

5 Best Smartphones / Mobile Phones on GearBest

This article is about the five gadgets that are really running very good in the market. These five products are about five best smartphones on GearBest. Like , these five smartphones are very much in demand due to its mind blowing features. So let me tell you, about these five smartphones with their complete feature and price along with their latest offer price. 1) Ulefone Power 4G Phablet This is 5.5 inches long Phablet with full HD display. The screen …

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Footer Design

2016 Best & Modern Footer Design Examples

Footer layout is a significant component of the website design. However, it is a place where alluring content is not only placed, but it can be conversion-centric and a source of imperative information for the visitors. Thus, while designing the website, the designer should also focus on the footer design along with other components. The compelling and functional footer design can have a lasting impact on the customers and it motivates them to come again and again. Moreover, the footer …

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Best Quadcopters

The 5 Best Quadcopters for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Users

While today’s consumer-level drones are known by many names (including RC drones, RC helicopters, and unmanned aerial vehicles), the term “quadcopter” (or “quad” for short) refers to a particular group of drones that are lifted and propelled by four main rotor systems, making them essentially a type of helicopter. The end of each arm is equipped with an engine and a propeller—a configuration that ensures the stability of the quadcopter when it’s airborne. As noted by online retailers, quadcopters have …

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Buzzwords Set to Take Technology Over in 2016

With technology developing and changing as quickly as it does, it becomes difficult to keep track of what’s hot from year to year. Every year hot topics take the spotlight, forcing the previous year’s topics out of the way. 2016 is not different. This year a number of technology buzzwords are set to take over your news feeds, signaling a shift in direction and popularity of technology trends. So what are the hottest trends in tech that what we will …

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Xiaomi Discount

GearBest’s 2nd Anniversary Celebration Sale – Huge Discount on Xiaomi Products

This article is about the great offers which are going to start from today onwards [March 22, 01:00 (UTC +8:00)] on GearBest.com. These offers are going to start there on an occasion of their . GearBest is offering huge and unbelievable discounts on all the products available on their website. But I will especially talk about their popular brand Xiaomi. On this sale, you will get a fantabulous discount on many Xiaomi products. Here I will share with you some …

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WordPress eCommerce

ECommerce Tips for Making Your WordPress Store a Success

1. Selecting a domain name and hosting Finding the right web hosting for ECommerce Just when you are about to develop your website, there are mainly 2 important things which you need: A place for hosting your website A Name for your website These are the 2 things which are like your virtual property as well as the address where the people would visit for finding your business online. Both these are quite easy to get onto but choosing them …

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Niche Highlight Focus Stand Out

What Makes Your Brand Stand Out in 2016?

A brand is the direct reflection of your business, its purpose and its existence. Yes, definitely it’s existence. Imagine an Adidas shoe, preferably a high-end one. Now picture it without the Adidas logo or the name. Are you going to be convinced by the built-quality, shape and fabric of the shoe and make a purchase with mere confidence? Most probably no, you won’t. This means even though the shoe is exactly the same; instead of grabbing your interest, it is …

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Protect Your Online Presence - Tips for Digital Security

How to Protect Your Identity for Free

Your іdеntіtу іѕ a рrесіоuѕ gіft thаt you need to рrоtесt. Yоur іdеntіtу іnсludеѕ уоur DNA, finger рrіntѕ, уоur physical арреаrаnсе as well as ѕеvеrаl dосumеntѕ соntаіnіng уоur personal infоrmаtіоn. All оf thеѕе thіngѕ can bе еаѕіlу uѕеd bу others if not taken care of properly. Thе реорlе who ѕtеаl аnd uѕе оthеr’ѕ іdеntіtу аrе соnѕіdеrеd as сrіmіnаlѕ аnd thе сrіmе they commit іѕ knоwn аѕ іdеntіtу thеft. To рrоtесt уоur іdеntіtу уоu ѕhоuld fоllоw thе below mentioned ѕtерѕ. Thеѕе …

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Why you Should Choose an Apple iPhone over an Android Phone

Why you Should Choose an Apple Phone over an Android Phone

A few months ago, I decided to finally make the huge leap, I switched from my long term phone, a to a used iPhone 5S. I can assure you, that despite being second hand and having a cracked screen which I fixed for a few dollars, my new found love- the gave me immense pleasure. I immediately began regretting why I had chosen Android run smartphones previously. Earlier, I had resisted the argue of owning an iPhone because I disliked …

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WordPress Theme Template Tutorial

Top 6 Things to Cover While Designing an Event WordPress Theme

As WordPress is a hugely popular CMS for building and maintaining a website, it is likely that your website is also powered by it. The benefits of using WordPress as your website’s CMS are many and availability of themes to render new look to the website is one of them. These themes also come in handy when you need to add a new page to the website to promote an event. Every website needs to have an identity that keeps …

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