

How to Choose the Right Internet Hardware for Your Office?

The shift from analog to digital is no longer news. Resultantly, there’s a bunch of telecommunication hardware options today than ever. While having several alternatives to choose from sounds great, navigating through the truckload of available options and reviews often leaves one confused. Sadly, too often, many businesses invest hugely in internet hardware in their office that does not meet their business needs. If you’re not sure the right internet hardware for your office, follow this guide closely before you …

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Cybersecurity Threats: COVID-19 Scams You Need to Avoid

We’re living in strange times. The current pandemic and uncertainty about the future has us all stressed and concerned about our personal health and safety. On top of that, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) scams and misinformation abound. You knew it was coming, especially with so many relief checks expected by individuals and businesses, and so many others in need. There’s no reason to compound our already shaky hold on security by leaving ourselves vulnerable to the inevitable opportunists who are …

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Close-up view of network cables connected to a server rack, with various status lights illuminated.

Network Basics: Bandwidth vs Latency vs Throughput

Whether the product is web hosting or internet service, one of the biggest selling points is speed. Marketers use terms like “blazing fast internet” and “unlimited bandwidth” to tout their superiority over the competition. But, what do metrics like bandwidth, latency, and throughput really mean, and how do they affect important issues like user experience (UX) and website performance? The Need for Speed It’s difficult to discern which came first, the customer demand for speed or the service provider’s insistence …

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SQL Injection: Is It Still a Threat? How Can You Avoid It?

Data breaches are so common that they are not even surprising anymore. Malicious actors aim to collect as much data as possible. They are after login credentials, credit card information, or trade secrets. Once they get their hands on such data, they sell it on the dark web. If you can’t grasp how much data they stole so far, and how much they dumped on the dark web, here is a worrying number. Last year, criminals stole and sold 620 …

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10 Excellent Pieces of Advice to Increase Your Website Safety!

There has been an increase in the rate of cyber-attacks in the past few years. It is not that the cybercriminals are experts, but some of these attacks are due to negligence. Not updating your website with the latest software will make your website at a high risk of being attacked. No matter how busy you are, ensuring that you make your website safe for you and your users. Most importantly, if you are tasked to manage an organization’s site, …

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The Facts and the Unknowns about Social Media – Is it Bad for You?

The less unknown fact is about 40% of the people in the world are using social media, not spending less than two hours daily. According to the reports are online tweeting, sharing, and updating on social media platforms. Notably, it is playing a more significant part in our lives, and this could bring a negative impact on our health, either mentally, emotionally, or even physically. However, social media is essential when it comes to marketing. Social media marketing is a …

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How the Internet Can Help Seniors (Older Adults) to Avoid Depression?

Roughly fifteen percent of older adults suffer from an issue of depression. Also, more than ten percent of them commit suicide.  During the old times, it was extremely difficult for older adults to get in touch with their relatives and friends because of limited access to communication sources such as mobile and internet. With the advent of smartphones and high-speed internet plans, now seniors can get in touch with their colleagues or friends within a few seconds to get rid …

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Blogging Vs Microblogging

Blogging Vs Microblogging: Which One is Right for You?

A blog is a platform to share ideas and publish your thoughts without sticking to any limits. The owner of the blog has total freedom and flexibility to express his opinion according to his own wish. A blogging website offers an online space where you can publish articles, news, images, and hyperlinks without any stringent boundaries. Microblogging also has known as ‘Nano Blogging’. It is a recent development in the field of blogging that allows the owner to convey his …

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How to Use Twitter, Facebook & Instagram in Your Online Advertising Campaign?

Social media marketing is considered as the most effective tool for businesses to reach their targeted customers. If you are not using social media platforms in your online advertising campaign then you are missing out on a significant amount of business. Running an advertising campaign on social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will help you to drive leads and generate sales. Here we have listed some useful tactics that will help you to get the best out …

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Cybersecurity Risk Assessment & Management Tips for Small Businesses

No matter what kind of business you are running, the internet lets you access target markets from any location of your choice. Whether you are running a website to promote your business or you are using modern technology such as cloud computing, cybersecurity must be on a high priority. According to the latest research, more than twenty percent of small businesses are on the radar of cyberattacks. Cybersecurity risk assessment & management involves evaluating, testing and securing the computing environment …

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