
Paid Content Advertising

How to Make your Content Reach a Larger Audience Using Paid Content

Paid Content Distribution: You’ve probably heard the phrase and have even implemented paid ads on various platforms. However, you’re lost as to all the tools you could be using. Even more, you want more engagement from your readership and more ROI. In this article are a few tools and tips and tricks to help get you going and to expand your readership. Growing Opportunities: The meteoric rise of the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the likes in …

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Business Analysis Data Social Media

4 Businesses Killing it on Social Media

I bet you are like most people who are out there in social media trying to get seen in the midst of millions, but you are not exactly seeing the results you want.  In the ocean that is the internet today, you do not have to spend tons of money on advertising or post outrageous articles to stand out, highly successful companies are taking very simple steps to increase lead generation and traffic on their websites. The most important thing …

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Smartwatch Development - Is it True that Smartwatches Means of Problem?

Smartwatch Development – Is it True that Smartwatches Means of Problem?

With the launch of a number of smart watches recently, wearable technology is expanding its feathers and there will be no wonder if our coming generations will completely be dependent on such wearable and performing their daily tasks through them. However, is it true that despite their wide usage and bright future, predictions reveal that there is still some hesitation in embracing these wearable. Does this indicate any fear? If yes, then what are they? Let’s find out. Battery Drain …

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Digital Camera Buying Guide for 2016

Digital Camera Buying Guide for 2016

Don’t think of buying a camera as a complicated process that requires from you to become an expert in the field. I, however, like to call it an exciting journey, on which you’ll be able to understand all those camera specifications that look so unclear on first sight. So, if you have decided to buy one of these amazing devices, I have some great news! This digital camera buying guide will teach you everything there is to know about camera …

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Social Media Marketing

How Social Media is Making the Investment World More Accessible for Beginners

Social media has been an important part of life for the best part of a decade, and gradually, we have become more sophisticated in what we expect it to do. Initially social media allowed us to stay in touch with people we knew and connect with them better, and then make new connections with people we may not otherwise have met, and allowed us to broadcast what we knew and thought about events in real time. It has now become …

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Smartphone Tablet

8 Clever Ways to Make Use of Your Old Cell Phone

Our instructor asked us rather an unusual question during Management Information System class one time, “How often do you change your mobile phone?” He conducted a survey and it was found that about 60% of students garner a habit of changing their cell phones every year; 30% favored to use it until the second year while a few belonging to the minority of the result chose to stick with their “old” phone. This statistics really awed me, you know? I …

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Plan Marketing Meeting Discussion Group Team

Content at the Heart of Print

Content is what drives the print industry and organizational success as a whole. Content marketing has taken over traditional advertising methods and has undoubtedly taken the lead. What makes content have such a powerful impact? The answer is simple. Subtly incorporating accurately phrased content which identifies the problem statement and addresses it, does the job. Also, it can be leveraged to the general public through social media. Budgeting done at the beginning of a fiscal year ensures that they allocate …

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Business Facebook Fan Page

Smart Ideas to Create a Happening Business Facebook Page

The power of social media can hardly be ignored in today’s time. No matter whether you are a company, a blogger or any kind of service, social media can work as the most genuine and extensive marketing platform in more ways than one. While there are platforms like Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and Instagram, the most genuine and big platform for marketing is Facebook. Having an active page on Facebook makes a big difference for any business, and along with …

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Magento 2

Magento 2 – Should You Upgrade? Answered by Opace (Infographic)

Magento 2, the upgrade to the highly popular eCommerce platform Magento, was released at the  end of 2015 to much excitement from the online shopping community. It has been widely anticipated since its announce way back in 2010, eBay, the then owners of Magento, promised a complete overhaul of the system, building it back up from the ground. So, with this promise of improved performance and speed, increased scalability and better use for customers, our team at Opace have explored …

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5 Things that Make Mobistealth Better than Other Spy Apps for Android

5 Things that Make Mobistealth Better than Other Spy Apps for Android

In the saturated spy software market, it takes more than a few enticing features to truly stand out. After all, people never want to waste their money on a tool that puts them at a risk of getting exposed for engaging in a practice that they want to keep a secret. The last few years have seen the growth and decline of a large number of spying tools. Only a few of them have managed to keep pace with the …

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