
A directory of all our previously published articles from newest to oldest order.
ECommerce Platforms Guiding the Trail for B2B Marketing

ECommerce Platforms Guiding the Trail for B2B Marketing

Ever since the loudening of the dot-com era, developing the B2B eCommerce stayed on the priority charts of the manufacturers, suppliers, and wholesalers. And frankly, who would like to go to a brick and mortar store, if a tech-gadget connected with the mighty internet can offer an entry to the eCommerce ‘high street’ showcasing the millions of products from thousands of brands, ready for the swift delivery as and when you place the order! However, in view of the research …

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Social Media Marketing Promotion

Top Digital Marketing Myths that you Need to Know

For securing a unique place in the market, companies are constantly putting great efforts and hard work to promote their businesses but most often they are failed in achieving the desired goals. Usually, companies overlook the importance of digital marketing that lead them towards total failures and disappointments. Your competitors are getting smarter, thus, you also need to get smarter, if want to secure a stable position in the market. The Digital Marketing helps business organizations in enhancing their market …

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Casual: Online Project Management Re-Imagined

Project Management software is a big business nowadays, as companies try to find various online applications that will help run their businesses more smoothly. It’s a serious challenge for software companies since business processes vary from industry to industry. For example:But sometimes we need a visual workflow to describe a project, a mind-map that has a structure of a step by step plan. This is exactly what Casual is all about – an online management application that allows you and …

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Four Bygone Technological Trends that Happened in this Decade

4 Bygone Technological Trends that Happened in this Decade

The world that we live in is far more complicated and fast compared to the previous half centuries or decades. The development in this world is so fascinating and lightening quick that we hardly get time to recover and learn from the previous decade or so. The age that we live in is all about technology and this is why the focus on innovations is so high due to all the possibilities that we have with the support and facilitation …

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Web Design - Web Development

How History of Architecture be a Future of Web Design

Most often, people don’t think of the art of web designing like other designing arts. Due to its association with Information Technology, it is considered more technology than art. You might have heard about a lot of factors you need when formulating the design of your websites like audience requirements and priorities, user experience, and devices to run your website. But a very important but often missed factor is to understand and know the evolution of web designing so that …

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4 Ways to Create Backup Funds for your eCommerce Business

Every business needs capital to get off the ground, but they also need a consistent influx of money to stay afloat, to grow, and even just to have on hand in case of slow times or some type of emergency. For the small business owner, these funds often come from their own pocket, checkbook or savings account. Such funds can also come in the form of personal loans, credit cards, or family loans. But when the money starts to wear …

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Can Your CRM Save Your Business?

Can Your CRM Save Your Business?

In a gist, Customer relationship management (CRM) may be defined as a set of practices, strategies, and technologies that organizations across the world use to manage and analyze business to customer or business to business synergy in terms of data and communication throughout the customer lifecycle. This is done with the larger objective of improving business relationships, assisting in customer retention and driving revenue. It is no surprise then that CRM systems are devised to cull information on customers across …

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Hadoop vs Spark - How to Handle Big Data?

Hadoop vs Spark – How to Handle Big Data?

The Experts also mentioned that IBM will proceed to put more than 3,500 IBM researchers to work on the Spark-related projects. According to Technavio’s market research analysts, the global Hadoop market is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 53% over the next four years (2016-2019). Now, having read the current growth trends in both the Apache’s open source technology platform- Hadoop and Spark, we could conclude their competency is no less than one …

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10 Top Trending Logo Design Techniques of 2016

10 Top Trending Logo Design Techniques of 2016

What a year has it been for logo design techniques! People are constantly craving something attractive and unique keeping graphic designers on their toes throughout 2015. While some used different types of typography, others stuck with keeping the logo simple for grabbing eyeballs. Now, as marketers and entrepreneurs look forward to the trends of 2016, let’s take a look back at the year’s top trending logo design techniques that proved to be game-changing for many. Some of them might be …

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Encryption and the Need for Key Management

Encryption and the Need for Key Management

For a number of decades, financial and government sectors used encryption to secure data and sensitive information. Business institutions and companies in less security minded areas have stayed away from encryption due to lack of understanding, implementation issues and reluctance to invest in technology. Over time, hardware acceleration has led to newer devices and processors incorporating built-in technology thus enhancing encryption and improving performance in document protection. Furthermore, to empower encryption at wire speeds, there was a need to evolve …

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