
Red 3D block letters spelling "VPN" on a background of gray blocks.

6 Secret Techniques to Improve Your Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is used to maintain your online privacy and hide your true identity from prying eyes. The moment you connect to a website, you are at risk of sharing your personal information with a server at a remote location. Not many people are aware of the benefits of using VPN services. They believe that a VPN can actually slow down their browsing experience. Even if this is true to some extent, there are certain implementations that …

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How to Become a Cyber-Safe Employee? Check These 7 Tips!

Everyone in the security space is aware that a solid cybersecurity policy can go a long way in protecting the business against various threats. However, the problem is that not every member of the organization is a security expert. As a matter of fact, most employees don’t know the first thing about viruses and firewalls due to which it is essential for them to become cyber-safe. The question most employees ask is how they can go about this process. Listed …

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Top 5 Things You Need to Succeed as a Freelancer

So, you are reading this post because you want to become a freelancer. You have given a thought on what you want to freelance in, have acquired couple of important email contacts and even bought yourself some cool shorts that look great with your slippers. So, you are all set to dump your 9-to-5 job and get cracking on your first freelance project? “Wrong!!!” One of the biggest myth about freelancing is that you sit at home and freelance projects …

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7 Excellent Productivity Hacks for Procrastinating Writers

Working remotely is becoming increasingly popular. Today saying that you’re a “freelancer” is no longer met with a questioning look. Freelance writing is the classic work-from-home job. From copywriting to journalism, from blogging to ghostwriting, there’re jobs for everyone who has a way with words. Distant work has many advantages. A flexible schedule is the best one. But it has its challenges, too. The main one is procrastination. Writing under deadlines may lead to stress, the decline of the content …

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What is the Secret to Actually Achieving Your Blogging Goals?

With a new year comes inevitable resolutions, dreams, and goals. While you probably have your own fair share of personal resolutions – like losing weight, eating healthier, or reading more – it’s also likely that you have some business goals. And for many of us, the number one goal is to be more consistent with blogging. While resolutions are great, they’re notoriously hard to keep. Whether it’s fitness or blogging, the high rate of failure is generally due to two …

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5 Easy Online Hacks You Probably Know but Never Care to Follow

As you go online, you stream across hundreds of sites, window-shop thousands of products, make payments, tap on popups, and do what not! You know it might get fishy somewhere sometime, but that thought evades in front of the freedom the online world offers. While most of you might have never been a victim of cybercrimes, there are many who have become and the numbers grow as we speak. Cybercrimes are at an all-time high, primarily due to the fact that …

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How to Write a Blog Post and Go Viral on Social Media

Nowadays, social media is flowing in viral posts, spreading more rapidly and successfully than any marketer could have anticipated in the past. At this point, every successful marketing campaign includes viral social posts in many forms, each form better than the other. The process of creating such posts is rather challenging for many marketers, but once you master the process of making a post go viral, you are making a big step towards successful brand recognition and business promotion. Other …

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Start Outsourcing and Grow Your Online Business Like a Pro

So, you’ve decided to join the rest of world and try your hand at starting an online business. What you’ve most likely discovered by now is that there is literally a laundry list of things to do, which has left you wondering where and how to start. Like most entrepreneurs, you want to learn and do every task entirely on your own. Having a “can-do attitude” is a great approach to tackling and mastering new tasks. However, few people can truly …

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What Millennials Really Want to See from Your Website?

Millennials make up a huge portion of buying power in the United States. In fact, they’ve become the largest generation in the nation. And their interest in technology is noteworthy in the retail space. Although their spending has not quite surpassed Generation X or Baby Boomers, their numbers are growing, and understanding their expectations is huge for your business. Their opinion is particularly important when it comes to online business. Millennials spend up to 25 hours per week online, and although …

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How Cloud Access Security Brokers Prevents Thieves from Stealing Data

Whether you like it or not, we are now living in a cloud-centric world. If you still haven’t embraced and accepted the cloud, it’s time to do so. The usage of cloud applications is growing rapidly, as businesses and employees take full advantage of the cloud’s efficiency and flexibility. So, how do you protect your cloud data from being stolen? Cloud access security brokers (CASB) are a security software based on four pillars of cloud security: visibility, compliance, threat protection, …

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