
A directory of all our previously published articles from newest to oldest order.
Cloud Computing Mobile Mobility Big Data

How Cloud Computing Strengthens Mobile and Big Data

The emergence of cloud computing has brought about numerous changes across the industrial landscape. From tech arenas to the business world, the Cloud has successfully revolutionized innumerable sectors bringing about a dual blend of cost savings as well as a productivity boost. Enterprises of all sizes now have the opportunity to execute critical business operations on the cloud with great convenience. And it’s here that we come across the two other important aspects. Unraveling the Factors If you take a …

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LG K7 Feature Review

LG K7 Feature Review – A Good Budget Smartphone for your Pocket

The budget smartphone market is always getting something new or the other and hence, the competition in this space is also most cutthroat. Global as well as local mobile makers are constantly churning out new, more stylish and highly capable models at very affordable prices. In keeping with the competition, South Korean tech giant, LG has launched the new K7 LTE as a budget offering in the company’s ‘K’ series of smartphone models. LG is generally known for trying with …

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embed code

How to Embed your own Visual Content on your Website

These days, everyone has a website, but did you know that content with images is 90% more likely to be seen than pages without? With so much web content out there, it’s understandable that some 80% of sites are merely skimmed, but it’s often difficult to determine how to achieve that top 20%. What can you do to engage readers and ensure they stay on your site for that little bit longer? Visual content is essential when it comes to …

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3d printing 3 dimention 3d model

Addressing the Safety Concerns of 3D Printing with Metal

Since their inception, 3D printers have made a huge impact in the world of industrial manufacturing. Metal 3D printing is especially popular for creating industrial-grade prototypes and end-use mechanical parts. However, just like any other manufacturing process, several questions of safety have risen in regards to 3D printing using metals. While there may not be the immediate cause of the alarm, it’s always a good idea to maintain safety standards that will help in preventing possible related health issues in …

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Laptop Desk Work

Animated Explainer Videos in your Online Marketing Strategy

A good video can express thousands of words and also engage visitors very easily. Instead of a written document, a visual presentation is always much more attractive and easy to sink into viewers mind. Along with the popularity of videos, the video marketing is now becoming a very effective strategy for online marketers.  And here it comes the importance of Animated Explainer Videos. An Animated Explainer Video can be your perfect idea to promote your business to the whole world. …

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12 Great Tips to Make Google to Quickly Index Your New Website

Not many online marketers and SEO experts know exactly how Google’s indexing algorithm. To make it short and crisp, here in this article, I will not elaborate any technical aspects of Google indexing methods, but rather focus on the techniques and best practices around the subject. I will only list out all points that we need to follow in time of releasing a new website. The following points will definitely help your new website to get indexed quickly by Google …

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Content Marketing Tactics Graph Strategy

Content Marketing Idea: Turn 1 Idea into 2 Months of Marketing

Sometimes you’ve got a great idea and you really don’t think one post will do it justice, but you don’t have the time to turn it into an actual book. As a result, the idea ends up floating around in the back of your head, always tantalizing but never unusable, until you’ve found somebody else has beaten you to the punch. In that case, it might be time to consider serialization. Here the idea it that you create a series …

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Cloud Computing

Cloud Security: 5 Things You Need To Know

If you have been wondering whether the cloud is truly safe, then it’s time to fully understand the bigger picture before jumping in and signing up to whichever platform appears to be the best. Looks can be deceiving and when it comes to protecting your personal data, you need to be completely satisfied with the level of security provided by the cloud, before you hit the upload button. One of the most common conversations that you will overhear at any business …

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mobile apps android iPhone google iTunes

Best iPhone Apps of 2016 from Different Categories

App Store is now filled with millions of apps, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it has made it quite difficult for iPhone users to find something that would pique their interest. Although sites like CNET and TechoMag offer some help by reviewing apps and highlighting their pros and cons, they don’t exactly do a great job of narrowing the options and helping a person know at a glance which apps to download. Knowing that we have singled out …

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A hand points to a globe icon on a screen displaying a network of various digital icons, including social media, communication, and multimedia symbols.

8 Tips for Designing Widgets Which will Boost your Conversion

Widgets are applications that can be embedded in a website or mobile app so to add an extra function to it. They can be commonly seen in the form of calendars, clocks, contact forms, or search fields, but their possibilities are unlimited. And if you are creating a website or a mobile application and wish to integrate widgets to it so to boost your conversions, you will need to take some things into consideration as you will see below. Despite …

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