
A directory of all our previously published articles from newest to oldest order.
Wordpress Plugins

Top Handy WordPress Plugins Every Site Should Have

Nowadays, WordPress experts are relying mostly on the plugins. That helps in proficient functioning of the website, and further helps in addressing queries in the most matured manner.  Now, if you browse through the internet and if you don’t have the basic idea, you can be flooded with so many plugins from the WordPress branch. And not all are meant for you. It is during such instances when you have to think about looking for the topmost promising WordPress plugins, …

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AI Artificial Intelligence Aided Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence Aided Machine Learning – The Future of Reality

Humanity’s great passion since times immemorial has been to shape everything in the surrounding into a reflection of the self or an extension of the capabilities. First, there were simple tools, serving to accentuate the capabilities of the hands; later, crude machines built to do the work of many people, or at least ease the work of one, came into existence. In the modern era, humanity is en route to a revolution: machines that have intelligence on par with that …

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apple watch - smartwatch

Looking for a Smartwatch Phone? Try These 5 from GearBest!

The smartwatch trend has exploded in recent years, with several large brands having their own models on the market; some more useful than others, each with their own pros and cons. One thing they all have in common, though, is that they require a mobile phone to get the most out of them. Are there smartwatches on the market that could potentially replace your mobile? Well yes, and if you are in the market for a smartwatch phone then consider these …

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mobile application - mobile app marketing

How Beneficial Strategies of Mobile App Marketing are Helpful for Your Business?

With millions of applications available across iOS, Android, Windows, etc. sometimes it is difficult to discover your application. Getting your mobile application discovered easily is the fundamental challenge faced by every mobile app marketer. Mobile app marketing is the major requirement for the successful growth of the mobile application and your business. A mobile app cannot succeed on any major mobile platform without an effective marketing plan. By applying appropriate marketing strategies, you can make your mobile app discoverable among …

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Top 10 Platforms to Create your Free Blog

Public Blog Networks (PBN): What You Need to Know

PBNs (Private Blog Networks) were banished by Google back in 2014 and, since then, they have not been used by white-hat search engine optimization professionals for fear of manual action ranking penalties. And though trying to “white up” this grey-hat SEO tactic for link-building purposes is still not safe, this doesn’t mean that you cannot have at least some kind of theoretical knowledge about PBNs. In this article, I’ll explain everything you need to know about creating and managing a …

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advertising analytics analysis tools business chart data statistics technology

7 Top-Rated Analysis Tools for Your Brick-and-Mortar Store

Brick-and-mortar stores use big data and analytics tools to maximize transactional value. Through data analysis, brick-and-mortar stores can learn more about their operational needs, financial performance, efficient or inefficient processes, customer behaviors, and more. Analytics tools use heat mapping, detect facial expressions, and closely monitor transactional data through POS analytics. You can define areas where customers spend the most time and understand their intrinsic reactions to your products. You’ll use the information to develop stronger marketing and merchandising strategies, make …

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bank budget business cash coins euro finance money real estate revenue savings

Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Effective for Selling Real Estate?

Real estate sales can be a lucrative—if tricky—business. If you’re a homeowner looking to sell your home as quickly as possible, or for the best price possible, you’re better off working with a real estate agent. According to Green Residential, only about 10 percent of homes listed as FSBO (for sale by owner) end up selling. But if you’re a real estate agent, your job will depend on your ability to spread the word on new properties as quickly as …

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6 Ways of Improving Productivity Level in Your Workplace

Every minute of our lives is gold and should be treated as such. The hours which you spend, and the things you do at home and work should particularly matter to you. When it comes to working, the number of hours spent counts. But not as much as the attitude displayed at the time. Working a lazy 24 hours is not going to put millions into your bank account but working smart can. Working smart and being productive is not …

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What is AMP & How To Integrate It With WordPress

It takes only a few seconds for a person visiting your website for the first time to make the decision whether they should stick around or not. With the advent of cloud infrastructures and smart technology, exposure to the Internet has become quite common among the world’s population. Back in the days, such technologies were obsolete, and people were more dependent towards alternate ways of communication. However, today the Internet has globalized, and you can find it accessible at every …

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computer laptop gadgets table technology website desk

Your Micro-Interactions Maybe Stealing Your Customer’s Attention – Find out how!

The early internet designed by Kahn and Cerf was not meant to keep people out. It was intended to be a global conduit of information. MIT Profession and AI researcher, Howard Shrobe says, Internet security is a pressing concern that is driving the designers and the website developers nuts. Pulling the target audience towards your site becomes tough with an iron fence around your site. But once the guards are down, keeping them safe from scammers and bootleggers is more …

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