

How Developers Can Manage Multiple Databases Easier?

Managing multiple databases can be time-consuming and confusing, especially for new developers. You’ll need to keep track of different specs, and possibly apply different strategies to your different database needs. Fortunately, there are a handful of strategies that can make your life easier—and ensure your management strategy is productive, secure, and appropriate for your needs. Use the Right Apps First, make sure you’re using the right apps. An app like TablePlus gives developers a clean UI that makes it easier …

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Python vs Swift: Strong and Weak Sides & What to Choose!

Python vs Swift: Strong and Weak Sides of Both & What to Choose?

Various programming languages become popular from year to year. This year it can be Java, last year it could be C languages. But some languages remain popular for a few years already – look at Python and Swift. Although they differ from each other, they PYPL statistics shows that these two languages prevail. But let’s discuss it more objectively on Python vs Swift and single out strong and weak sides of both languages. Why is Python Popular? Python is rather …

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6 Reasons to Integrate Your Website Contact Form With CRM

You may have established your startup after the initial struggle of curating the customer journey. You might be starting out fresh with your startup. Or, the idea to have your own startup has not transformed into a business plan. You are an entrepreneur, who requires the help of a smart sales and contact management solution. And for you, CRM is the best sales management tool. I won’t be pressing on the need of having a CRM in this article simply …

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Why Node.js has been Sublime for eCommerce Website Development & Businesses (Infographic)?

Why Node.js has been Sublime for eCommerce Businesses? (Infographic)

It is presently a noted fact that eCommerce is rapidly growing as the most established business industry on the planet. By noticing carefully, it can be said that most of the successful eCommerce sites today are based on Node.js (wiki) in one or the other way. It has been only 8 years since its inception and Node.js has already become a favorite among eCommerce developers. A Node.js eCommerce site empowers the admin to manage the website front and its database …

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Node JS - Node.js

Seven Awesome Things You Can Build with Node.js

Node.js is a cross-platform, open-sourced environment that allows the execution of JavaScript codes in a browser from an external location. Developers can write command-line tools and also perform server-side scripting with the help of Node.js. This makes the web page dynamic. Node.js has an event-driven framework that optimizes real-time web applications. The features of Node.js possess many astounding functionalities and it’s quite popular among developers. Node.js makes it possible to build simple and dynamic sites which offer a top-notch experience, …

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A Beginners Guide to Using Scala In Apache Spark

A Beginners Guide to Using Scala In Apache Spark

Scalable Language, popularly known by the acronym Scala is a general all-purpose language that was developed as an object-oriented and functional programming language. This language enables programmers to be more productive and is particularly useful for those who want to write their programmers in an elegant, type-safe and concise way. When a user writes their code in Scala, they can see the similarity of its style to that of a scripting language. Scala has gained a lot of recognition since …

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Node.js eCommerce

5 Simple Mind Tricks to Help You Learn JavaScript Faster

What is JavaScript? JavaScript is one of those potent client-sides scripting programming languages that is most commonly used as a part of web pages. It can be primarily defined as a high-level interpreted programming language to enhance HTML pages and is commonly found embedded in HTML code. It commonly allows a web designer to insert code in their web page and can frequently run with ASP as well HTML file. Why is it difficult to learn JavaScript? Basic concepts can …

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DevOps Toolchain

7 DevOps Toolchain Orchestration Solution You May Not Know

The role of communication transparency between teams is such a big challenge in application development. Most of the teams in an organization were independent for a very long time. It meant that the development team, business analysts’ team, and QAs and operations worked far from each other. Companies suffered a lot in delivering results. There were longer app delivery cycles that delayed most of the operations. Anyone in the business realm should be able to understand what this means. There …

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Introduction to Programming: A Brief of Node JS, Laravel, React, Ruby, Vue & Python

Are you a programmer with an eye on the latest trends and upcoming languages? Or are you completely new to the field of programming and unsure on which language to start with? Well, there are over 600 programming languages, and this number is constantly increasing. Being a dynamic field, the rate of old languages becoming obsolete and disappearing is also very high. So, for any programmer, it is very important to learn new languages and frameworks to stay in the …

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Laravel PHP Framework

7 Ways You Can Get More Laravel While Spending Less

As the demand of Laravel Community grows, there are different assets accessible to enable you to learn Laravel. That is incredible! Which one will help you to keen on your skill in the difficult task? For the newbies, I’m sure these fundamentals are at the forefront of your thoughts, So, I collected these essential seven tips which will help you to learn Laravel all the more effective. Tips which I mention in the post in which some of them focus …

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