
Joomla 3

What is New in Joomla 3?

Joomla is a great innovation of the mankind in the field of Content Management system (CMS). It is undoubtedly free for downloading and a wide range foundation for publishing the content in the internet, worldwide webs and it can be used separately. It is used to make websites and online applications as well. It is award winning Joomla CMS. Joomla CMS is a content management system. It manages every piece of content to the websites. It is like an online …

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Google Play Store

Play Store Android Apps

Mobile Phones are the most attractive necessity of everyday life. Mobile Phones have come a long way from earlier stages. From Black & White screens to color screens, from keypad design to touch phones Mobile phones have emerged as a basic necessity. With the passage of time and advancement in the technology, the use of mobile phones is becoming more versatile. iPhone has come up with the idea of iStore where users not only can download different applications and games …

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How to Build a Website - A to Z Guide for Beginners

How to Build a Website – A to Z Guide for Beginners

We have traveled far ahead of our past generations and have reached an age of information revolution. Today, the whole world revolves not around the Sun but around information and entertainment associated with it. World Wide Web or WWW is at the base of this information revolution. Though its age, if mapped against other inventions, is quite negligible but the overall impact is equal to the cumulative value of all other greatest inventions including the wheel. No one can imagine …

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