
How To Design A Perfect Landing Page

How to Design a Perfect Landing Page for your Website

An excellent landing page is the foundation stone of any successful website. Do you know why? Because though a wonderful landing page any business can easily accomplish in their most challenging business goals. Additionally, whenever the landing page performing its planned job, then you don’t require to appoint the sales officers or spend nights without the sleep for trying to capture the customers online or the over the telephone, convincing them to purchase the products or services you offered to …

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How to Combine Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) with SEO

How to Combine Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) with SEO

Simply stated, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the new SEO. Every day the internet gets more complicated with Optimization marketing jargon: Search Engine Optimization, Landing page optimization, website optimization, local optimization, mobile optimization, content optimization and keyword optimization among others. So to add Conversion Rate Optimization is to complicate matters. To a layman, the term CRO can sound like another jargon that should be left to marketing geeks. For a long time, many people have heard so much about SEO, …

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google testing red slow label search results

Google Testing a “Red Slow Label” in Search Results for Slow Websites

The speed of a website is a crucial factor in deciding customer’s online satisfaction. Nowadays, people are loosing out patience to wait for slow loading websites as they have uncountable options to switch to in case they don’t like your website. Google is using this fact to test a “slow label” for search results pages that will warn the viewers before they open your site. This slow label might come out to be a game changer for searches made on …

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Minimalist Landing Page Design – Trends of 2015

The development of Internet technology is moving by leaps and bounds. And what was true in web design a few years ago, now seems obsolete and outdated. At this stage, web designers have come to realize that adding a large number of images or text, confusing navigation or a huge mass of various buttons or icons leads the visitor from the main goal. In place of a lot of information came simplicity of form and the reduction of components. Examples …

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mobile ecommerce

Create Highly Converting Mobile eCommerce Website Using Magento

Today, the growth of online retail continues to increase. It might even seem that new online stores and retail portals are opening up all the time, even to a point where they are beating traditional stores in the amount of business they conduct. For this to be achieved, an online retailer demands a stable eCommerce solution and an eCommerce website performance optimization which will allow the influx of customers and their successful transactions. In this field, Magento represents an eCommerce …

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Good to Know Linux Basic Commands

It is quite simple and intuitive to know the most useful commands of the Linux operating system. Like any other Linux user, these commands will be really useful for you and will let you know how to respond and on what. And if you are worried about how and up to what extent you have to remember the shortcuts in order to get completely functional with Linux? Relax! This write-up is written to help Linux users whether new or existing. …

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10 Most Useful Color Tools for Web Designers

10 Most Useful Color Tools for Web Designers

When starting a new project, one of the first things you need to do is define your color palette. If you feel uninspired and would like to easily test your color options, you can benefit from various color tools from around the web that will help you to quickly and efficiently create your color themes. Here’s a selection of top 10 web-based color tools to help you make great color choices that perfectly fit your projects. 1. Adobe Color CC …

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WordPress Content Curation Guide - What, How, Plugins & More

WordPress Content Curation Guide – What, How, Plugins & More

Content Curation is one of the most discussed topics among professional bloggers and marketers these days. And why shouldn’t it be? Today’s users don’t have enough time to visit blogs and websites. Instead, they want everything at one place. Literally, they love being told what’s worth visiting, reading and sharing. Every day, millions of blogs churn out a huge amount of content which is obviously quite difficult for a normal reader to consume. That’s where content curation proves to be …

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3 Main Ways and 8 Different Solutions to Backup WordPress Database

WordPress is a very powerful solution for creating websites, blogs, eCommerce sites etc. Part of the strength of WordPress is the strong background of solutions made available to users, from its large community to integrate all sorts of functionality to the application. At the end of the day, keeping your data safe is your responsibility as a WordPress website creator. Your data or content could be at the mercy of hackers, faulty hardware or your personal mistakes. In order to …

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How to Use GeoGraphy DataType of SQL in Asp.Net MVC Development

We are sharing this tutorial to let the developers know how to use Geography DataType of SQL to locate places within certain radius. You can read this post and learn finding Geocode of any address or zip code. This application is used to find the Locations within Radius. The user will select existing Address from drop-down and enter a radius in mile(s), and then click a button to get the Customer locations within a given radius of the selected address. Step …

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