
A directory of all our previously published articles from newest to oldest order.

7 Brilliant Tips to Make Your Agile Projects Run Smoothly

Agile is a well-known project management practice that has moved well beyond software developers and their projects. Marketing, Sales, Finance and other industries are applying Scrum, Kanban and other Agile approaches in their processes and getting positive results. However, even with the best guidance and most extensive knowledge, making a transition from traditional project management into Agile is not easy. Trust me, having experienced multiple teams over going this change; there are always some things that just don’t seem to …

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apps - device - gadget - earphones - headphones - media - nokia windows smartphone

Top 6 Best Windows Smartphone On and Around or Under Dollar $200.00

Looking for the best Windows smartphone around the price $200.00? In the Smartphone market, there are lots of Windows smartphone available with lots of features like Good Camera Quality, Decent battery life, Smooth performance, and much more. Here we have listed the top best Windows-based Lumia smartphones that you can buy on and around $200.00. #1 Nokia Lumia 1520 16GB Unlocked GSM 4G LTE Windows 8 Smartphone The Nokia Lumia 1520 is the first Windows-Based Smartphone on our list of …

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Smartphone Security: How to Avoid Smartphone Hackers

In 2016, it was estimated that roughly 2.1 Billion people around the world use smartphones. As you can imagine, those numbers are only set to increase with more and more countries developing and beginning to offer smartphones in their country. It is said that by 2020, there will be 2.87 billion people worldwide with smartphones ( As the increase in smartphone users rises so does the amount of theft and harassment from hackers. Hackers are finding innovative ways to tap …

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SEO Tips: Why Site Speed Actually Matters to Rank High in SERP

Ever visit a website that was painfully slow? It’s safe to say that the majority of us have. Interestingly, most of us didn’t really start to care about site speed up until a couple of years ago. So what changed? That’s simple: Our attention span. With practically every person and their dog owning a smartphone and/or tablet. The world of “instant” everything has rapidly expanded, causing most users to have high expectations, especially as more advancements are constantly being introduced …

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quadcopter - drone performance

3 Interesting Tips for Better Drone Performance

In case you haven’t noticed, aerial drones are one of the most popular new gadgets on the market today. Drone sales have soared in recent years. According to this Fortune Magazine article, sales of drones (also referred to as Unmanned Arial Vehicles, or UAVs) nearly tripled in 2016. Citing statistics from the retail research group NPD, there were almost one million drones sold in the US in 2016, making this one of the fastest growing technologies in the country. According …

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Five Reasons to Choose Magento 2.0 for your Virtual Store in Automotive Environment

The ever growing nature of automotive technology forces the automotive industry to have the dual attitude for their business growth, competitor-focused as well as customer-focused. Currently, having a virtual store or webshop is a rather a fundamental necessity for both of those attitudes. Of course, selection of right tools and technologies plays an excessively critical role for the same. Challenges In the automotive environment, comparatively, automobile part suppliers are more likely to get the advantage of eCommerce store due to …

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Risks and Advantages Associated With Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Risks and Advantages Associated With Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Right from offering or to offering simple payments with mobiles, the wheels of the technological world are really moving too fast. There was a time when you would look for simple automobile or radio parts from shop to shop and now, even mobile parts can be availed online that too from different vendors from all over the globe. Nevertheless, here we are talking about the latest revolution called AI or the Artificial Intelligence. Technically, it includes everything from autonomous cars …

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Modern Day Gadgets to Gift Him on His Special Day

When it comes to gift giving, many of us find that it is easier to find that special something for a woman over a man. Perhaps, as ABC News reports this is due to the fact that women tend to love to shop and men do not. As a gift giver, we can see the preferences that a woman has when she is in the store. Yet, because men tend not to shop, finding that perfect gift can be a …

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Successful Marketing for Wealth Building Begins with Flexibility

Some people presume that a successful marketing campaign is something you can buy in a box or in a digital download for $97. And if you do that, and follow the instructions inside to the letter, you’ll get rich. But it doesn’t work that way. No matter what marketing strategy you buy, and no matter which promotional guru trains you. The level of success you achieve with your campaign can only be equal to who you’re being in the world. …

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online content context marketing

Here’s Why You Need to Develop More Interactive Content

Do you feel like your content is getting stale? Tired of writing the same old bland blog posts that never get read or shared? You may need to give your content marketing a face-lift and interactive content could be the answer. Interactive Content: A Must-Have Content marketing has undergone a pretty clear progression. At first, there was pure text-based web content. Then, there was rich media content. Personalization followed as the third predominant trend. Now, we’re experiencing what Scott Brinker …

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