
A directory of all our previously published articles from newest to oldest order.
Person wearing a headset, looking at a laptop screen in a bright room.

How Insight Engines are Paving the Future of Customer Support

Customer service needs to be reimagined for a new era. More than two-thirds of consumers say they prefer serving themselves to relying on a conversation with a customer support representative, and a surprising 91 percent of people would use a self-support service if it met their needs. Self-service is becoming more popular. Information is more readily available. Mobile devices are affording customers more demand for instant gratification. Together, all these factors are reshaping how we think about customer support, and …

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Republish Your Old Posts with Up-to-date Content to Get More Traffic

Let’s face the truth. It is not easy to just write an article, publish on a website and then start getting traffic in thousand numbers. Especially if you are a veteran blogger, then it needs a lot of more work to get potential and high traffic. Every writer knows that publishing a new content means a well-researched, well-written and engaging piece of article he/she needs. You have to give meaningful and to-the-point information with showing your brilliance in writing. We can …

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Smart Technologies of 2017 – Let’s Find Out the Current Progress!

Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds on an almost regular basis. And to keep up with them is really difficult. By the end of the year what we once considered as upbeat, an in-thing, fashionable, trendy and latest seems to become outdated and obsolete. Wouldn’t you say this is the case? So, what are going to be the smart technologies of 2017? Read on to find out below: Software of the Future A lot of money is being spent on …

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Tips to Increase Your Mobile Security Without Slowing It Down

Mobile security is a topic that never goes out of the news. Every now and then we hear news about mobile security and its vulnerabilities. People use mobile devices and have become so much dependent on them that it is hard for them to imagine their lives without not having one. They need to keep their mobile devices safe and secure because they’ve stored private data in the form of pictures, videos, text messages, etc. on their mobile devices. Imagine …

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Quick Tips to Boost Landing Page Conversion Rate

Landing pages are the center for incoming lead generation tussles. Whatever marketing campaign you run or event you present, all must bring your users to the most bounded landing pages. Everyone pays attention to bringing traffic to the landing pages by implementing all the techniques to get conversions. Landing pages that are not made as per the original search simply lose their significant share of traffic. Designing and organizing the landing pages is the most challenging task and if one …

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How to Make the Most Out of Content: An SEO Perspective

From the early days of SEO, content has played a vital role in driving traffic, increasing SERPs, attracting backlinks, and converting visitors into customers. But, though SEO specialists have always realized the importance of “content generation,” they didn’t always emphasize content quality. At least, this was the case before Google’s Penguin and Panda updates. Times have changed, though. Google has become much smarter and is no longer satisfied with spammy, link-stuffed content. The search giant is all about providing value …

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6 Quick Tips to Improve Your Business Operations

Operational proficiency is one of the most significant components that helps businesses to stay competitive and leads them straight to success. You can easily make consistent enhancements to create the biggest impact on your business. Here are 6 operational moves to extend profits and scale back expenses: 1. Review Your Business Plan A business plan is basically designed to magnetize investors and to provide a blueprint of your business. It must illustrate the goals, objectives, strategies, and suggests modes of operations for …

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7 Excellent Ways to Outsmart Your Competition in 2017

As technology continues to evolve, it has become even more imperative for businesses to stay afloat in their various industries. Suddenly, you are now forced to adopt new marketing tactics, add new social media channels and revamp your sales funnels in order to stay ahead of the demand that your business may be producing. Because of this if your company wants to survive the 2017 technology shift you must be willing to not only evolve with the times, but you …

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How is Technology Helping Banking Institutions?

Banking and finance are two important parts of commerce and are constantly developing. The scope of banking traditionally meant the accepting of money from their customers and lending any surplus to other people who had the need for funds. This has since evolved to providing a whole range of services to serve both financial and non-financial needs. Technology has significantly helped these changes. How is technology helping banking institutions? Initially, technology was used by banks for back office operations. This …

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Internet Marketing Tools Strategy

Internet Marketing Tools That Will Double Your Revenue

Ever since the internet has evolved into time, it seems there are always entrepreneurs out there trying so many different marketing skills with intentions of trying to double their revenue. Can you blame them, really?  Today, we are going to go over five specific internet marketing techniques which will double one’s revenue. Understanding the Key Notes to Develop a Mobile Strategy With everyone, including your grandmother having and religiously using cellular phones in the present day, it would be in …

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