

10 Best Practices for Conducting Engaging Webinars

Webinars, in plain words, are known as online seminars. It is the smart and cost effective way to conduct a seminar. Instead on normal seminars, it is very much budget-friendly. And so it is very much helpful for non-profitable organizations and also for those organizations that are running out of funds. Another best part of a Webinar is it can easily wipe all geographical boundaries and help you to conduct your seminar globally. Although there are lots of advantages of …

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smart tv online streaming movie video

What’s Next for Online Streaming Services?

Cable television is almost a thing of the past. Online streaming services are taking the web by storm, and they have been since the presence of Netflix began to surge through social media, memes, and word of mouth. Netflix became a household name and revolutionized online streaming, giving entertainment lovers tons of options of shows and movies to watch without having to torrent the content or buy a $20+ DVD. Now, Netflix is even releasing its own content (like Orange …

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data transfer lan internet connection cable port

Choosing the Best Internet Service Provider (ISP) for your Business

In this article, I will share some ideas on how you can choose the best internet service provider (ISP) for your business. A good ISP is very important to stay connected with your customers for your online business. A fast and reliable ISP will allow you to have the speediest response toward your customers. I will guide you in choosing a good ISP provider that will provide you with great service and unfailing customer support. I will share 5 valuable …

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How to Bypass Social Media Dangers for Kids (Infographic) - Featured

How to Bypass Social Media Dangers for Kids (Infographic)

When it comes to technology, the internet has revolutionized the world and brought millions of innovations that aim at facilitating humans but on the other side, we as humans have started misusing the technological advancements. Social media is one of the examples where nowadays millions of people have become addicted. Teens are heading towards social media and dating apps as well. When the teens start using various such websites and apps, they become prone to different threats and dangers. The …

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Get your Business Website Today to Get an Edge over your Competitors

Running a business without having a website is almost unimaginable today. Almost everyone carries a smartphone with them these days, which means that they can get quick access to any businesses information, anytime they need. If your business does not have an online presence, then your competitors will simply eat into your market share, and eventually drive you out of business. Therefore, if your business still does not have a website, then your first priority would be to get one …

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How to Write Highly Shareable Content for Social Media

Social media is the perfect platform for sharing content, but how do you ensure the content you create actually gets shared? What is it about content that makes people like it and shares it, or just skim past it? Even if you’re creating content that is interesting and insightful, people may not share it with their friends.  Just like you don’t share everything you see and read with your friends, your audience is also not sharing everything they read. Content …

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Malware Protection

Stay Alert!! Get Malware Protection for PC before it’s too late

The internet is a great tool, whether for personal or business use, but it also comes with a variety of risks that we must be aware of along with how to prevent them from occurring. If you use the internet without protection, it is like waving your credit card number out there for the world to see and use! If you are not protecting yourself with antivirus and antimalware protection, then you could be at serious risk. Some malware is …

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Mitigating the Costs Cyber Attacks Have on Your Business

In the fall of 2014, one of the biggest banks in the nation found itself suffering from a massive cyber attack. Hackers obtained names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of 83 million households and small business accounts from JP Morgan Chase bank. Though no account numbers, passwords or Social Security numbers were compromised; major damage was done to businesses as well as JP Morgan Chase as a whole. Tal Klein of Adallom explains, This cyber attack went down as …

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Protect Your Online Presence - Tips for Digital Security

How to Protect Your Identity for Free

Your іdеntіtу іѕ a рrесіоuѕ gіft thаt you need to рrоtесt. Yоur іdеntіtу іnсludеѕ уоur DNA, finger рrіntѕ, уоur physical арреаrаnсе as well as ѕеvеrаl dосumеntѕ соntаіnіng уоur personal infоrmаtіоn. All оf thеѕе thіngѕ can bе еаѕіlу uѕеd bу others if not taken care of properly. Thе реорlе who ѕtеаl аnd uѕе оthеr’ѕ іdеntіtу аrе соnѕіdеrеd as сrіmіnаlѕ аnd thе сrіmе they commit іѕ knоwn аѕ іdеntіtу thеft. To рrоtесt уоur іdеntіtу уоu ѕhоuld fоllоw thе below mentioned ѕtерѕ. Thеѕе …

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Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management in 2016 – Why and How?

There is a lesson in all of this. Reviewing, and the consequential reputation has become a quintessential need for companies in this day and age. Beyond the realms of entrepreneurship, lies a kingdom where consumers tick the right boxes, signaling your next potential customer a positive go, and who does not want to acquire new business? Therefore, it is imperative to manage your reputation and make it easier for new customers to find you and all the good things about …

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