
A directory of all our previously published articles from newest to oldest order.
Joomla Security

4 Musts to Reinforce Security of Your Joomla Website

Joomla has been making giant strides in the Internet ambit ever since it made its debut. The last few years have witnessed it come the leading content management system and a blogging platform. There are various reasons that have shouldered it to be the top billed CMS today, and they continue to increase in numbers with each day. But that said, surely would be an overstatement when we say that Internet is awash with coders who are prying on different …

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WordPress Speed

Optimizing WordPress Blog – 3 Elementary Ways you are Probably Ignoring

Blogging is the buzzword today, and it has been so since last few years. A decade back, Internet was used by professionals, or by teenagers to vent out their feelings and thoughts. On this date, people of all age groups and background have invaded this space, and they have invaded it for good. It goes without saying that blogging has given a new way to earn to people who are good at crafting words out of their opinions and knowledge. …

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Reseller Web Hosting

Reseller Web Hosting – Tips for Choosing the Best

The internet has been now integrated in our lifestyles and it is exploring every single day. The website is main attraction of the internet which helps you to connect with the people all around the world. You can establish your business online without higher investments and it will work efficiently like any other geographical location based shop! These days, the internet business is one of the most convenient source of gaining knowledge and extending or starting business as well. And …

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Renting Computers Laptops

Hidden Benefits of Renting Computers or Laptops

Computers have increasingly become a part and parcel of our lives over the past few years. Almost all daily activities, which were erstwhile done manually, are now done with the aid of a computer or at the most some other machine. However, many such machines are controlled by mini and full size computers. Therefore, it is not untrue when one says that life itself is now dependent on computers. Simple tasks like communication by virtue of messages or writing documents …

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Android Phones

Simple & Expert Level Fixes for Common Android Phone Problems

Are you tired with your Android smartphone or tablet malfunctioning all the time? Well, there is a high chance that you are not using it the way it’s supposed to be. Android phones have been ridiculed for their high resource usage, lag and breakdown, but this happens with all the smartphones available in the market. It is true Android Operating System (OS) requires more RAM and processor speed than their Windows counterparts, but not many people are aware that Android …

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CSS Tools for Unique Web Designs with Colourful Features

Either self design or hire professional web designers, but CSS tools for web designing are the most widely used in the process of web designing. Usually there are two core technologies that are used for the purpose for designing websites; they are known as HTML i.e. The Hypertext Markup Language and CSS i.e. Cascading Style Sheets. Most of the web pages that an average internet user encounters while web browsing are built up using either of the two technologies or …

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Choosing the Most Appropriate WordPress Theme for Your Business Website

WordPress is one of the major CMS platforms today, and most of the websites use the WordPress to develop their website and present it to the audience. WordPress offers you with numerous themes, both premium and for free, to add to your website. Having a good knowledge about the WordPress themes and the facts to be considered is important to choose the best WordPress theme for your website. Decide the Type of Theme for Your Website Each and every business …

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web design

The Basics of Web Design

The modern age has made it very popular for individuals as well as legal persons to have their own unique websites and the market for such web sites have created an environment for website design companies to flourish and offer services to make websites suited for all purposes. Larger companies have the technical know-how and manpower to make their websites whilst others hire companies to create websites for them. Websites are sometimes for profit and deal with e-Commerce while others …

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5 Signs your Business is Crying Out for a Content Management System

Whether you run a small e-commerce store (which, let’s be frank, is just an extension of your brick-and-mortar store) or you are planning to turn your so-so blog into a thriving online magazine, you will need to create, modify and delete web pages. You will also have to find a way to propitiate the search engine gods. As long as you had a small website with a few static pages, there was no question of getting a content management system …

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Making Websites Better For the Smaller Screen

The best method of getting a firm’s web page into the mobile market is to have a responsive web design. Creating a truly responsive website requires a different approach than mobile-centric, content-centric or snowballs like designs where everything is simply blazed over. You may not have the financial resources to get a web site made through web design companies using a responsive approach although that is the ideal way of getting a web site made. The goal may be to …

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