The Basic Digital Elements that You Must Get Right

Taking your business online can be a daunting prospect, but the truth is that it is very simple. Having an online presence is critical, and these days, most companies have one. But there is a very fine line between doing it and getting it right, and as with anything the old adage, if you are going to do it, do it properly, applies. The problem with moving into the digital realm is that everybody understands it or knows what they are doing. So, with that in mind, here are a few key areas that you or your digital partners need to make sure that you get right if you want your digital experience to be successful.

Play to the likes of Google


Once you have a digital presence it is very important that people can find you. And generally, the way people find you online is through search engines. In order to be discovered through these web directories, you need to make sure that your site is properly optimized for their searches. This is something that you could read up and look to implement yourself, or it is something that could be outsourced to specialists – an angle that we would strongly recommend. And who are the experts? Well, that is very easy to establish. Simply type something like ‘SEO experts’ into Google and see what results are returned. It almost goes without saying that the company that is best in their field will be the one that comes up first on the list. Make contact and off you go.

Mobile friendly


Websites are increasingly being viewed on mobile phones, which means that for the user of the site to have a good experience the site needs to be optimized for the phone. Most modern sites either responsive or built with newer technology that allows them to render in the best possible way for the user, but some older site builders or builds may still not optimize correctly.

“Remember, you are not building a site for yourself, you are building it for potential clients and for outsiders, so the experience for them needs to be as enjoyable as possible. This really should help put you on the right path forward, so that you and your business can thrive better than others, which in turn will help you achieve better and larger results for the future,” Chief Executive Officer at WME says. 

There are thousands and thousands of different devices out there, all with their own compatibility concerns and issues. Those that are able to differentiate themselves from the rest because of functionalities superior to the competition and browser standards that are not often seen from generation to generation will be able to go the distance. It has been seen time and time again, that those that are made on the cheap and are ultimately inexpensive at the point of sale don’t often have the best results. Customers that spend a bit more in production and marketing – and ensure functionality is as smooth as possible – are the ones that will be pleased in the longer run. This has been exemplified by the Samsung and Apples of the world – just look around for obvious examples.

You may also like: 5 SEO Mistakes That Wreak Havoc on Your Conversion Rates.

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Basic Digital Elements that You Must Get Right - sync synchronization synchronized update

Technology changes and it changes rapidly and as such you need to know that if you are taking your business online that you will need to change it and rework it every couple of years. The basic backbone might not need to change, but you want to stay current and make it look like there is somebody home. As such, keep the content fresh and recognize that in terms of look and feel, the fashions change. In the same way that the clothes you bought five years ago are probably not going to be front and center in your day-to-day wardrobe, so to must you see that a five-year-old website will look a bit tatty and behind the times. And unless you are selling antiques that is probably not the look that you want to be going for. It is good to keep up with the latest in trends across the internet because it is an environment that is forever changing and often requiring the kind of updates that you don’t want to miss out on.

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Article Published By

Souvik Banerjee

Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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