
Biggest Hacks

The 5 Biggest Hacks of 2016 (Including Yahoo, LinkedIn, iPhone & Tumblr)

Within the last year, it has become the norm for hackers to break into websites, steal precious data and then bargain that data for ransom. Of course, there is a certain community of genuine hackers who will often help law enforcement agencies decode some of the clandestine communications by terrorists or other criminal groups. This “WikiLeaks” style of hacking is often received with varying perspectives, depending on which side you identify with. The rest of the hacking activities worldwide could …

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Person wearing a headset, looking at a laptop screen in a bright room.

How Insight Engines are Paving the Future of Customer Support

Customer service needs to be reimagined for a new era. More than two-thirds of consumers say they prefer serving themselves to relying on a conversation with a customer support representative, and a surprising 91 percent of people would use a self-support service if it met their needs. Self-service is becoming more popular. Information is more readily available. Mobile devices are affording customers more demand for instant gratification. Together, all these factors are reshaping how we think about customer support, and …

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7 Excellent Ways to Outsmart Your Competition in 2017

As technology continues to evolve, it has become even more imperative for businesses to stay afloat in their various industries. Suddenly, you are now forced to adopt new marketing tactics, add new social media channels and revamp your sales funnels in order to stay ahead of the demand that your business may be producing. Because of this if your company wants to survive the 2017 technology shift you must be willing to not only evolve with the times, but you …

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Internet Marketing Tools Strategy

Internet Marketing Tools That Will Double Your Revenue

Ever since the internet has evolved into time, it seems there are always entrepreneurs out there trying so many different marketing skills with intentions of trying to double their revenue. Can you blame them, really?  Today, we are going to go over five specific internet marketing techniques which will double one’s revenue. Understanding the Key Notes to Develop a Mobile Strategy With everyone, including your grandmother having and religiously using cellular phones in the present day, it would be in …

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7 Easy and Excellent Ways to Make Your Digital Brochure Faster

What is the most popular and traditional way to present your company or service? Yeah, you guessed it right – A Brochure! Here’s the definition from Wikipedia, The brochures are a great way to present your services and products in a more attentive manner. If you think that brochures are no longer relevant, take a look at these numbers:Here are some more brochure statistics from Bentley University: According to Forrester Research, “We live in the age of Customers.” And today’s customers are digital savvy, …

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How to Spot Fake Reviews Online – Some Useful Tips & Tricks

Reviews are incredibly powerful, stronger than you might think. Many people take to the Internet to see if something is good before buying it, and they land on these pages that are full of reviews. They are putting their trust in the reviewer’s honesty, but the truth is that most online reviews are fake. Here are a few tips to spot and avoid these fake reviews. 1. Affiliate Marketing You first have to understand why people write fake reviews. The …

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A businessman is pointing at a world map.

Internet Security Tips – Use VPN to Protect Personal Data from Online Thieves?

Modern society is obsessed with monitoring and controlling, so it is no wonder that such a huge amount of spy software, keyloggers, and other malware tools are available on the market. Every computer-savvy teenager with the right knowledge and simple tools can hack a smartphone and get access to personal information stored in there. This is a huge risk for the owner as we tend to keep a lot of sensible and private information on our gadgets and expose them …

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4 Excellent Strategies For Increasing Your Website Income

Business websites generate profit in numerous ways. Maybe you have services or products for sale on-site, or you consider your blog posts a pathway to greater conversions. But what if your website could generate greater passive income? Though it takes strategic setup and connection development, you can program your site for profit. What does that mean, exactly? When you take traditional SEO strategies, combine them with strong marketing. And then add in things like affiliate marketing, pay-per-click advertising, and sponsored …

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The Dangers of Exploring the Dark Web – Stay Away! Be Safe!

The dark web’s name alone elicits connotations of something mysterious, a little dangerous, and above all, something that leads itself to exploration. Like traipsing the jungles of Borneo, where hardly any souls have dared to tread, the dark web is something that many of us are keen to try, if not simply for the experience. Accessible only by a special set of software and browser such as Tor, the dark web contains websites that cannot be found on the regular …

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Security Vulnerabilities Internet Threats

3 Ways Web Developers Can Protect Their Intellectual Property

If you’ve been developing websites for any length of time, you’ve probably created some snippets or chunks of reusable code including HTML, CSS, or maybe even classes and modules. If you’re developing on a platform like WordPress or using any kind of template system (like Smarty templates), then having this reusable code is your lifeblood. Without it, your projects would take forever. Because you work so hard to create your code, often spending hours refining it until it’s a usable …

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