

Documents and Protocols Your Business Needs for Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the most important aspects of business in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. When COVID-19 spread around the world, the FBI announced a 400% increase of reported cyber-attack complaints, illustrating the desperate situation companies and consumers face in terms of data security. But businesses are also facing economic issues that require cutting costs and redistributing resources in the most efficient manner possible. A concentrated effort, then, is required in securing the most vulnerable documents and protocols. …

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How to Make Money from Blogging?

Have you ever tried making money from blogging? Or is it your first time using a platform where your chances to earn money better and faster are high? If so, then surely you are going to have the best income source for the rest of your life provided you take the blogging platform seriously. Being a first-time blogger, you may have tons of questions on your mind. You can always start a blog on Wix or any of the other …

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Here’s Why Small Businesses Are Ideal Targets for Hackers!

For decades, small businesses were unlikely targets for hacking attacks and data breaches by hackers. Hackers were less interested in attacking low-profile small businesses and relatively unknown brands with fewer financial resources. And this is why, whenever you think about sophisticated cyberattacks on companies, the first thing that comes to your mind is the large-scale breaches against huge corporations like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Equifax, and T-Mobile. Massive breaches make headlines, but when they happen against small businesses, it rarely makes …

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The Most Notorious Computer Viruses in Our History

Currently offering more than a billion search results on Google, the term computer viruses is one of the founding blocks of anything IT-related that springs to mind. It is one of those household names permanently ingrained in general culture. The vast majority of people using a computer today have heard of computer viruses, in one way or another. Generations that will most likely recognize the term ‘computer virus’ will be the Millenials and Gen Z, because the period between the …

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How to Transfer and Sync Data from Dropbox to Google Drive?

Cloud storage is no longer optional; it has become essential for users today. With the growing application of laptops, mobile phones, and other digital devices for business and personal use, there has been an increase in the volume of digital data. Thus, the perspective regarding saving digital data and cloud storage options has changed significantly over the past few years. It helps users to access the data present on their computer anytime, anywhere, and on-the-go. Nowadays, you may come across …

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A laptop with the word vpn on the screen.

Why Every VPN Needs a Strong SIEM By Its Side?

Virtual private networks have been used by individuals and organizations for the better part of two decades. A VPN creates a secure tunnel that allows encrypted information to be transferred from one point to another. In the business world, it makes it possible for employees to connect to their organization’s network and securely send and receive information. VPNs have taken on a greater role considering the work from the home environment we are in. It is not clear how long …

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How More Companies are Venturing in Digital Transformation in the Wake of the Health Crisis?

The current coronavirus pandemic has definitely reshaped how society conducts business. Every industry, from retail to the education sector, now sees the importance of digital platforms in reaching their target audience. As a business owner, it’s now become necessary for you to meet consumers online. This is particularly true in today’s health crisis. Because people are encouraged to stay indoors to limit the movement of the virus. You have to accelerate the digital transformation of your business. To give you …

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7 Note-Worthy Tips to Choose the Best VPN for Remote Work

The business world has greatly evolved over the last decade. Nowadays, people work from home and still manage to deliver the expected results. Recently, many people around the world have also been trying to work from home due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, we’re all living in times when it’s vital to know how to work from home. For all their remote work one tool that most workers use today is a VPN. In this article, we’ll look at the …

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What is C-SCRM and Why would You Need it in your Business?

The digital world is evolving at a high pace and with its development, cyber risk management is becoming more challenging. Since modern businesses can hardly stay away from technologies, cybersecurity has become one of their main concerns. To protect the company from cyber threats, experts recommend using a systematic approach that would cover each ongoing process and each used tech product. It is advisable to examine and analyze each component of the company’s IT infrastructure. Highly useful is software composition …

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Illustration of a world map with interconnected points and a shield icon at the center, representing global network security or protection.

Should You Opt for Antivirus Software or a VPN? Let’s Find Out!

There is more concern than ever before amongst the public about security and privacy online. It isn’t hard to see why there are so many worries in this regard. There have been many high-profile data breaches reported recently. The media is always full of stories about identity theft, phishing scams, and ransomware attacks. It’s no surprise, then, that over 50% of internet users around the world have more concerns about their online safety than they did just a year ago. …

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