graph Database – The Future of Database Technologies

The graph database (wiki) is now a buzzword, as the technology is growing fast and businesses can’t afford to ignore this as due to the immense benefits, this technology offers it is rightly being predicted as the future of DBMS (Database Management Systems). Some important graph database examples are Neo 4J, Amazon Neptune, and Orient DB. For all inquisitive readers who are keen to know what a graph database is and what are its major benefits, this article is an …

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5 Brilliant Free Apps That Will Help You Learn How to Code

From vending machines, to credit cards and ATMs, all the way to complex machine learning algorithms that process big data in order to improve customer experience, marketing, and business planning, and unavoidable video games, software developers have their hands full in today’s market. The research indicates that JavaScript is the most widely used programming language with more than 60 percent of companies from all over the world putting their trust in the World Wide Web’s most popular coding language. The …

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Is Laravel a Perfect Framework for Business Web App Development?

Do you want to implement an effective business web application development? In today’s challenging business scenario, every CEO has a need for an online presence to spread out business and handle the ever-growing competition. There are several platforms available for building feature-rich websites and web applications using advanced web technologies. Among all the other frameworks available in the market, one of the most sought web development frameworks to help you get the top-notch web app development in order to generate …

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Elixir Programming Language

The Pros & Cons of Elixir Programming Language

Evolution and research of programming languages are continuous! From the development of first high-level programming language in 1942 to development of open source languages, different generations of programming languages have defined different decades of programming activity. There are hundreds of programming languages to choose from, so the basic question is which the best language for any particular project is? PHP, Python, and Ruby are amongst the most popular programming languages. Over the past years, another language has gained a lot …

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Why Data Scientists Prefer Python Programming Language for Machine Learning?

When it comes to machine learning applications, operational and training phases for algorithms are quite different. Most of the companies prefer different languages for different phases. The overall idea behind this objective is to do some experiment in the development phase and figure out language that can be best suited. Machine learning was rated as one of the highly admired skills in the last couple of years. Today, more than 80% of the developers focus on acquiring this skill and …

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Full-Stack Web Frameworks for Python

Top 8 Full-Stack Web Frameworks for Python to Use in 2019-2020

Python is an object-oriented, interpreted, dynamically-typed and interactive programming language. Its unique syntax distinguishes it from other programming languages like Java, C, and C++. It is an easy-to-learn language that comes with integrated dynamic semantics primarily for the app and web development. Unlike other programming languages, Python allows developers to build web applications with readable, concise and maintainable code. When it comes to web application development, frontend and backend development, both play a key role in building an amazing business …

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