
A directory of all our previously published articles from newest to oldest order.
Social Media Marketing Promotion

5 Tips to Help Run a Successful Cause Marketing Campaign

Cause marketing has been around for years. However, it will not be surprising if you just heard of the term recently. It was introduced back in 1976. The idea behind cause marketing is to give back to the community. Your brand has to be seen to give equal weight to both societal interests and business interests. But how do you run a successful cause marketing campaign? Although cause marketing has been around for decades, there is a new change today …

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Wireless Security Systems - Bullet Surveillance Cameras - Security Cameras

Pros & Cons of Wireless Security Systems Over Their Wired Counterpart?

The viewpoints may differ! Both, the wired and the wireless security camera supporters have their own long list to justify their choice. However, there are certain pertinent points that may make your selection a little biased towards the wire free version, specifically, if you are planning them for your abode. Before we move further, the user has to understand one thing that every technology that comes up has its own pros and cons. Similar is the case with wireless systems …

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Android Developers - Android Development

How Android Developers Changed The World of Mobile?

Android holds more than 80% of the market share and is the most dominant Mobile OS currently. It is being run on in numerous models of tablets and smartphones, and also other devices. Going by this, you would be feeling android app developers are the reason for this. Yes, they most certainly are. Android has barged into every other person’s lives and apps are what make them popular. If you are planning to hire an android developer for an app …

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How to Skillfully Use Copywriting to Boost Your Conversion Rate

In our day and time, copywriting and content creation are the touchstones of successful marketing, while higher conversion rates are the goals of every small or big business. Today we will analyze a few tips and recommendations on how to use copywriting to boost your conversion rate. According to recent statistics, we live in a “content shock” era – 25,000,000 pieces of content are shared every day. With so much content poured upon us, can we still be talking about …

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Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 - Feature & Specification Review

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 – Feature & Specification Review

I am back with another new product of Xiaomi known as which you can get in two variations. You can choose which one you want and which will actually go to serve your requirements fully. Both the variant of this Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 is more or less with same features, except the RAM and the ROM. So we will know about them in details along with the other features. So let’s begin with their feature lists. 1. Design & …

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Plan Marketing Meeting Discussion Group Team

5 Great Tools Every Content Marketer Needs in its Arsenal

Being a content marketer, especially if you are working hard to become a great one, also assumes having the right tools in hand. Working with proper tools does not mean that you are cheating, as they will only make you more efficient. And efficiency is highly appreciated these days, because time is a precious commodity for most people, especially for business owners. So, if you want what tools are the best to use when wishing to be a reliable and …

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10 Great & Useful Career Resources to Kick Start Your IT Career

So you are fresh out of campus as an IT student and putting your foot into the job market. Just like any other career, it is always very hard to adjust to the job market. It goes without saying that the IT market, in particular, is thronged with incredible professionals. This will make it even harder for any newbie to cope with the market trends. However, there are resources in place to help any fresh professional succeed in their IT …

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Understanding Facebook Marketing

6 Simple Rules to Maximize Facebook Advertising Campaigns

Facebook has successfully proved itself as the social media King and billions of its active users have made it an excellent advertisement platform for advertisers and marketers. Facebook, which turned out to be the biggest rival of Google ads, has introduced various advertisement features ensuring big returns on investment. Undoubtedly, Facebook’s advertisement features are very flexible and friendly but many online marketers failed to understand how to get most out of it. It simply means you just need to understand …

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7 Brilliantly Working Email List Building Plugins you can Try

Why are we talking about email list building? Customers are the lifeline of any business. Whether you have a small business or own a multinational company, you can’t survive unless you have a steady stream of customers buying your products and services. When it comes to enticing people into purchasing from you, the good old email still beats the newer kids on the block. According to a study; percentage of the purchase made via social networking, emails rank at the …

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4 Essential Tools to Measure Your Marketing Campaign Performance

Creating and implementing marketing campaigns are two main steps towards a successful brand, but these steps mean nothing if they are not followed by data monitoring. A quality business should not concentrate only on success. They should also focus on learning from the ups and downs a complex marketing activity comes with. And how else can you find the recipe for success if not by measuring the performance of your marketing strategies? It’s highly doubtful that a team can possibly …

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