
A directory of all our previously published articles from newest to oldest order.
cctv security surveillance camera

5 Answers that You Should Know While Buying a Surveillance Camera!

In recent times, the need of surveillance cameras has just changed from a ‘want’ to a ‘necessity’. Today, every business owner is smart enough to apprehend that it is better to invest in the finest surveillance system available on the market shelves as opposed to filing a complaint of a break-in, running after the criminals, and then, taking the case to the court of law. However, while deciding on a surveillance system, a lot of questions are likely to inundate …

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WordPress eCommerce

What Does Your ECommerce WordPress Website Need ‘Behind the Scenes’?

The world of online retail is a crowded and fierce market with a multitude of online competitors. For the customer, finding the best value product for the best price is key, but there are also other factors that entice the customer to buy when setting up a successful eCommerce website. For your business, your website can be so much more than a stand-alone selling platform. With WordPress plug-ins, some of which are free to implement, you can extend what your …

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The Power of Social Proof in Digital Marketing

As you know, there’s an art to driving conversions. But did you know there’s also a science to it? When it comes to digital marketing, leveraging the power of social proof and the influence it has over the human brain can be particularly profitable. The Psychology of Social Proof This is the essence of social proof. By our very nature, we are hesitant to make choices and are always looking for proof that we’re doing the right thing. When people …

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The Role of Facebook Behind the Rise of Donald Trump as President

A few months ago, when the campaigning for the presidential election was going on across the states, Mark Zuckerberg shared some thoughts that indicated he doesn’t like the newly elected president Donald Trump. He said, In fact, he was so much against the concept of deporting the immigrants and building the wall at Mexico border that he clearly stated, Zuckerberg loves freedom of speech Seeing such remarks, you may say that Mark is truly a liberal person. He may want a …

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SEO - search engine optimization

How You Can Use SEO to Counter the Rising Use of Ad Blockers

Many businesses, big and small, have found the recent rise in ad blocking extremely annoying and worrisome because of the heavy impact on their marketing campaigns that rely substantially on online advertising. Businesses that have a substantial audience of millennials recently witnessed that their ability to reach and communicate with the consumers has been severely impaired. The main reason for their failure to lure customers is the ad blockers installed on the devices of consumers which they use to browse …

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15 the Most Impressive Car Templates from TemplateMonster – All CMS

The Internet today is full of bright sites with colorful pages. That is why a topical question arises. How to get the attention to your site? How to grab more visitors? No problems for TemplateMonster. This is nothing but their field of activity. They are keen on web design and strive to create more qualitative and appealing templates. Even the most sophisticated user may find the perfect template to create a site. We can make the first impression only once. …

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Magento Extensions

Best Magento Security Extensions for your Online Store

E-commerce business is increasing swiftly, and numerous people rush to e-commerce websites to buy products they need. Several new business owners are making an entry into e-commerce business, and it is natural that thousands of servers are working 24*7 to protect the private information of customers. When you have an E-commerce store with Magento, you need to take all possible steps to secure your site against online security vulnerabilities because hackers continuously try to hack your E-stores for their own …

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Yotaphone 2 Dual Screen Phone with Always-On Back Screen

Do You Know About Yotaphone 2 Dual Screen Phone with Always-On Back Screen?

Did you hear about the brand called Yota? If your answer is NO, then you will surely get surprised with the following information. You may not believe that Yota has an excellent and an attractive feature phone in their collections, which is still a unique one. Yota had inbuilt their phone with lots of interesting features which are going to make you stunt like me when I came to know about them first. So today in this article I am …

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6 Top Selling Android TV Box under $100 on EverBuying

Here I am going to share six top selling Android TV boxes. These TV boxes are doing pretty good in the market, and you can get them from Everbuying. So let’s begin with the following names including their unique and highlighting features and prices. 1) SCISHION V88 TV Box: This box is going to give you the pleasure of 4K HD video quality with high performance. In this TV box, you are going to get 8GB eMMC internal memory that …

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3 Ways to Stay Safe from Credit Card Fraud

We’re in a world where speed is now the name of the game. From fast foods to fast cars and, yes, fast business transactions. Add to that the internet and “fast” has gone onto a different level entirely. Most times, especially when making business transactions, speed could be vital. Several banks have come up with various schemes and plans to make the exchange of money simpler, faster and better. Companies now offer their customers several channels through which they can make …

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