
Tech Support Scams

Tech Support Scams Still Work and Evolve

When advising on the ways to treat suspicious cold calls from individuals impersonating technical support, law enforcement agencies and computer security experts used to recommend users to simply hang up. This tactic, however, doesn’t quite fit into the framework of a recent trend that scammers exercise to rip off gullible people. As opposed to the previously dominating intimidation methodology, some of the newer frauds focus on making potential victims think the perpetrators are there to help. Impostor tech support agents …

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writing assignment article essay

Apps for Writing a College Paper

Anyone, even a Straight-A student, will start to dread when he or she finds out there is an essay due in less than a day. This definitely puts you in a shock and you start wondering how on earth you forgot about this assignment. Indeed, the fear of receiving an F may stagger you. But getting an F is only a possibility which can be minimized by maximizing your chances of receiving a good grade by simply using what today’s …

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eCommerce - Mobile Commerce

The Secret Formula to Successful eCommerce Content Marketing (Infographic)

Ready for a bold statement? Running a successful eCommerce store isn’t quite what it used to be. In the past, brands could create a website, get it hosted, toss a shopping cart up on the home page, and call it a day, watching as the sales rolled in. Now? Not so much. The thing is it’s not that eCommerce has actually changed; it’s the way customers approach shopping that has changed. Content Overload Burns Consumers Out Consumers now are absolutely bombarded with products, ads, and …

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Web Design - Web Development

5 Latest Web Development Technologies to Learn in 2016

Web development is one of the fastest growing fields in the technology sector. With the rise of new and powerful front-end development solutions, the scope of website building and user interface designing is growing quite rapidly. Today, we have a range of web application development frameworks, UI libraries, mobile development technologies and several new software applications in the market. These front-end frameworks and libraries allow developers to experiment with a range of new possibilities in diverse areas of web development. …

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Wordpress Plugins

Top 11 Marketing Automation Plugins for WordPress

Wouldn’t it be great if marketers could automate the repetitive marketing tasks and personalize their content to every single one of their buyers according to their interests? It sounds too good to be true. But it is almost impossible to manually personalize the content of your website and marketing channels. However, with the right marketing automation WordPress plugins, you can A/B test what works best on your WordPress site and automate the repetitive marketing tasks. You can also use it …

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10 Reasons for Choosing WordPress for your Blogging

There are many people who ask what the reason is behind using WordPress for blogging. Well, there is not only one reason but there are many. But the answer can never be “because I love it”. It will not solve their queries. They need more information related to this and that is why asking. So, here are some of the reasons for choosing WordPress if you want to start blogging: 1: Free To Use It is absolutely free and that …

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SEO Tips Techniques

5 SEO Techniques for Ranking in 2016

If you are going to start working on Search Engine Optimization for ranking your website, then you should prep up on some of the easiest ranking techniques that will get your products or services on top of Google search results. Driving large traffic to your business or personal website will require you to do many hours of research and planning to get started. Many times digital marketing enthusiasts are stuck on outdated techniques because employers don’t allow them to properly …

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How your Slow Website Burns a Hole in your Pocket (Infographic)

A mammoth 16% hit to your customer satisfaction rate is supplicating, to say the least. Consider an example of an eCommerce start-up that usually sprouts with a handful of employees or the founding members; every single penny spent would be with a view to generating desired value to its business. A wonderful team of technicians and top brains is the driving force towards putting together that unique product arising from a novel idea. The process that follows afterward and which …

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SEO - search engine optimization

A Layman’s Guide to Understand How SEO Works

Online marketing doesn’t stop when you finally launch your site. The moment you do, you’re already in competition with a ton of other businesses wanting to market the exact same product/services, targeting the exact same market you have in mind. The First Sugary Drink Imagine marketing the very first sugared drink. It’s unique, quenches your thirst, and offers the public a new alternative to water. It would’ve been quite easy to market that product. It’s the first of its kind …

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WordPress Speed SEO Optimization

7 Ways to Optimize WordPress for Site Speed & SEO

In this article, I will discuss the 7 ways to optimize a WordPress website to improve speed and SEO. These 7 ways can make your website much more improved, faster, search engine friendly and also much more advanced. I always try to follow all these 7 techniques and it always gives me better results. In this particular website, we are also using 6 out of these 7 techniques and getting great results. 1. Using a well-optimized theme: The theme always …

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