

5 Niche Sectors to Consider for ECommerce Business Opportunities

The current state of retail is one of changing behavior and a massive shift in both spending habits and consumer expectations. According to some experts, more than 50% of Americans prefer online shopping. And e-commerce is growing at nearly 25% per year. And this pace will accelerate as millennials gain more financial power and the children of Generation X parents begin to shop. The future is digital, it seems to safe to say. And while it’s as easy as ever …

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7 Ways to Promote Your eCommerce Product without Being Salesy [Infographic]

7 Ways to Promote Your eCommerce Product without Being Salesy (Infographic)

Are you looking for new ways of promoting your e-commerce products on social media without annoying others with sales pitches? The ways that allow speaking directly to the target audience without sounding like a salesperson? Read on, you’ve come to the right place. Let me start by saying that selling products on social media requires a special approach that captures the interest of consumers in a way that they want to go to your website and see what the offer …

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The Best Way to Develop an ECommerce App You May Now Know

Smartphones and tablets are taking over! With billions of users all over the globe, consumers continue to use mobile gadgets to source for the products and services they need. Forrester’s report on 2018 best retail practices in regards to mobile web predicts that retail sales through smartphones will grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 18%. The report also forecasts that in 2018 smartphones will impact more than a trillion of US retail sales at some point through …

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How Influencers are Becoming the Salespeople for E-Commerce Brands

If you think of influencer marketing, you may think it’s a new trend. But that’s not exactly true. Earlier, brands worked with famous celebrities, sports personalities, or thought leaders to promote their products. It was the same idea. But with the internet and social media, the faces of this type of marketing have changed. Now we see ordinary people and everyday consumers building massive followings in different niches. These are the influencers to whom brands are shifting their attention. These …

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Top 5 Ultimate Payment Gateway to Choose in India (2018)

ECommerce business is at all time high globally. They have created a financial discipline and survival. However, the questions that are still to be answered. Which payment gateway suited the best for my business? How to choose the best one for your online store? How do they charge per transaction and all? With evolving technology, several brands and startups have started building their orders and accepting payments with a variety of payment gateway. It is no wrong in saying that people …

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10 Improvements to Make Your Online ECommerce Store More Successful

The vast potential of Internet has made it easier for businesses to target and reach out to a large number of people. ECommerce has removed the boundaries of location and area allowing businesses to target audience globally. Sales of eCommerce have grown at an average rate of 19 percent in the last decade and this trend is expected to continue in coming years. ECommerce sales are expected to triple in the next year itself. With customers growing tech-savvy and increasing …

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5 Key Factors that Affect the Engagement of eCommerce Videos

ECommerce videos come in various shapes and sizes, but more often than not consist of demonstrations or how-to guides to generate sales for specific products, or marketing videos to promote an eCommerce website. Regardless of the form, they take, however, if you want your eCommerce videos to have an impact and successfully achieve their goals – you need them to be engaging. Although the engagement of eCommerce videos is a difficult metric to peg down and is influenced by numerous …

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Anticipate Customer Needs

Best Ways to Anticipate Customer Needs (Infographic)

In the perfect world, businesses can anticipate the needs of their customers early on in their interactions and avoid issues like complaints. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, so optimizing the customer experience remains a huge challenge. The price for failing this challenge is a number of unwanted outcomes such as undermined image and customer loyalty. Despite this, many marketers and business leaders are ignoring or downgrading the importance of working with customers before and after the sale. …

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5 Best Trending ECommerce Product ideas to Sell in 2018

Is eCommerce here to stay? The listless positive potentials of eCommerce are about to unfold in the year 2018. Groundbreaking eCommerce product ideas will dominate if not monopolize the global market in the current decade. The eCommerce trends in the recent past speak volumes for it. Statistics from 2017 have shown that nearly 1.66 billion people all over the world purchase goods online. Also, the projected eCommerce share of total global retail sales of 2021 has come out to be 17.5%. …

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Top 5 Recommended Elements of eCommerce Website Design of 2018!

ECommerce sales in almost all of the world achieved a very satisfactory value by the end of 2017. By the end of 2017, more than $2 trillion had been contributed by this type of trading and experts predict that overall eCommerce sales in 2020 will reach approximately $27 trillion. ECommerce has expanded to a wide range of issues, not just limited to cosmetic sales, daily necessities, supplements, and medicines, but also to automotive products. This is a very rapid development …

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