

Print Media Business in Digital Age: Tips to Survive in 2019-2020

With the ever-increasing internet trends, the news industry is suffering from rough decades. The reason behind, people rather than paying for newspapers, prefer to check the latest updates on Google, Yahoo, Facebook and on other online portals. This effect the print media industry by declines in print industry revenues, drop down of ad incomes, decrease in employment trends for journalists as well as a high range of newspaper units shut down. To come out of such situation, print media requires …

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5 Things Everyone Must Know About Extended Warranties

After you’ve settled on a new mobile phone, refrigerator or television, you’re definitely looked with another alternative at the checkout i.e. an Extended Warranty. In case you’re purchasing electronics item or appliances for a family member or relatives this season, resist the compulsion to spring for an extended warranty in the event that the thing breaks. However, there are some uncommon events when purchasing an extended warranty could bode well. For example, cell phones, travel with you all over the …

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How Data Protection Changes Affect Small Businesses?

Data protection is often overlooked by small businesses. However, in 2018 a renewed focus has been put on data protection policies, and there have been changes made that could negatively impact a small business if they are found to be noncompliant. If you run a small business and haven’t given much thought to data protection in the past, it’s time to invest in resources that can help in this area. Here are some interesting facts about data protection and how …

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The Phenomenon of Leadership – The Theory, Conception & Analysis

Many theories try to explain the phenomenon of leadership. Perhaps the oldest of them, which has not lost its relevance today, is the theory of devils. It was created by identifying the qualities inherent in the ideal leaders – heroes. The essence of this theory is to explain the phenomenon of leadership by outstanding human qualities. Among the traits inherent in a political leader are usually called a sharp mind, strong will and determination, seething energy, outstanding organizational skills and, …

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5 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Productivity Tool

Productivity has been a buzzword for quite some time and many of us are on a never-ending quest of becoming more productive. There are many tools that can provenly improve productivity. These tools help to accomplish more in less time. As all tools aren’t made equal, you might encounter some of them that will make your work even more complicated. It happens either because the tool is wrong or it doesn’t fit in your daily workflow. Whatever is the case, …

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8 Useful Tips for Building a Strong Company Culture

Every small or large organization has a distinct culture that defines it. Culture is made up of the beliefs, ideologies, principles, and values of a company. Therefore, your culture will determine how employees relate to each other at work. In addition, it will have a major impact on the productivity and performance of workers. Here are some of the advantages of good workplace culture: So how do you build a strong company culture? Recommended for you: 10 Great Ways to …

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5 Most Valuable Career Boosting IT Certifications You May Not Know

If you’ve been working in IT for a few years, chances are you’ve climbed a certain number of rungs up the ladder, but you may have reached a plateau. To get the really big bucks you need something fresh, something that helps you stand out. If you’re really looking to boost your salary, one of the best things you can do to improve your resume and chances of bagging that promotion is to get an industry leading certification that proves …

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Explore These Job Boards to Land Your First Developer Job

You have devoted time, money and energy in becoming a web developer in the hope that you will soon start earning big bucks. If you find yourself standing at crossroads, not knowing what to do, take heart. There are plenty of avenues open for you in the form of niche job boards on the internet. Whether you want junior or entry-level jobs or want to switch your current job, you can now find them online on employment websites. With that …

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Experiencing Employee Productivity Issues? Here are Some Common Causes for This Problem

One of the biggest concerns you should have as a business owner is maintaining high productivity levels. If your productivity levels get too low, it may result in you losing both money and clients. Each year, American-based businesses lose about $411 billion due to low productivity. The key to properly addressing issues with productivity is figuring out the root cause of these problems. The following are just some of the most common causes of low productivity levels and what you …

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Computer Repair Training Programs and Education Requirements

In this article, we are about to discuss the Computer repair training programs and it’s education requirements. Let’s start the discussion! What are computer repair training programs and its importance? The computer plays a crucial role in our everyday life. It is difficult to imagine our modernity, especially its business and leisure component, without the use of modern computer technology, because no enterprise can function without the help of computers, all the daily operations of storing data, processing documents, creating …

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