
Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management in 2016 – Why and How?

There is a lesson in all of this. Reviewing, and the consequential reputation has become a quintessential need for companies in this day and age. Beyond the realms of entrepreneurship, lies a kingdom where consumers tick the right boxes, signaling your next potential customer a positive go, and who does not want to acquire new business? Therefore, it is imperative to manage your reputation and make it easier for new customers to find you and all the good things about …

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Content Marketing Tactics Graph Strategy

Content Strategies: Customer Engagement is Earned, Not Given

Regardless of the business you’re in, you’re likely to hear the word ‘strategy’ several times a day; what would your business be without several carefully planned, and expertly executed strategies, after all? One of the most useful approaches you’re ever likely to create, though, is a content marketing strategy – that is, a plan centered around your company’s narrative voice and the way it communicates with potential customers. A business without an audience will flounder quite quickly, and so it’s …

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30 Proven Ideas to Increase eCommerce Conversion (Infographic)

30 Proven Ideas to Increase eCommerce Conversion (Infographic)

Are your marketing efforts failing to deliver proper conversions? You might be going out of your way to find out the reason for this, and here’s an infographic to help you with that. You’ll be able to get a clear picture of where you could be going wrong and how you can go about fixing that. You’ll also get a good idea of what successful internet marketers are doing to drive conversions. Let me give you a brief idea about …

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Joomla Security Extensions

Top 7 Best Joomla Security Extensions

Joomla is one of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) on the web, aside from Drupal and WordPress.  This Content Management System can power up all kinds of websites no matter what shape or size. Joomla also has amazing security extensions that can intercept hacking attacks that delete or steal information, and block unwanted website pages.  With these security extensions, you can prevent attacks that can harm or damage your website. These extensions can save you a lot of …

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404 Error Page Design

The Most Creative 404 Error Page Design Of All Times

Generally, while accessing the certain page, most of the users have come across the error page “404”. The 404 error page (wiki) accentuates that the website page is either not available or the users are trying to access the broken links. This kind of error mostly frustrate the users and can even lead them to opt for different websites, which adversely affects the reputation of the business. However, the 404-error page frustrates the users, but what happens if the 404-page design …

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Mobile Marketing eCommerce

Integrating eCommerce with your Other Marketing Channels

The digital age has transformed marketing and vastly increased the number of channels available to reach end users via ads and other bespoke content. However, it is important that you don’t adopt a binary way of thinking when it comes to marketing; digital and eCommerce is booming but it must be supplemented by more traditional methods such as print, TV, radio and billboards for best results. Getting these online and offline mediums to work together seamlessly is key to driving …

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Mobile Apps for Entrepreneurs

7 Mobile Apps Every Entrepreneur Should Use

An entrepreneur truly has a remarkable job, but it can also be trying at the same time. The major challenge is at arranging everything in a systematic order so that the proper files and documents are within the hand’s reach when required. The uses of apps are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a kickass way to organize everyday tools and monitor daily business pursuits. Whether you’re in need of a health maintenance regimen or having a tech inquiry, there …

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Online Tech Learning - e-learning

Online Tech Learning: Finding the Solution that Works for You

The growth of the Internet has had an effect on many different aspects of our lives. It’s changed the way we communicate, it’s changed the way we consume music and video and it’s had perhaps the biggest impact on the way we do business since the industrial revolution. It has also brought new solutions and options when it comes to education. Fully online courses are gaining in popularity and around a third of all college students attending traditional institutions are …

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Digital Data Technology Cloud Computing

The Revolutionary Applications of Digital Data Technology in Logistics

Ever since humans started to trade, goods have had to be moved from one place to another. In the modern world, this is still the case but the process has become ever more complex and demanding. Logistics is the planning, implementation, and management of moving goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption and it requires a great deal of precision and timing. Clients and consumers expect to receive orders within a given timeframe and logistics service …

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Email Marketing Techniques Strategies

5 Email Marketing Techniques that Really Work!

We all know that email marketing can be super lucrative. Here are 5 email marketing strategies that actually work in the real world. 1) Aim for maximum exposure: You need people to send emails to. So go all out to create a high-quality subscriber list. How to achieve this on a limited budget? Simple, start by posting extremely high-quality content on your website, make viral videos, be furiously active on forums, take part in contests, write guest posts, collaborate with …

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